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  • C
    Thanks, I am. I'm packing up my stuff for tomorow.
    I'm good, just dreading going back to school. One day left of summer vacation for me :[
    Yup I'm gonna hit the hay, too. Night night!
    Thanks for adding me Tsendo. :hug: And thanks for hearing me out! I appreciate it.
    Hi Tsendo. Good chatting with you today. See you 'round the forums!
    Thanks for the reply. I hope the summer is treating you well. My wife and I are going to Smith Mountain lake for the 4th where our daughter and son in law have rented a house. We're renting a pontoon boat, so we'll be out on the lake on the busiest weekend of the year. As you may have read in other posts, my wife has started home dialysis training, so we have been doing that two times a week. She's diabetic, and the disease has destroyed her kidneys. She can't get a transplant until the wound on her foot heals, and it hasn't healed for three years, so not much hope there. Being in Boston, I guess much will be going on with the 4th. I hope you can enjoy it, unless you have to work:( Well, enjoy your family and brothers. Lynchburg is still here when you get back.haha...
    Hey great to hear from you. I have to work tonight, so will be out. I got on right before dinner. It doesn't take long in the summer to get bored. Did you get your job yet. The news says jobs are going to be scarce for college students. The more desperate adults have them taken up. Well... got to go eat, but I'll stay in tough.

    Your friend.....Dogboy
    Thank, it means a lot. May I add you as a friend, and how do I do that. This actually is the first blog site I have ever been on, even though I've been on the internet for years. Hope you are having a good summer, by the way. I wasn't sure if it was safe to contact you at home. Didn't know if you had a family shared computer, and who knew what. Again, thanks.
    I know you are on to post about are meet up...
    Man I want to talk to you still but it seems like you are never on anymore...
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