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  • heyyy you are not on MSN *pouts*

    anyways how ya doing? guess what i got? i ordered some Green Chucks ^^
    Aww I'm Sorry! *hugs* Well all the advice I can give is do all your eating and drinking(well at least what u can eat and drink) during the first hour of taking ur pain meds and take ur pain meds 30 mins before its about where off.That's what the doctor told me when I had my tonsils and adenoids out when I was 15 and I was in serious pain it helped me some. Well I hope you feel better! *Sends get well vibes to Mandi*
    Hey! How did it go w/ the wisdom teeth? Hopefully not to painful..
    Mm mhmm!

    Now that's a tasty slice of Lukie Pie!
    she said that because you cant eat or drink so many hours before she woke up right before the procedure and told the nurse she really wanted a burger LMAO
    O.O oh gosh
    thats scary my sister did that they had to dislocate her jaw...but it wsa funny afterwards cause she was high off the painkillers for a few days ^^
    I was in the mountains cause a friend invited me to his house for a few days, and I thought why not. Needless to say, around day 5 we we're bored out of our minds.

    Well, music isn't too hard. It takes will. If you do, your set. As long as you decide on a first instrument and are sure you want it. Do you have any idea what that might be, should you ever decide to pick music up?
    I've been on the opposite, been having trouble trying to do so.

    I also had a horrible time up in the mountains too. I suffered sever nicotine withdrawal for one, Not a store for 30 Miles! D:. The town had a population of only 80 year old men, all 4 of them.

    Buut, the scenery was good, and I had some musical inspiration. I got some lyrics and concepts for songs.

    Hell of a time.

    May I be curious enough to ask if you play any musical instrument or have any dedicated creative outlet? (Except writing, which your pretty damn good at by the way!)
    I'm back. :D
    Oh wait. I didn't tell you. D:
    Anyways, how are things?
    yeah.....thanks Mandi
    well ill talk to you later but i think im going now so bye bye *hugs*
    we shall not speak of those
    i cussed like a sailor for a day i crossed that bridge im not back
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