PeekABU delayed :(

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I am excited for the all white version
I still want Abu to have a velcro version or two, similar to Magnifico's and Ultrastretch.
carstoncouche said:
@Squshy Tushy
OLD ABU got ALL my money, it was great ! I loved them forever, NEVER got burned, i would always order and ALWAYS received my stuff . . . but it was probably me that put them out of business because i ABUSED all the coupons oppurtunities i got, and i got them ALL... and so i had SO MANY cases of diapers for REDICULOUSLY low prices

5 years ago such a comment would have gotten your flamed if not outright banned here, lol.

Lol i was flammed about it 5 years ago cause i did blast about it, and i know im not the only one who never had a bad time with ABU Old or NEW.
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