wearing around your children

LeifErikson said:
This is a solid point! I wear for comfort as well. My thing is trying to find a way to wear without them seeing, hearing, feeling anything. This is nigh impossible with a diaper, but if you can conceal it well enough to avoid discovery, I find that a better option than wearing openly. Even still, AB/DL and things of the like I'm aiming to avoid sharing with my children entirely. Concealing a cloth back diaper feels easy enough, but a plastic back is harder to hide. Really depends on what you want to share with your children
Alphagators and Littlekings, the best way to hide (for ABDL) so far in my book!
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midrobbie49 said:
If you need to wear, probably better to tell you kids: they will find out sooner or later.

If you wear for fun, well could easily use it as a teaching moment, making kids (when they are ready) aware of acceptance of kinks, making them well rounded. Not to say you’re getting them involved. More using your abdl side to show them “hay this is something I am into, and there are lot of other things people can be into, so don’t be embarrassed about something you might be into”.
And they don’t even need to tell you things they are into: they may even be an abdl themselves, and you can support them from afar to safely go through the early stages of meeting people and going to events etc (again, not going with them, just making them aware of pitfalls and stuff like that).
I totally agree! Will have some thoughts in a main post later on.
Well, I of course have raised some kids, and i also have always worn at night and after accident 24/7.

So, I also dont wear AB diapers, or really get into any AB mindset myself, but I of course wore around the kids, not much a choice for doing that at all.

So, yes the kids knew i needed diapers and i was not going to hide them.

But that said, we also homeschooled the kids too, and also being IC the explaination is rather easy.

As fo if your wearing AB diapers and/or wearing for fun, not sure about that per se.

It come down to how your being with the diapers, if you wear them cause you enjoy the feeling of them and treat themas just regular underwear, not sexualize them, then it could be ok to be open that you wear them.

The biggest things will be the issues with the obvious kids saying that you wear diapers to the other kids, which did happen wth me many times, and then you usually have to explain to the other kids about why you do wear diapers and alike, and whilst this was pretty easy for IC reasons, being its simply something i cant change or not do, that makes it rather easy for me.

If i was wearing for fun, then it would be a linger conversation with my kids....much longer...

Then the conversation to the other kids would be even longer, and their parents would be even longer yet, and likely some would be close minded or just run away screaming and likely it would get around rather quick i'd think.

So, if your wearing for fun, and want to be open about it.

1- You will have a hard time explaining it to the kids, especially when/if/are/eventually potty training. This might be a hard issues as why would they quit wearing diapers if you still wear them, even had that question from the kids with my IC.

2- Others will be the big issues, as many adult will be totally outwardly hostile towards someone that choses to wear diapers.

3- Other will also hear 3rd hand about it, especially from people that dont understand and yu may even get a knock on the door from social services at some point or another.

I'm not a lawyer, but i'd bet that social services might have a case to actually remove your kids if they consider it unhealthy to be diaplaying a fetish to a minor.
This may easily not happen, but its not outside the possibility at all.
Once ChildProtectiveServices gets your number it's very difficult to get them to forget your address. I'm not a conspiricy guy, but from the people and times i've seen CPS working, it seems that its thier job to keep the kids away from the parents once they get involved, and they become a constant issue after the fact as well. Now i've not dealt with them first hand, but i know 2 families that did (Both homeschooling farm families) and I never seen them treat kids anything be beyond respectful and not even a hint that i saw of anything even close to needing to protect the kids. But CPS did threaten them to take the kids multiple times, mostly over the home schooling and/or religious reasons, both were IMHO not any issues and the kids were well read and educated, i did a lot of teaching with them in the shop and with auto repair and farm equipment maint welding and machining and alike.

But, overall if it was me, i'd keep the kids out of anything that could be considered by anyone to be fetish related. If that means you need to not wear diapers for a while, i'd go that route. Now at some age they will be old enoug to understand such thigns and then you can explain it, but i'd skip the whole possibile issues and forgo the fun for the formative years and then do what you want after that.

Having kids is a HUGE decision and you WILL be giving up TONS of things for the kids and in fact giving up more and more for the kids till the day you die, least that is what I feel and will do.

The kids always come first, if there is one candy bar left the kids get it, and if there is one last spoonful of hotdish left the kids are offered first. If the option is buy the kids something they need or something i need, the kids come first. Many times i've gotten the kids things and forgon things myself, that is just how I am, I know that is not all parents, but that is my take on it.

Kids come first, even when they are not kids anymore by most they are always kids to me and will always come first.
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I’m in two minds over this - not planning on having kids yet, but I’m not ruling it out. So this is a bridge I’ll have to cross some day.

I’m medically IC and diapered 24/7 due to chronic illness, and I also use a wheelchair. I can’t hide my condition from my kids, nor would I want to. But at the same time, I’d keep it age appropriate.

I’m strictly DL, and it’s more of a comfort thing or coping mechanism than a kink. The only onesies I have are plain and they’re either undershirts or pyjamas. Diapers are just underwear to me - not a guilty secret.

Breathe Deep, Seek Peace
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Dinotopian2002 said:
I’m in two minds over this - not planning on having kids yet, but I’m not ruling it out. So this is a bridge I’ll have to cross some day.

I’m medically IC and diapered 24/7 due to chronic illness, and I also use a wheelchair. I can’t hide my condition from my kids, nor would I want to. But at the same time, I’d keep it age appropriate.

I’m strictly DL, and it’s more of a comfort thing or coping mechanism than a kink. The only onesies I have are plain and they’re either undershirts or pyjamas. Diapers are just underwear to me - not a guilty secret.

Breathe Deep, Seek Peace
Yes, like me you dont have the ability to hide that your IC, that is not realistic.

But, in the same sense you most likely wont be wearing openly colorful AB theamed diapers in front of the kids, least when they are young, cuz they will always be kids to you BTW.

So, yes you IC will be something you will ahve to talk about at some point as will your wheelchair, I went through the same thing and had to talk to the kids and friends of the kids too, and I was open about the IC issues and how it happened and the not being able to walk much at all...and also the not able to do a lot of things myself.

But, if i was into wearing colorful AB diapers i'd switch to white or solid color ones myself.

Same as the ex and I didnt play any bondage when the kids where home with us at all, we did on the one or two weekends a month they were with grandma or her sister, but the rest the time didnt do that, that is something we wouldnt do, even after hours didnt as we didnt really keep standard hours, being home schooled and both her and I working as contract workers we set our own times and most clients for me are overseas.
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Bigbabybret said:
Well, I of course have raised some kids, and i also have always worn at night and after accident 24/7.

So, I also dont wear AB diapers, or really get into any AB mindset myself, but I of course wore around the kids, not much a choice for doing that at all.

So, yes the kids knew i needed diapers and i was not going to hide them.

But that said, we also homeschooled the kids too, and also being IC the explaination is rather easy.

As fo if your wearing AB diapers and/or wearing for fun, not sure about that per se.

It come down to how your being with the diapers, if you wear them cause you enjoy the feeling of them and treat themas just regular underwear, not sexualize them, then it could be ok to be open that you wear them.

The biggest things will be the issues with the obvious kids saying that you wear diapers to the other kids, which did happen wth me many times, and then you usually have to explain to the other kids about why you do wear diapers and alike, and whilst this was pretty easy for IC reasons, being its simply something i cant change or not do, that makes it rather easy for me.

If i was wearing for fun, then it would be a linger conversation with my kids....much longer...

Then the conversation to the other kids would be even longer, and their parents would be even longer yet, and likely some would be close minded or just run away screaming and likely it would get around rather quick i'd think.

So, if your wearing for fun, and want to be open about it.

1- You will have a hard time explaining it to the kids, especially when/if/are/eventually potty training. This might be a hard issues as why would they quit wearing diapers if you still wear them, even had that question from the kids with my IC.

2- Others will be the big issues, as many adult will be totally outwardly hostile towards someone that choses to wear diapers.

3- Other will also hear 3rd hand about it, especially from people that dont understand and yu may even get a knock on the door from social services at some point or another.

I'm not a lawyer, but i'd bet that social services might have a case to actually remove your kids if they consider it unhealthy to be diaplaying a fetish to a minor.
This may easily not happen, but its not outside the possibility at all.
Once ChildProtectiveServices gets your number it's very difficult to get them to forget your address. I'm not a conspiricy guy, but from the people and times i've seen CPS working, it seems that its thier job to keep the kids away from the parents once they get involved, and they become a constant issue after the fact as well. Now i've not dealt with them first hand, but i know 2 families that did (Both homeschooling farm families) and I never seen them treat kids anything be beyond respectful and not even a hint that i saw of anything even close to needing to protect the kids. But CPS did threaten them to take the kids multiple times, mostly over the home schooling and/or religious reasons, both were IMHO not any issues and the kids were well read and educated, i did a lot of teaching with them in the shop and with auto repair and farm equipment maint welding and machining and alike.

But, overall if it was me, i'd keep the kids out of anything that could be considered by anyone to be fetish related. If that means you need to not wear diapers for a while, i'd go that route. Now at some age they will be old enoug to understand such thigns and then you can explain it, but i'd skip the whole possibile issues and forgo the fun for the formative years and then do what you want after that.

Having kids is a HUGE decision and you WILL be giving up TONS of things for the kids and in fact giving up more and more for the kids till the day you die, least that is what I feel and will do.

The kids always come first, if there is one candy bar left the kids get it, and if there is one last spoonful of hotdish left the kids are offered first. If the option is buy the kids something they need or something i need, the kids come first. Many times i've gotten the kids things and forgon things myself, that is just how I am, I know that is not all parents, but that is my take on it.

Kids come first, even when they are not kids anymore by most they are always kids to me and will always come first.
I agree with the fact social services might have something to say if you subjecting kids to a fetish.
However I think there is a difference: if your being an abdl around your kids, exposing them to it directly, maybe even forcing them to be in diapers or baby them beyond what is normal, then yes that’s wrong.
If your educating your kids at an age where they can understand it well and are actually at the right age to be more inquisitive about that kinda thing (I am thinking probably 15+ in terms of age) there’s nothing wrong in educating them in the world of fetishes, purely in terms of talking about to them, to help them perhaps understand themselves (remember a long Abdls had feelings of wanting to be diapered very young…. So it not out the realms of believability that can be true of any kink).
So you can educate them, use your own experiences to help show them “hey it’s ok to have these feelings” and help them to have space to explore their feelings.
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My son was already late teens when my problems started. When he was early 20's he collected me from hospital after one of my surgeries. I was carrying a rather see-thru bag of nappies supplied by the hospital. He saw them, I just said that this is life for the time being. Nothing more was said.
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midrobbie49 said:
I agree with the fact social services might have something to say if you subjecting kids to a fetish.
However I think there is a difference: if your being an abdl around your kids, exposing them to it directly, maybe even forcing them to be in diapers or baby them beyond what is normal, then yes that’s wrong.
If your educating your kids at an age where they can understand it well and are actually at the right age to be more inquisitive about that kinda thing (I am thinking probably 15+ in terms of age) there’s nothing wrong in educating them in the world of fetishes, purely in terms of talking about to them, to help them perhaps understand themselves (remember a long Abdls had feelings of wanting to be diapered very young…. So it not out the realms of believability that can be true of any kink).
So you can educate them, use your own experiences to help show them “hey it’s ok to have these feelings” and help them to have space to explore their feelings.
Yes, i dont think necessarly that having an AB diaper on and you kid seeing it is child abuse.

But, i can see that:
You explain to your kid that your wearing a diaper cause you like to wear diapers, and them then telling thier friend, who then tells thier parents, who dont understand the first thing about AB or most likely have even gotten the right information at all.

especially if your kid told them its ABDL or alike and they then lookup someplaces on the internet and see that its a fetish and/or even that they have heard its kid/adult related in any way, and get the wrong idea and/orn just dont think it right.

But, nontheless you get a knock on the door from CPS and they proceed to ask about the said you showing kids diapers and not needing them, and to explain etc...

Whereas most the parents knew and/or know i'm IC and my kids did know what IC is and that its a medical issue.

If that was conveyed in any way from kid to kid, which it is, and was and was confused to parents and to the other kids many times, remember the telephone game from gradeschool (im old remember) after 1-2 times things get skewed and the story/info is changed. But, i'm IC so its simple and everyone know what that is, easy peasy, but take that to AB or DL and NOT medical...things will get a bit more askewd and confused

So, you say in any way that its NOT medical and/or it AB or DL or in any way it get associated with a fetish in any way, and there is a good chance that someone will at some point question things and all they have to do i report it and the you get a knock on the door from CPS...
Yes,NOTHING may be wrong at all, but now CPS is asking why your exposing kids to a fetish, and if they in any way have any sorta issue with anything you will end up hearing about it, and even without ANYTHING wrong you'll still have CPS wanting to conduct an interview with the kids and/or check out the living environment and look around at things, and likely do a followup at some point, remember they now have a reason to do this based on some even wrong information, and if there is anything like you are exposing a child to a fetish they will do even more looking around.

Now, wether that happens or not depends entirely upon how open you are with the kids.

Yes, if they are 15-18yo then they get the fetish thing.

But say your kid is 12 and you tell them, then they have a friend that they tell, they tell thier 6yo brother, now CPS is wondering why there is a 6yo knowing about your diaper fetish. I can see where that can get CPS all up in arms so to say.

But, yeah i dont think there is a law being broken per se, but i can see CPS skicking thier nose in there.

Now, then back to the kids...
Yout kids know you like to wear diapers for fun, they tell their friend, thier firend tells thier parent, who now wont let them come over to your house as your weird and wear diapers for fun, that IS right or wrong effecting your kid period.

As a parent, you do everything you can to help your kids, even at your expense, there is no helping your child (say under 15) by telling them you wear diapers for fun, that is only you wanting to wear diapers all the time for you, and therefor doing that to help you.
Once they are old enough to understand (whatever age) that is different, and explaining sex and fetish and alike to them is also a parents job, not the schools job, but the parents, when the child is no longer strictly a child they can understand this and then you can explain to them the whole kit and kabootle as it were and that is not going to get CPS over.

What i'm seeing though (unless I misunderstood) is talking about being open with the kids all the way through, aka before they are ready to talk about sexual things.

That said, I dont see anything but negative in exposing a child to fetish even something like AB DL.
At best is that there is NOTHING that becomes of the being open and wearing diapers for fun deal...
At worst, you get the kids effected...

Really, the way i see it, keep the fetish away from the child, give it up for thier wellbeing, tell them when they understand, tell them when its right for them, not for you.

I see parents all the time that do things that are not in the kids intrest at all, even things that are negative, quite often. That is a shame.
I think that a lot of people have kids without really thinking it through and understanding that it will be a life long commitment to helping them first before yourself and to give the the ability to explore and do what they feel like doing whilst guiding them to do it respectful of others as well.

I know there are parents that regret having kids and parents that dislike thier kids and even worse, but that too is sad for the kids too.

If only there was a real test required before having kids and adults knew exactly what they were getting into having kids and the responsibilities and also the emance joy you get seeing them out doing new things all the time, and also that kids do grow up and that taking 15-20 years off of doing some things is worth it in getting the kids ready for being on thier own.

But, yeah, IMHO keep the DL to yourself till the kids understand what it is, and then if you want to let them know ok, but i'd think at that time you will likely just leave it be and not involve them at that point either.
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Before I move on to replying your other posts, there is something I would like to clear up.

My post is within the Adult Baby section of this website, so please keep that in mind and act a litle bit more respectful towards my situation rather than trying to say, "Well at least you are not IC." or "I'd be better NOT wearing diapers because I am IC." or anything along these negative sayings that you might have. Keep that in your IC section if what you see here is not comforting to you. If you are not ABDL, then why are you posting to my post inside the Adult Baby section? Just to start some fire or tell a sad story? This post is meant for ABDLs to share their thoughts on how they raised kids while being ABDL, so they can help me understand how to be an AB father.

The idea that just because someone is incontinent and an IC cannot put diapers away... an ABDL can stop wearing diapers and just "put them away for a while". It's not that straightforward.

For a lot of people, ABDL is about more than just the physical aspect of wearing diapers. It’s tied to deep emotional needs. Diapers, onesies, pacifiers, etc provide a sense of comfort and security that helps them manage stress and anxiety. It’s not something they can just switch off, even if there are kids in the house. Putting them away is likely to drive a lot of us literally insane.

ABDL is also a big part of a person’s identity. It’s similar to other identities, like being LGBTQ+. It’s not something you can just suppress without feeling like you’re losing a piece of yourself. For many, expressing this side of themselves is essential for their overall well-being and sense of identity.

There’s also a physical comfort aspect to consider. Wearing diapers can trigger feelings of security and calm, similar to how a favorite blanket or stuffed animal might make a child feel. These feelings are deeply ingrained and not easily ignored.

ABDL habits often develop because they fulfill important emotional and psychological needs. Trying to stop without addressing these needs can actually make things worse, causing more stress and discomfort.

For many ABDL individuals, this lifestyle acts as a crucial coping mechanism. It provides a way to manage life’s stresses and difficult emotions. Removing this outlet without finding a suitable replacement can negatively impact mental health.

The ABDL community also offers a sense of belonging and acceptance. Being part of this community means having support from others who understand your experiences. Losing this connection can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness.

Just like any other identity, acceptance is key. Telling someone to stop being ABDL like telling someone to deny their sexual orientation or gender identity. It’s damaging and dismissive of a core part of who they are.

It’s important to understand that an ABDL can’t just stop wearing diapers. It’s an important part of their identity, providing comfort, stress relief, and a sense of belonging. Understanding and accepting this is crucial for their mental health and overall well-being.

Hope this helps clear things up a bit!
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I also wanted to talk about something that might help out the ABDL fathers and mothers out there – why it’s actually more fun for kids to see their dad dressed in an ABDL onesie, rather than a plain, boring blue one.

First off, kids love color and excitement. An ABDL onesie is often way more colorful and playful, with fun patterns, designs, and characters. It’s like the difference between wearing a superhero costume and a regular shirt – the more fun and vibrant the outfit, the more it captures their imagination and makes playtime exciting.

Secondly, seeing their dad in something playful and child-like can make kids feel more connected and comfortable. It shows them that their dad isn’t afraid to be silly and join in their world. This can create a stronger bond and more memorable moments together. Kids appreciate when adults step into their world, even if it means dressing up in something unconventional.

Additionally, an ABDL onesie often comes with more interactive elements. Whether it’s fun snaps, hoods with ears, or pockets for little treasures, these details can turn a simple outfit into a fun experience. It gives kids something to engage with and talk about, making everyday activities feel special.

Another point is that kids learn through play. When they see their dad embracing fun and creativity in his attire, it encourages them to be imaginative and expressive. It’s a great way to teach them that it’s okay to be different and that fun can come from the most unexpected places.

Lastly, an ABDL onesie can help break the ice in terms of conversations about individuality and acceptance. It opens the door to talk about how everyone has unique ways of feeling comfortable and happy, which is an important lesson for kids to learn early on.

So, while it might seem unconventional, dressing in a colorful, fun ABDL onesie can actually make playtime more enjoyable and meaningful for kids. It brings joy, sparks creativity, and strengthens the bond between parent and child.

Not to mention almost all abdl clothing are rated g.
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puddlefeet said:
I also wanted to talk about something that might help out the ABDL fathers and mothers out there – why it’s actually more fun for kids to see their dad dressed in an ABDL onesie, rather than a plain, boring blue one.

First off, kids love color and excitement. An ABDL onesie is often way more colorful and playful, with fun patterns, designs, and characters. It’s like the difference between wearing a superhero costume and a regular shirt – the more fun and vibrant the outfit, the more it captures their imagination and makes playtime exciting.

Secondly, seeing their dad in something playful and child-like can make kids feel more connected and comfortable. It shows them that their dad isn’t afraid to be silly and join in their world. This can create a stronger bond and more memorable moments together. Kids appreciate when adults step into their world, even if it means dressing up in something unconventional.

Additionally, an ABDL onesie often comes with more interactive elements. Whether it’s fun snaps, hoods with ears, or pockets for little treasures, these details can turn a simple outfit into a fun experience. It gives kids something to engage with and talk about, making everyday activities feel special.

Another point is that kids learn through play. When they see their dad embracing fun and creativity in his attire, it encourages them to be imaginative and expressive. It’s a great way to teach them that it’s okay to be different and that fun can come from the most unexpected places.

Lastly, an ABDL onesie can help break the ice in terms of conversations about individuality and acceptance. It opens the door to talk about how everyone has unique ways of feeling comfortable and happy, which is an important lesson for kids to learn early on.

So, while it might seem unconventional, dressing in a colorful, fun ABDL onesie can actually make playtime more enjoyable and meaningful for kids. It brings joy, sparks creativity, and strengthens the bond between parent and child.

Not to mention almost all abdl clothing are rated g.
Yes, ABDL is not rater R, and is not illegal at least where I live, and likely where you live as well, be thankful for that.

Also, know that I dont think that it will harm the child, and not that it will harm anyone else.

But, ABDL to many is looked at as a strictly fetish thing, and that mindset seems common.

Like i said, not saying its right at all, but I do forsee that there can likely be some issues, hopefully not and everyone is open minded, but that is at this time is not there yet.

it's similar to many years ago, where LGBTQ+ were denied adopting children and where bothered by CPS mostly if not purely cause they were different and not the "Normal" family, and i'm using the word normal on purpose here as that was the mindset back then.

It was not long ago that you went to jail in the UK for being gay at all, and being in a gay relationship was grounds for being arested on it own, and this was not long ago (think it was lat 60's or there about when itwas finally not illegal).

Today, if you are open about being ABDL you will likely gain some unwanted attention.

Now, whilst the actual knowledge or openness of being that way with your child in itself doesnt harm the child IMHO.

The unwanted attention, possible other parents not allowing other children over with you, and/or even possibly not even allowed to associate with your child WILL cause to some extent harm or at least isolation to your child.

Now, whilst I dont agree with the mindset and/or the possible issues with other parents and/or CPS and/or others for thier lack of knowledge and acceptance. I personally would do whatever I can to avoid that possible outcome upon my children, even if that caused harm to myself.

I know it shouldnt be that way, and you shouldnt have to hide anything you want to do in your life, and if it was/is just me then I dont/wont hide things. I'm open with people I know, and dont ever say thing different when people are not around, I will and do say the exact same things to/about/with anyone around and dont beleive in talking behind somones back or hiding feeling from people myself at all.

BUT, if something may/will likely have a negative effect on my children, then I WILL do whatever I can to avoid that for the children, I will take the hit/damage/etc to my psyche or physical being for my childrens sake.

I have myself NOT been vocal on my politics about things like my stance on guns or my stance on religion, kept my mouth shut, stuffed feelings, and NOT caused issues with closed minded people to keep/allow possible issues/outcomes that even might cause any negative impact on my children.

I AM and HAVE and WILL for children smooth things over as opposed to taking a side, play the peacemaker, appease others views I dont beleive in all to possibly allow my children to NOT be effected by MY own personal agenda/knowledge/etc.

Now, there is NO right answer here, its a personal choice, do you put your childrens ability to freely explore other views and ability to not be prejudged by others (right or wrong) ahead of your own wellbeing.

Yes, ABDL is more than a fetish, its more than a simple put the diapers away, that is a given and i hope that anyone on here for any length of time know that, and only stating that for the new ones here.
ABDL is not easy to stuff inside and hide, neithr is a lot of other ingrained and common traits and lifestyles.

I myself am mostly Pegan for religion, and I have hidden or at minimum not openly announced that as its not a common thing and that could have easily caused others that are very religious issues with possibly allowing thier kids to associate with my children, even though I have never and would never preach my or any other religion to my or others children. But I know there are close minded people that would see a religion they know nothing about being scary and might cause prejudgement towards my children, and I would say that i'm not really religious, which IMHO was/is worth that bit of deception.

That is just an example, as is not voicing my opnions on guns etc...

My GF also agreed with this and she is wiccan for religion as example...


People should be non-judgemental and openminded towards things, but that is not the case at this time, its better all the time, and that is a good thing, but its not near 100% openminded and nowhere near full acceptance of others differances.

So, like i said, there is no right answer here, but simply a choice:

1- Assert your right to be yourself and open about your differances with your children and possibly cause then prejudgement and/or isolation and/or ridicule, etc...

2- Keep your differances to yourself, take the damage to yourself to avoid as much as you can any prejudgement, isolation, ridicule etc...

To me the choice is simple, as I put my children above anything else, that includes my owh wellbeing and/or even physical damage to myself. I WILL at at any time and forever do ANYTHING possible for my children up to and beyond giving my life and even soul to aid in thier wellbeing. But that is my choice.
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Obviously IC is a different story, but for ABDL's, there has to be a middle ground somewhere. I think probably most of us know it's near impossible to suppress ABDL long term, for me I can put it aside for a few months, but it always comes back and it's not healthy to bottle it up.

But that's not saying you should go around showing it to your kids either. Concealed diapers I would say is okay, and if ever confronted you can say you have IC to give a valid excuse, but I would never expose the ABDL to them in full.

It's something which we can't get rid of, many of us have tried numerous times and have failed. Do we really want to risk passing this on to our kids? No it's not doing any harm and we have to learn to accept ourselves, but I can't say it's healthy either and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

That's my two takes anyway
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In my opinion, if it's a sexual thing DON'T! but if it's for either IC or perhaps an emotional need, then be discreet about it, don't make it a big deal... and if kids are getting inquisitive explain in an age apropriate manner... as for little space clothes, be discrete, and be aware kids are excellent at snooping around, especially around Christmas...

Here is how I once explained to a cousin who was visiting, I wasn't out back then but something about Littles came up on the YouTube feed so here is what I said...

"sometimes people loose their childhood, sometimes it's because their parents move every few months, sometimes it's an accident, sometimes their parents were bad parents... sometimes they had a good childhood that was upended by some tragedy and they want to go back to a time when things where still okay... reclaiming happiness, or going back to when they were still happy... Sometimes I wish I could do something like that, go back to before all the bullying and work, so as unusual as it might be, it's okay to want to take a break from everything"

Yes I'm aware I didn't cover kink reasons, but I did provide an explanation and the conversation soon moved to another topic... As far as I know he never brought it up afterwards and last I heard he started working as an electrician.

I don't know if I could have handled the situation better, probably could have, but I did what I thought was right at that time...
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LilJenJen said:
In my opinion, if it's a sexual thing DON'T! but if it's for either IC or perhaps an emotional need, then be discreet about it, don't make it a big deal... and if kids are getting inquisitive explain in an age apropriate manner... as for little space clothes, be discrete, and be aware kids are excellent at snooping around, especially around Christmas...

Here is how I once explained to a cousin who was visiting, I wasn't out back then but something about Littles came up on the YouTube feed so here is what I said...

"sometimes people loose their childhood, sometimes it's because their parents move every few months, sometimes it's an accident, sometimes their parents were bad parents... sometimes they had a good childhood that was upended by some tragedy and they want to go back to a time when things where still okay... reclaiming happiness, or going back to when they were still happy... Sometimes I wish I could do something like that, go back to before all the bullying and work, so as unusual as it might be, it's okay to want to take a break from everything"

Yes I'm aware I didn't cover kink reasons, but I did provide an explanation and the conversation soon moved to another topic... As far as I know he never brought it up afterwards and last I heard he started working as an electrician.

I don't know if I could have handled the situation better, probably could have, but I did what I thought was right at that time...
I'd say you nailed it really. Would be different if you were caught, but excellent job of explaining abdl in an age appropriate manner to someone being introduced to it. I think the risk of openly coming out as abdl to kids is two fold,

1. There's a good chance they will tell others and everyone will know. That will affect relationships, jobs etc.

2. There is the effect on the kid too. You could imagine the bullying if their friends knew that their e.g. their Dad is an abdl and wears diapers etc.
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I hid it from my kids when they wer at my house due to the fact i thought there mum would stop me from seeing them but my wee laddie who was 6 at the time found my stash unbeknown to me and went home and told his mum she never said anything until she came down one day and my friend was in aswell i mentioned i was going to pee myself if he doesnt get out the toilet soon which she replyed youl be needing nappies next so i told her ive got them already and that i do need to wear them sometimes and why i need to wear them she didnt bother and said ive never noticed if ive had one on i told her i didnt wear them around her or the kids incase she thought iwas a weirdo she said if u need them u need them i said the thing is there not normal ones they are printed ones and there all pink and girly she laughed and asked if she could see them so i showed her she said why not get normal ones or do u no get printed boys ones i said yeah but i like the girly ones better she said knowing u it doesnt surprise me xxx
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Personally, I don't think it's harmful to kids in and of itself if they know. You have to teach and educate them if you're going to do that. The exception may be if you wear purely for sexual reasons. Obviously, that should stay behind closed doors if that's the case.

The larger concern, which many have touched on, is them telling other kids, which would create a concern that other adults find out.

Realistically, I wonder how many adults would believe kids who say "I heard so and so's dad wears diapers." However, the concern is always out there, which could have social, financial, employment and possible legal repercussions. It seems risky to me.
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puddlefeet said:
Alphagators and Littlekings, the best way to hide (for ABDL) so far in my book!
I enjoy them both and you’re right!! Megamax air is also fairly discrete, the lite version even more so
My 11 year old grand niece came over to help me put up groceries and to hang with me for awhile. I was in a cloth diaper and plastic pants under my pants when she patted my bottom and asked, "Uncle John why are you wearing a diaper?" I explained that sometimes people have trouble controlling their wetting so they have to wear diapers. She just said, "Ok!" And give me a hug. Sometimes it is best to be honest.
Floodingpants said:
My 11 year old grand niece came over to help me put up groceries and to hang with me for awhile. I was in a cloth diaper and plastic pants under my pants when she patted my bottom and asked, "Uncle John why are you wearing a diaper?" I explained that sometimes people have trouble controlling their wetting so they have to wear diapers. She just said, "Ok!" And give me a hug. Sometimes it is best to be honest.
Yeah, but that doesn't exactly work if the person in question is wearing for fun or convenience instead of true need...
artemisenterri said:
Yeah, but that doesn't exactly work if the person in question is wearing for fun or convenience instead of true need...