None ABDLs, does anyone accuse you of having a diaper fetish?

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I am curious if anyone online has ever been mistaken as having a diaper fetish due to their IC because they use diapers and don't use any other options to avoid diapers.

I have been having an online discussion with a friend about it and this seems to be the case. I also noticed the same on reddit too in incontinent subs. Any decent diaper is considered ABDL. If you want a printed diaper, ABDL, wtf. There are underwear and boxers with patterns on them and graphic ones so why can't IC people have the same thing without anyone calling it a fetish?
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I frankly have never felt the need for "designer briefs" or similar. If I am doing things right, nobody ever sees the protection (no matter the type). My wife of course knows but I see no need to embarrass her by flaunting it around the home. So the brief can be white, or black, or blue for all it matters, though white (or TENA white with green) is my normal.

Because I also struggle with IBS-d, I sometimes "over protect", at least in my wife's eyes. She's never said it, but I sometimes thinks that I am a DL. For online, no, I have not had that problem.
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Stupid question.
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There are many great options that have nothing to with the fetish lifestyle. I don’t feel like many, or any at all, people like myself that have to wear a diaper for some form of incontinence would ever have any desire to wear a diaper with baby looking prints all over it. So the answer is no!
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People that wish to insult me about my question, I will tell you I have lurked on IC forums where those have brought up discussion about printed diapers and using them just to have fun with their medical issue. I always found it ableist to accuse those of having a diaper fetish that have to wear for medical reasons just because they wear a printed diaper. was a place for those to get accused of being a DL for accepting your medical issue or for allowing your partner to change you so that was the reason why many were coming here who are not ABDL but were also IC. Then on reddit, I have seen topics on IC subs calling medical diapers abdl because of how much they hold even though they are none printed.
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I can't say as I've been accused of having a diaper fetish, I have been asked if I had a medical need or if it was a fetish. Never offensively or disrespectfully just a handful of close people that found out accidently or happened to notice I was wearing a diaper. I think the biggest thing people notice is attitude, if you get defensive when asked about diapers it automatically sends up red flags in people's minds.
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First of all, I don't do anything that might bring me near to being seen as diaper fetishist - neither for myself nor for others. I don't have a fetish, diapers are a tool for managing my IC. I'm fully OK with the feeling to wear them (otherwise would be bad, I have to wear 24/7). Also the feeling of using them is fully OK - they saturate everything quickly and very soon after that they don't feel wet or damp. Wearing appropriate clothing they are very discreet and nobody else can tell - as long as nobody is aware, who should ever connect me with diaper fetish ?!? I'm not exposing anything to anyone, I'm behaving absolute normal, I feel and show no shame or embarrassment, and if someone would ever see or make a remark - I'm having a medical condition to deal with and I stand to it how I manage!

I do not look for any special cuts or prints, I don't care at all how the diapers look like (on "fashion" level). They only and simply have to fulfill my needs concerning saturation level, discreetness, comfort and, last not least, price. Diapers are for me simply a need and have nothing, really nothing to do with arousal, although being still intimate with my wife - we simply arranged and got used to this "normal" witch comes along being IC. And anything which yourself and your partner regard as "normal" cannot be a fetish object!

The only thing which might bring me in any doubt if it's not a thing of diaper fetish is that I prefer them as my solution for dealing with IC against condom catheters or self-cathetering, that I deny to add further meds against my urges, that I don't feel good with the imagination of botox injection or, more generally said, that I do not do everything that might be possible in order to avoid diapers and that I don't see them as the only and very last option if everything else fails. Does this make me a diaper fetishist? I'm quite sure not!!

Don't get me wrong, I've nothing against diaper fetishism, the same way as I have nothing against BDSM, shoe fetish or whatever else exists. Everyone shall be happy with which fetish anyone might have, as long as it is no harm to others (and themselves) and as long as I'm not involved personally ...

All in all, the question "does anyone accuse you of having a diaper fetish?" is in my eyes more a fetish based question and not an IC based one ;) !
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For most part i am with @hbic60, again. ;)

In my German incontinence forum there is a strict "no ABDL" policy, i think that is absolutely understandable either, but my condition was suspected "ABDL" in the beginning, maybe because i asked some "stupid questions" as well and because i could not get along with condom catheters, which is the "better" solution in the pov of the admin there. When i got my final diagnosis this stopped.

I am more active here now, simply because my kind of problems is more rarely. Topics about ISC i am active as before, but i keep my mouth shut for recommendations about diapers, which are not allowed to be named like that.

For my personal use / need the "briefs" look like diapers, sound like diapers and even smell like diapers, i have got no problems calling them diapers, they simply are. In medical settings i use the term that is used on location, in the last hospital the were called "panties", so i called them "panties". I avoid printed diapers though, i do not want to rise any questions.
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Pino said:
For most part i am with @hbic60, again. ;)

In my German incontinence forum there is a strict "no ABDL" policy, i think that is absolutely understandable either, but my condition was suspected "ABDL" in the beginning, maybe because i asked some "stupid questions" as well and because i could not get along with condom catheters, which is the "better" solution in the pov of the admin there. When i got my final diagnosis this stopped.

I am more active here now, simply because my kind of problems is more rarely. Topics about ISC i am active as before, but i keep my mouth shut for recommendations about diapers, which are not allowed to be named like that.
Pino, I think we visit in the same German incontinence forum - I fully understand and agree to their "no ABDL" policy, but in my opinion the admins are too strict about this issue - I've got the impression that there everything else is much, much more accepted than diapers, every kind and possibility of surgery is discussed deeply, every effort to avoid any kind of diaper is highly appreciated, if a discussion about them is coming up (especially with the emotional side of it, like self-acceptance, how to deal with it etc.) it's suppressed very quick - I like much more the open minded atmosphere here in this forum (accepting that it means sometimes a little ABDL content)! For sure the more medical focussed discussions in the German IC forum are absolutely valuable and very important, but the emotional side of IC, the help some people need with somehow accepting their status and how to handle it in the best way (even if it means diapers) is in my eyes too much out of focus. I feel the basic rule there might be: you shall never accept but fight IC as hard as possible (and beyond...)! - and that's simply not mine.
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Agree with what's been said. I don't think it's ever something that's likely to happen because barring my parents and medical professionals no one's likely to see me in protection. I was in nappies on and off until I was ten so going back to them was nothing new for my parents and they've obviously known about my chronic issues before my incontinence got a lot worse. I've tried other solutions and none worked as well (nappies are definitely the least worst option for me alas). Medical professionals know as my incontinence is a complication of my condition. In terms of bag checks at venues and other things, I figure they see the wheelchair and just put two and two together and figure it's because of my disability (which the worsening issues are).

I think there are obvious red flags and I'm not surprised people banging on about printed products or getting changed by other people aroused suspicion. Incontinence is more than just talking about nappies and the psychological impact of having to deal with it and finding other people who go through the same is one of the main bonuses of incontinence forums in my experience. Personally, those times I need help getting changed are utterly humiliating and I wouldn't want to discuss that too much other than offering people support who have/have had to go through the same ordeal. It was bad enough when I was ten, let alone now I'm older! I also think people would likely switch to other solutions if they could because of the cost if nothing else! The idea of using a condom catheter gave me a lot of false hope as I thought it would be less embarrassing and save me a shedload of cash. However, due to my neurological issues I'm unable to manage it myself and given that I can change myself (albeit with difficulty) a lot of the time it was a choice of having to ask for help sometimes vs. having to ask for help all the time.

In terms of printed products, I use Tykables products when I'm out as they're the best around for my needs. The hook and loop tapes mean unless I'm having a really bad day I can change myself as there's a lot of margin for error as due to my neurological issues on my right side I'm likely to screw up the taping on the first try. Plus, I need the protection of plastic backing and high capacity and when I've gone back to less absorbent products it hasn't ended well. However, there's really nothing fun about it as there's the cost involved, the bulk and of course bag checks are super embarrassing. If I could use other products I would as it would save me a shedload of cash if nothing else so yeah, I don't see printed products as adding 'fun' into one's condition, if anything it's the complete opposite. There's so much about being disabled that's super infantilising and that just hammers it home more to be honest. Now, if anyone were to ask about the prints I'd be honest - they're the best around in my opinion, suit my needs and I feel confident they won't fail me. If people have an issue with that then that's on them.

The naming debate's also interesting. Given nappies were a thing at night for me on and off until I was ten and were called that, I don't really see any difference between what I wore then and when I wear now. I'm also not a huge fan of euphemisms. To me, a pad is an insert pad, pull ups are pull ups and nappies are taped products. There's also a big element of owning it for me. Interestingly, I came across an article which said that if you've worn nappies for longer than normal for whatever reason then it's unsurprising they don't seem any different and you use the same word. I mean, even the Continence Team locally have called them nappies (which surprised me to be honest) and online medical/special needs/incontinence stores often refer to them as nappies.

So yeah, in sum I don't see anything fun about getting changed or using printed products at all. I can't think of anything worse than getting changed by a boyfriend or girlfriend and if you can get by with plain, more discreet, cheaper products I don't get why anyone would use printed products out of choice, rather than need. I mean, they're literally things you throw away so it seems pointless having patterns on there like regular underwear, especially if you're wearing plastic pants or a cover over the top anyway. I tend to wear regular underwear over the top when I'm out anyway.
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Wow. This is an interesting thread. The level of angst on display in many different ways here is very interesting to me. I am disappointed, even displeased, that some people were sufficiently rude to openly say that the OP's question was stupid. That's the same intolerant attitude that drives a lot of people outside this community, and I hope that those people learn to be compassionate toward their fellow man. Sooner or later they'll need compassion, too, and what goes around comes around.

Some of you already know I'm neither AB/DL (the slash is important as the two are not the same!) nor incontinent, but someone who uses diapers for practical reasons. (My profile says DL but that's because there really is no option that fits me.) In that I share some experiences with both communities; DL because I'm using without a medical necessity, but also IC because I use them as a tool to solve problems; I'm just solving different problems. As such I have great sympathy with both groups, and it bothers me to see spats arise between them. Doubtless some of that is aggravated by the occasional excesses of the AB/DL community, such as exhibitionism, but both communities have benefited from the other, such as the ICs being able to benefit from the diaper technologies developed by/for the AB/DL community. Peaceful, mutually respectful coexistence can only yield benefits to both. Be nice. :)

As for the "never accept, always fight" attitude of a particular other community, or perhaps just its admin, I'm going to break my own "be nice" rule just this once and say emphatically, that's stupid. I will give two important reasons why it's stupid. First, we only have so much emotional energy, and we will always have things in our lives which must be fought: unavoidable interpersonal conflicts thrust upon us by others, the various economic and logistical challenges we all face, and for many, dangerous or debilitating medical challenges as well. To say "peace is never an option" to something manageable like incontinence is, in my opinion, a complete waste of one of our most limited and valuable resources, emotional energy. We have to choose our battles wisely. This seems like one of the dumbest places possible to waste it; make peace, make accommodation, and fight the unavoidable battles.

There's another reason I think it's stupid to "avoid diapers at all costs." Surgery and medication are risky, often very risky, as are indwelling catheters, which incidentally have the other attribute of often being downright painful. Add to the risk and discomfort the sometimes staggering financial toll pursuing treatment for uncomplicated urinary IC can take, and acceptance becomes a very sensible-looking option. At the very least, those who choose to fight rather than accept should be gracious toward those who choose to accept it and spend their resources on other fights.

And there we've come full circle. Mutual respect and understanding, both between those who choose to wear for pleasure and those who choose to wear to mitigate a challenge, and between those who choose to fight the challenge and those who choose to accept it and adapt, will go such a long way toward making everyone happier, and all our lives more enjoyable. We only get one life; let's focus on making it the best it can be, and not attack one another for the ways in which we choose to do that.
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hbic60 said:
All in all, the question "does anyone accuse you of having a diaper fetish?" is in my eyes more a fetish based question and not an IC based one ;) !
This is insuilting because my ex did this all the time, fetishized everything I did when I was just existing and being myself and doing what i enjoy doing like watching TV shows or films I liked and eating foods I liked and everything had to be baby to him.

I asked this question because I see lot of ignorance online like on reddit and seeing those in IC subs being accused of ABDL or saying ABDLs take over Amazon reviews and I wonder "How the hell do they know who is ABDL and who is not, unless they say they are." Unless lot of them are showing their soggy diapers, then I see their point.

I did once see a youtube video of someone ranting about how she is worried people will think she is ABDL when they find out she wears diapers and she seemed to be blaming the community than on ignorance and ableism on IC.
Pino said:
In my German incontinence forum there is a strict "no ABDL" policy, i think that is absolutely understandable either, but my condition was suspected "ABDL" in the beginning, maybe because i asked some "stupid questions" as well and because i could not get along with condom catheters, which is the "better" solution in the pov of the admin there. When i got my final diagnosis this stopped.
Thank you, these are the kind of responses I was looking for and I felt gaslighted at the beginning in this thread from the first few responses.

People are so ignorant they are ableist towards IC people as well by thinking of them as having a diaper fetish just because they do not handle IC their way and fit their narrative of being IC.
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Pino said:
In my German incontinence forum there is a strict "no ABDL" policy, i think that is absolutely understandable either, but my condition was suspected "ABDL" in the beginning, maybe because i asked some "stupid questions" as well and because i could not get along with condom catheters, which is the "better" solution in the pov of the admin there. When i got my final diagnosis this stopped.
This was the pervasive view in every incontinence forum I encountered from when I got on the internet in the mid 90's. Except my final diagnosis didn't cause it to stop. That is why I do not participate in any other forums now. The amount of misinformation on the ADISC Incontinence Forum given by fetishists is no more than the misinformation given on the average incontinence forum by the anti-fetishists. I just got tired of not participating in the other forums, because my wearing briefs/diapers disqualified me, as wearing briefs/diapers was seen as being a fetish. My decision is based on working with competent urologists and their recommendations.

Calico said:
I have been having an online discussion with a friend about it and this seems to be the case. I also noticed the same on reddit too in incontinent subs. Any decent diaper is considered ABDL. If you want a printed diaper, ABDL, wtf. There are underwear and boxers with patterns on them and graphic ones so why can't IC people have the same thing without anyone calling it a fetish?
"Any decent diaper is considered ABDL" is an over generalization. I believe a reasonable delineation is how would a medical professional view a diaper. My urologist is fully aware of all of my urinary incontinence and the diapers and pads I use to contend with it, my retention and the catheters he prescribes for it, the side effects of medication I have tried, and the lack of medical/surgical procedures that will help "fix" my type of incontinence. There is a big difference between what he would think if I showed up in a white MegaMax or a Tykables whatever print. The quality of the diaper is for me. The appearance of the diaper is for the medical professionals that I am in constant contact with. Scooby-Doo not printed on my butt is not going to mean it's going to be a bad day!

DadPhilosopher said:
There's another reason I think it's stupid to "avoid diapers at all costs." Surgery and medication are risky, often very risky, as are indwelling catheters, which incidentally have the other attribute of often being downright painful. Add to the risk and discomfort the sometimes staggering financial toll pursuing treatment for uncomplicated urinary IC can take, and acceptance becomes a very sensible-looking option. At the very least, those who choose to fight rather than accept should be gracious toward those who choose to accept it and spend their resources on other fights.
Please take heed of the header at the top of each page of the Incontinence Forum, as well as the Sticky Thread on page 1 of the Incontinence Forum (We cannot give you medical advice). Incontinence is a symptom of disease, disorder, or damage, and is extremely varied as a result. Likewise the degree of disability that may accompany said disease, disorder, or damage, may necessitate intervention, even if it's only for the convenience of the individual. This is why we do not give or discourage medical advice. After metastatic prostate cancer and major reconstruction of my bladder neck, I required an indwelling catheter for six weeks to prevent newly forming scar tissue from blocking my urethra. Many, many people on this website, including you, speak about the riskiness of surgery, medication, and indwelling catheters. But I required all three in a life saving surgery. I was incontinent and wearing diapers pre surgery. I am incontinent and wearing diapers post surgery. I believe what you are doing is fighting to make people accept instead of supporting, and that is not what the Incontinence Forum is about.
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Article my friend showed me when I was feeling gaslighted and feeling like I imaged things I read online on IC forums.

It's in another language but this part caught me and I hated the lady for her reaction. This is how she feels about IC people?

His diaper peeked out from the waistband of his pants. "Suddenly, a woman rushed up to me and said I was probably a pervert who was going to fuck small children. That was pretty bad for me. Luckily, an old woman came and defended me and said she had to wear diapers too."
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InconLifer said:
So yeah, in sum I don't see anything fun about getting changed or using printed products at all. I can't think of anything worse than getting changed by a boyfriend or girlfriend and if you can get by with plain, more discreet, cheaper products I don't get why anyone would use printed products out of choice, rather than need. I mean, they're literally things you throw away so it seems pointless having patterns on there like regular underwear, especially if you're wearing plastic pants or a cover over the top anyway. I tend to wear regular underwear over the top when I'm out anyway.
Same reaspn why someone would wear printed underwear. I hated my panties in 6 and 7th grade because they were all plain colored or white and I was forced to go for bikinii underwear in junior high and high school because they had had patterns on them and prints and they looked childish to me but I still wished they were granny panties. Then I started to see bikini type being made for children as well so i thought I guess I can start learning to like mine now since kids can wear them now in their sizes.

I have always been childlike and never liked plain looking clothes that looked too mature.

Not all continent people like pattern underwear either so they wear plain colored or white ones. I have seen IC people say online they like to have fun sometimes so they wear a printed diaper. I never assume they are ABDL like some might because of the association.
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CheshireCat said:
Please take heed of the header at the top of each page of the Incontinence Forum, as well as the Sticky Thread on page 1 of the Incontinence Forum (We cannot give you medical advice). Incontinence is a symptom of disease, disorder, or damage, and is extremely varied as a result. Likewise the degree of disability that may accompany said disease, disorder, or damage, may necessitate intervention, even if it's only for the convenience of the individual. This is why we do not give or discourage medical advice. After metastatic prostate cancer and major reconstruction of my bladder neck, I required an indwelling catheter for six weeks to prevent newly forming scar tissue from blocking my urethra. Many, many people on this website, including you, speak about the riskiness of surgery, medication, and indwelling catheters. But I required all three in a life saving surgery. I was incontinent and wearing diapers pre surgery. I am incontinent and wearing diapers post surgery. I believe what you are doing is fighting to make people accept instead of supporting, and that is not what the Incontinence Forum is about.
Nothing I said should have been construed as medical advice beyond being tolerant of other people's choices. We all take calculated risks every day, and I'm not one to say that necessity, or simply benefits, can't make something a good risk...they OFTEN do. What I think is stupid is railing against those who don't face a life thteatening necessity (hence my phrase, uncomplicated IC) choosing not to take those risks, as though that makes them automatically fetishists or unintelligent.

I also fail to see how advocating for peace and self-acceptance, however that looks, is not the very essence of supporting. There's much more to support than just logistics.
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CheshireCat said:
This was the pervasive view in every incontinence forum I encountered from when I got on the internet in the mid 90's. Except my final diagnosis didn't cause it to stop. That is why I do not participate in any other forums now. The amount of misinformation on the ADISC Incontinence Forum given by fetishists is no more than the misinformation given on the average incontinence forum by the anti-fetishists. I just got tired of not participating in the other forums, because my wearing briefs/diapers disqualified me, as wearing briefs/diapers was seen as being a fetish. My decision is based on working with competent urologists and their recommendations.
Sorry this happened, people are so cruel and ableist. To be accused of being a DL is the same as what my ex did to me by assuming I was kinking all the time when I was just being myself and he just had to assume everything I did was ABDL. I mean people on the spectrum tend to be more childish and like immature things anyway but there are even NTs that are into immature stuff and look at Japan and Kawaii and Lolita fashion. But my ex's logic, they all be ABDL.

Me liking apple sauce, ABDL which was stupid so by his own logic, he was also ABDLing since it was his apple sauce he was sharing with me.

I once did a "What is a Jerry?" thread but it got removed because it got derailed. It was mostly about my ex, the crap he did to me.
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