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  • Hello there Egor! Things were a bit hectic yesterday. Mom looked like death warmed over and couldn't get out of bed yesterday. Had to send her to the ER. She apparently has emphysema (COPD?) and bronchitis. They kept her overnight last night and plan to release her by tonight. However sometime in the hospital she had some kind of change of thought I guess cause today she called and thanked me for a lot of stuff. Like a backlog of thank you's. I have to admit, it felt nice.

    How are you doing?
    I could relate a lot to your blog(s) and enjoy reading your posts. Just wanted to say hello, thanks, and that I hope to be friends!
    I thought I'd drop you a note egor...I'm glad to see you doing quite well here! I hope you got the mowing sorted out...take care of Vancouver, Wa for me...I miss it... Mostly, you are proving to be an inspiration...keep up the good efforts! Warmest Regards, -Marka
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