Your earliest memory

The earliest memory of life I have is from I was 2 or 3 sleeping in my sister's room for naps. I guess my mom didn't want me taking naps in my own room? My older sister is in my memory in the back yard cleaning out her panties with the garden hose because of her accidents and I can hear mom calling her "poop". My dad calling us to the kitchen for our medicine called "nummy nummies", and we would run there as fast as we could all 3 of us. Oh, they also played a lot of Pink Floyd, and sang the songs to me. That may be why I 💝 them so much. When I need my go to music, I call apon Roger Waters and David Gilmore.
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Earliest memory I can think of is when I was really little. I was sitting in the floor in the living room and was looking I to the kitchen watching my mom prepare a meal.

My earliest diaper-related memory is being at my cousin’s house sometime before I started preschool. I was still in diapers and I remember grabbing a diaper and bringing it to my grandma so that she could change me.
The earliest memory I can recall is when I was probably around 4 or 5, I was hiding in a cupboard wearing nothing but a nappy and my mum was doing housework, hoovering/vacuuming I think. I have no idea why I was hiding, if I got caught or why I was wearing the nappy and whether I was supposed to be in it or not.
My only memory from a very young age was when I was 4 years old going to play school. I suffered from tunnel vision which was a psychological thing. I was pushing another kid around on a train thing. Before that I have no memory at all at least not one I can remember nowadays at 55. My memory is gradually fading with age so only the most significant memories would stay long term.
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Tassiedevil said:
When I was about 7 I was put into nappies and plastic pants as a punishment for being caught trying on my sisters nappies (she was 5 and a bedwetter). lasted until I was about 13 or so when my sister finally dried out at night.
Wow. That’s a long punishment!
My first memory is when I was 4 and my nana had just died. She had uterine cancer and a very large tumor that the doctors misdiagnosed. Sorry I’m still a bit irked by that. I was already out of diapers and potty trained by then. I do remember picking up an old phone in my parents’ room and asking God if I could “talk to my nana“

My earliest diaper related memory is when I was 12. I had started wetting the bed and my mom made the decision to put me back in diapers at night after other means failed. I remember resisting at first and my dad holding me still and my mom taping the Depends Small diaper on me.

I remember her telling me at the time that when she worked at a nursing home the residents frequently wore diapers and she was very skilled at putting them on bigger people.

Little did she know I would grow to like them and want to go back to my childhood.
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BabyBoyRyan said:
The earliest memory I can recall is when I was probably around 4 or 5, I was hiding in a cupboard wearing nothing but a nappy and my mum was doing housework, hoovering/vacuuming I think. I have no idea why I was hiding, if I got caught or why I was wearing the nappy and whether I was supposed to be in it or not.
Were you still regularly in nappies when you were four or five?

I didn’t properly grow out of them until I was five - very late. I remember being embarrassed about still needing nappies at that age.
Ali123 said:
Were you still regularly in nappies when you were four or five?
I really don't remember, but thinking about it I must have been or at least partially or recently out of them. There really wouldn't have been any reason for them to be in the house as my brother is older than me by a few years.
Earliest vivid memories are 4+ where I can recall my entire childhood like it was yesterday, more or less. A few fleeting glimpses and segments as early as 3 but not many.