What nappy/diaper are you wearing at the moment?

Tykables animooz nice full 1/2 full pee only ware two diaper fill them up been long time get them this full think drink more water
Cloth pre-fold secured with both pins and Snappies. It's still dry, but will be soaked by bedtime.
Tena active maxi
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Boxer briefs today, but looking forward to a Tena Active Maxi or Ultima tonight.
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Moderately wet Crinklz Fairy Tales. I love my cute pink diapers ☺️
Tena active Ultima.
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Me and my lil one are both wearing at mo
Well, in the end I didn’t wear last night, but tonight I am very tired tonight so I’m ready for bed wearing an Active Fit Tena Maxi and plastic pants.
When I got home from work on my doorstep was a box of Northshore Mega Max! I also got baby powder and lotion. I already had to pee, so I hurried in. Unfolded the Mega max on the bed. Lotioned and powdered up. Taped the Megamax on tightly, then flooded! After that, I pulled on some shorts and did some work outside, waddling all the while. It is now 3 hours later, nearly bedtime. This swollen Megamax will sleep with me tonight, ready to collect the pee that would otherwise soak my bed
im trying a bambino bellissemo diaper for the 2nt time and i got to say for a 5,500ml diaper theses things hold up to the 7500ml abunivers diapers
MegaMax Lite. Such a great daytime diaper but time to change for the night into a Trest!
Drylife slip super. Really crinkly and puffy.
a wet Rearz mermaid tales
1 am in abu
Rearz safari, had it on for four hours and lost count of number of wettings. It's still holding up pretty well, since every accident is smaller than the last!
A nice, clean, powdered up Purple disposable.
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Pink princess ... Only 3 left, but focusing on non AB for awhile
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