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    Reactions: KBoy, BBBen and PaigeCherubiel
    Haha....not much. I did my music thing at church this morning and then crashed this afternoon. Hope you're doing well.
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    Reactions: BBBen and KBoy
    Happy Easter dogboy 🐇🐰🧸
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    Reactions: BBBen, BobbiSueEllen and PaigeCherubiel
    Thanks. Happy Easter to you. I played the last 4 pages of the Widor Cantata for my Easter postlude this morning. It's one of those difficult showy pieces..haha.
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    Reactions: BBBen and KBoy
    Bravo 💓
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    Reactions: BBBen
    Welcome to 7,900! 🤭🥰
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    Reactions: KBoy, BBBen, PaigeCherubiel and 1 other person
    Well, we all got somethin' in common, that's a good thing here that most other sites will never know...and I'm only skilled at cars & furniture because I can't afford a shop of either variety, LOL! But thank ya...and I like readin' up on your posts, you write very well! 🥳🥰
    • Like
    Reactions: dogboy, BBBen and KBoy
    dogboy does write well, and dogboy is so prolific that I haven't even begun to really get into.
    When I do I imagine your reaction score will go up some as you have written quite a bit to "like"
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    Reactions: BBBen and BobbiSueEllen
    Dogboy's a cool dude! He's got a lot of good readin' he holds the official posts record! Quite a feat for one's hands! 🤭🥳

    And he's a member of the Old Guard, too! 🥳🥳🥳
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    Reactions: BBBen
    Hi! I just saw you'd recently broken the 20,000-post barrier! Congratulations to you! Here's to the next 20,000...and have a terrific day! 🥳🥳🥳
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    Reactions: dogboy, BBBen, chickpea and 6 others
    Congratulations dogboy, Be somebody 💫🌟⭐✨
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    Reactions: BobbiSueEllen, PaigeCherubiel and Akura
    Thanks. Haha...I've been on this site a long time and I always enjoy it.
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    Reactions: KBoy and BobbiSueEllen
    You certainly can though I may be the person seeing you.
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    Reactions: BobbiSueEllen
    Are we not allowed to contact people on here
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    Reactions: PaigeCherubiel
    That's cool. What got ya into AB/DL? I started 42 years ago, when almost nobody knew there was even an AB/DL...and almost all of us into this were isolated.
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    Reactions: PaigeCherubiel
    Just love wear diapers
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    Reactions: PaigeCherubiel and BobbiSueEllen
    That's cool! I was 14 when I got back in diapers...1981. In 1999 I discovered AB/DL, converted to AB. In 2019, I came here after switching to toddler girl. This is the best place in existence for AB/DL.
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    Reactions: DLWee
    Hi from a newbie. Glad you got a chortle from my chosen song of life 😉
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    Reactions: BobbiSueEllen and PaigeCherubiel
    Haha....yeah, I enjoy things that are funny. I have a pretty good sense of humor.
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    Reactions: BobbiSueEllen and CCemma
    Hi fellow Virginian!!!
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    Reactions: BobbiSueEllen and nectar0001
    Hello back at'cha! Looks like we're going to have a wet Memorial Day weekend.
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    Reactions: BobbiSueEllen
    yeah, but I’m Myrle Beach for a wet weekend!
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    Reactions: BobbiSueEllen
    Oh, that sounds disappointing. Hope the weather clears up for you. It doesn't sound promising.
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    Reactions: BobbiSueEllen and todderhr
    I posted on thread Hi everyone, I have read your posts for many years and I remember when you lost your wife, Your post on the the thread Hi everyone brought me to tears, as we lost a son 5 years ago at 41 and i know the pain you must feel, I know it never ceases but it does change in intensities both up and down. Just wanted you to have a big virtual hug. wanted you to know why i deleted it if you had seen it.
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    Reactions: BobbiSueEllen, jcarr0119 and Angelapinks
    I'm so sorry to hear about your son. I'm not sure how I'd survive if I lost a son our daughter. I guess we somehow manage to get through. I sort of take one day at a time, some better than others. Thank you for your kind words. As we age, life throws more at us. I suspect there's a reason for this in the grand plan of things but it doesn't make living any easier.
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    Reactions: BobbiSueEllen and chamberpot
    You doing okay?
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    Reactions: BobbiSueEllen
    Thanks for asking ade. You're such a great guy. I'm doing fine but busy with church Christmas music. We had a concert Sunday night and I'm doing our cantata this coming Sunday. I guess you know I got moderated for my silly comment so I've not been posting as it has to be reviewed by a mod. I'll be more present once unmoderated.....sigh.
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    Reactions: BobbiSueEllen
    All us good uns have been modded and censored 🤭
    I missed the reason, but my imagination is running away the idea of a discussion which led to you making the statement of 'Moo comes from Macau!'
    Now, on with the carols!
    🎶Deck my balls with boughs of holly,
    Ow! ow! ow! ow! ow! ow! ow! ow! ow!🎶
    • Like
    Reactions: BobbiSueEllen
    Haha...... Yeah, I guess getting modded is a right of passage. Being me, I was just trying to be funny but I guess KitsunFox didn't think so and maybe I went too far. I'm okay accepting that.
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    Reactions: BobbiSueEllen and ade
    I am so sorry to see you moderated. Hope everything else is going well for you.
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    Reactions: Milianna, Chosen, Sapphyre and 3 others
    so why can't we PM you?????
    • Thinking
    Reactions: ade
    I noticed the same thing.
    • Thinking
    Reactions: Woncrinklz
    Hey, @dogboy. I see you around a lot and like what you post, so I decided to follow you. :)✌️
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    Reactions: Chosen
    Oh thanks. I've enjoyed the things you've had to say. You sound like a very nice person and you've touched me with your kindness.
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    Reactions: BobbiSueEllen, Woncrinklz, KrankyPants and 1 other person
    I'm back! My daughter who lives in California was visiting and just left today. I was busy as we did a lot of fun things. So now I'm back and I miss her.
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    Reactions: KrankyPants, rainbowpenguin, Weatheronthe8s and 3 others
    Welcome back!
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    Reactions: dogboy
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    Reactions: dogboy and BobbiSueEllen
    Been quiet, lately 🤔
    Well spotted. Dogboy, I hope everything is well with you.
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    Reactions: ade
    He logged on, today.
    Do you miss being a teacher?
    I miss some of the kids but not the rat race of teaching. There are so many troubled kids in public schools and I taught in an inner city school. Most of those kids were okay and some where great kids. The school I was in also was a applicant school where some of the students came from other districts. This was a middle school that had a great drama and music department and it was fun to work with them.
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    Reactions: BobbiSueEllen and KrankyPants
    Hi hi!! Just was reading a thread about the jobs we all have and saw you are a choral conductor and musician! That’s awesome! I went to school for music Ed and wanted to be a choral teacher. Just wanted to thank you for all you do 😄
    I wish I knew how to cut and past jokes off of face book to Here.

    I saw a cartoon of a music teacher in front a class of little kids and one of the kids is saying "you are making all of this up right" when she is pointing at the notes on a musical score written on the chalk board (I know you know what that means. My kids don't)

    Any way it made me think of you.

    Hope all is well with you.

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    Reactions: dogboy
    @egor i dont have facebook, but there should be a ... on the top right of a post. there should be a selection to save or copy. if ur on phone holding on to the image might work, maybe not. do try the first one though.
    I’m a diaper lover I have some clean baby diapers I just keep them I don’t throw them away they are so cute like the designs on them
    Hi! Your the member with the most messages at 20k. Your double the #2! Congrats 🥳
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    Reactions: dogboy and isabella
    Yeah. We're a rare breed. Judy Collins had a song to that, written for her son who was a guitarist with a band. The song was "Born to the Breed". Sadly, her son committed suicide.
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    • Wow
    Reactions: BobbiSueEllen and DiaperedDiscreetly
    I play 4 instruments. I am a level 8-9 pianist. I can play piano the best.
    Haha...thanks I guess. It probably means I have a big mouth. In reality, I've been on this site almost every day since March 2008 so it's cumulative.
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    Reactions: BobbiSueEllen and KrankyPants
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