Thoughts? Soaked diaper in public and gotta pee

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  1. Diaper Lover
For those of you who wear all the time.
If your diaper is soaked and you have to pee, do you go and risk a leak or do you hold it in until you can change?
Since I pretend to be incontinent, I go anyway (maybe try and dribble). Today I was stuck on the train with a saturated atn and a full bladder (coffee + water). I slowly emptied my bladder over many minutes. Luckily I was standing and it didn't leak
Best thing to do is change before your diaper is saturated. If you have no other choice, it's best to be sitting down and wearing dark pants. I have had occasions when my diaper leaked and I got some wet spots on the back of my pants. Fortunately because I was wearing dark jeans the spots were not too visible, and I changed at my first opportunity.
I try to play this one by ear. If I have to sit and that means risking "spots", then I try to hold it. If I know I'm going to be standing, then going slowly is the way to go. It also has to do with what you are wearing, like Chuck, and I also agree with changing as soon as possible. The proximity to your next change is important.
For me, standing is always the preferred method for preventing a leak. Sitting puts weight on the padding and results in press out which, if very wet, will likely leak. Standing will allow gravity to pull liquid down to where you have the most padding and no press out (unless you sit).
I would probably let go slowly and try to buy time until you can change. What I was wearing (longer jacket, etc.) and how far from a place I could change, would also determine my appropriate action.
I agree with the standing comment.
This is a very rare occurrence for me. I hold and release rather than dribble and I have a high capacity bladder. I generally know my diaper well enough to tell if it will hold or not. The closest I came was being out and about wearing a light use diaper and after wetting, I knew it would be a risk hours down the road where I wasn't going to be in a good position to change. I changed in my car to a diaper with a bit more capacity and went on about my business, safe from leaks for the rest of the day.
Never let you diaper get to the soaked state, I change after 2 full floods or multiple small wettings.
Metering the amount of flow has always helped me. If I let it gush, it doesn't go well.
If i'm in public I don't mind being very wet, but I wouldn't risk a leak.
I always at least try to have a few on me so that it never gets to that point, but ultimately if you can't help it and you're incon then there's nothing much you can do other than prepare lol.
I'll only let myself get that wet if I'm at home with no plans to go anywhere, like in the evening with no interruptions. There I might try and test a diaper to its limits, knowing that if there's a leak I don't really mind too much and can clean up at my leisure. Otherwise though, I'd change much earlier.
I don't mind wetting in public or going out in a diaper that is already wet but I would wet the diaper a second time though to make sure that it does not leak.
I know my diapers compacity and if out i dont let it get as full as i would at home. Public leaks are no fun in my book. But plenty get excited by it.
If you wear 24/7 and have a medical need for diapers like I do, you simply don't have an option, your bladder has a mind of it's own, regardless of the state of the diaper.
Tried it numerous times, being out in public, in a very wet diaper / soaked diaper and all the sudden my bladder empties....pee running down my legs, knowing all too well, that the back of my jeans or the front of them have a tell tale sign, that I just wet myself.
Being incontinent, well that's part of the teritory!
I try to hold it; leaks are my worst scare because it shows I do not monitor my protection correctly. If I do get to a very uncomfortable time, I agree with others; let a small amount out to get over the edge and find that restroom to let go of the remainder.
I'm pretty sure a huge embarrassment in public would be a lasting negative mark on my future enjoyment. When in doubt, I do not risk it.

I've had a few small leaks in public at bad times though. Nothing I got caught over afaik though. Just enough to remind me that sometimes it's hazardous to ride the bleeding edge.

I just don't see it as worth it to recklessly risk ruining the enoyment.
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