Multiple Personalities. What are the chances?

I am shaking, maybe I am just cold, but this is getting pretty close to hitting the nail on the head for me. I tried seeing therapists in the past but I always said my childhood was fairly normal and uneventful. It's not quite the same level as you describe for DID, but its in the same family. I protected myself from the past, while I was kinda desperate to know more of it. Its memories like the last box of diapers when I was potty trained, that's a vague memory that I kept in the shadows till really pushing hard to explore it this week. Ok not shaking now, I can get body tremor type of shakes when I am emotional sometimes, I have essential tremors so it might be related to that neurological issue. I need to go eat and walk away from the laptop. Again, thank you for the deep thoughts, I have some new stuff to talk to the therapist about. Last monday we talked for an hour about this side of me, we had touched on it in the past, she was the person that said I should indulge in this self caring, I really thought it was just a poor coping mechanism from my childhood, with a twist of kink. It didn't start as a kink or anything sexual. I think that only happened with the confusion of puberty.
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Aby said:
I am shaking, maybe I am just cold, but this is getting pretty close to hitting the nail on the head for me. I tried seeing therapists in the past but I always said my childhood was fairly normal and uneventful. It's not quite the same level as you describe for DID, but its in the same family. I protected myself from the past, while I was kinda desperate to know more of it. Its memories like the last box of diapers when I was potty trained, that's a vague memory that I kept in the shadows till really pushing hard to explore it this week. Ok not shaking now, I can get body tremor type of shakes when I am emotional sometimes, I have essential tremors so it might be related to that neurological issue. I need to go eat and walk away from the laptop. Again, thank you for the deep thoughts, I have some new stuff to talk to the therapist about. Last monday we talked for an hour about this side of me, we had touched on it in the past, she was the person that said I should indulge in this self caring, I really thought it was just a poor coping mechanism from my childhood, with a twist of kink. It didn't start as a kink or anything sexual. I think that only happened with the confusion of puberty.
im so glad the takeaway is a better understanding of yourself ❤️
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I myself experience dissociation as a result of mental illness, and definitely believe it impacts and relates to my ab/dl lifestyle. I don't have d.i.d or dissociative identity disorder, although pursuing a dissociative diagnosis because my therapist believes it surpasses what could be caused by my other mental illnesses, n thinks maybe it isn't a symptom but a condition in itself. (multiple personalities is an outdated term and could be offensive to those that have the condition) but until any diagnosis is given i will say I experience dissociation as a result of my ptsd n bpd, n regress as a result. regression for me can often feel like dissociation in itself. Sometimes I don't remember it at all n my daddy will have to catch me up on what's happened. the amnesia I experience is part of the reason for pursuing a diagnosis.
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I don't have DID diagnosis I am schizophrenic and ocd but I have blacked out twice In my life and don't remember much of it
I do have an official diagnosis of DID and often wonder how often DID and infantilism coincide. I know that the one conflates the other. Some of my alters are ABDL and others are not. It's been a point of contention for our system.
My two cents... I've serious problem every morning: Spit out my paci and let the adult me take a charge. I hate my actual job and I live alone. My social skills aren't bad with a rest of people. Need to satisfy some old affairs (not ABDL related, )but can't realize because lack of money and some other limits.

It doesn't mean I need some help of any random shrink, but I need another job and resolve those old affairs. I've to do it by myself, because nobody can resolve that for me.
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MyFaultisKracked said:
This was something I’d been sort of thinking about for awhile, it's completely random but in some cases, I do wonder if there is a connection. I saw an interesting write up on what used to be referred to as Multiple Personality Disorder. In the old days there were apparently two versions. Multiple Personality Disorder and what was referred to at the time as Dissociative Personality Disorder – the more severe form!
I don’t evny anyone dealing with such disorders as these, that’s got to be a rough go..
I remembered the ever popular Rosalie Bent book (circa 2012) There’s a Baby in My Bed and there was info in that, that got me thinking. In the author’s description of regression, she stated there were several levels if I remember right. Level 1 being the bare minimum if even noticeable level of regression whilst level 4 was referred to as “Deep Regression” where lastly level 5 was so deep that in her opinion it wasn’t really a place where a repressed person would want to hang out for any length of time. If I remember correctly, she actually called it “unhealthy!”
In the AB/DL community there are of course a large contingent of folks who are associated with it for purely recreational reasons. There is a however, a large number who are very involved regressive littles who admit to some kind of early trauma that set them on this path. Now this isnt any kind of attempt to diagnose someone (Im no M.D!) but if we were to read the stories of many AB/DLs who experienced whatever kind of trauma they did and that their deep level of regression is a coping mechanism – could the regression itself be considered an additional personality?
I think we can all agree, once an AB/DL always an AB/DL, right?
At what point does the simple satisfying transition to a regressed state go from, “I'm going to pretend I’m little today!” because it makes the person feel better all the way to deep, very clear, very separate head space where the person wishes to stay for as long as possible, being completely oblivious to adult needs and adult responsibilities!
Could a mental healthcare professional hypothesize that an individual in a deeply regressed state who wishes to remain there for extended duration is in fact dealing with a form of Multiple Personalty?
P.S. I know absolutely nothing about this kind of thing but I do see a few similarities..
No I don't think there is any connection between AB behaviour and multiple personality disorder. Completely different aetiology and the RB Book is not to be trusted as 'true'. But it is well written.
Aby said:
I dont think this is a Dissociative Identity Disorder for most of us. I do think there is come conflict in the balance of our inner little or baby personality and our adult identities, these are not aspects of different identities but different age personas of one identity.
The conflict isn't inevitable though. One can live quite comfortably with the AB behaviour and take time away from it.
I've tried a couple of times to put all the baby stuff away for a time. For me, it always results in acting out one way or another. I keep trying to find the right balance, but the needs keep changing. So I have to keep adjusting. Sometimes I wear 24/7, and sometimes it's only at night. And now I have a daughter who is the same age as when I was abused. It's bringing up extra triggers, making things difficult with the alters. I've restarted therapy, so I'm getting the help I need.
Multiple personality disorder, also known as dissociative identity disorder is defined as having two or more personalities within oneself that are completely independent of one another, yet inhabiting the same person.

One well known fictional example of this, is in Robert Louis Stevenson's novel, The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

Personally, I don't view my "DL/little" side as such, but rather as an extension of my personality, overall.

A good way of looking at it, is as though it were a small component of a large machine.

Human beings on the whole, are complex and multi dimensional creatures and being such, have different sides, of their personalities.

Also, whatever side of one's overall personality that one chooses to reveal to, or keep hidden from others is mainly up to the individual.

Being a "DL/little" is an aspect of myself that kept a closely guarded secret, my whole life, thus far.

Not even my closest, most trusted of friends know this side of me, but maybe someday, I might pluck up the nerve to confide in someone, regarding this side of myself.
This theory is compelling. However, I wonder what other mental conditions impact the development of ABDLism in this context.

For me personally, I don’t feel like I had much trauma in early childhood. Most of the trauma happened later in life with failed adoptions and family addiction problems. Aside from those isolated incidences I had little to if any trauma at home. Most of those incidence happed after age 6 for me. The only other issues I had was a direct result of ADHD and bullying at school.

I was bullied heavily in middle school to the point that I basically gave up on school and society and was eventually sent to military school as a result. However, my ABDL interests where firmly ingrained before these issues arose. I was attracted to diapers and plushies at a very early age.

As for ADHD I have always had issues with social queues, hyper activity, and attention. This resulted in a lot of social and relationship issues. But again I feel like those didn’t become more prevalent till later on in life. I will say though, that I have noticed I am able to disassociate much easier than my colleague / future spouse. Emotions are different for me I feel. I don’t know how to explain it or whether it is a condition of ADHD but I am able to separate / ignore emotion at times until the issues or cause of the emotion is directly in-front of me. And I will say that many times when I’m faced with stress / over stimulation due to work, emotions, or tasks I am more and more compelled to satisfy my little desires. With my fiancé I even crave little time with her even in the simplest form of snuggles and motherly doting. Many times not even involving diapers or overly little items.

In short, I believe the theory is compelling but I wonder for my instance how much of it may be an expression of a cousin / sister of DID or an expression of my ADHD and the stimming / coping mechanisms that come with the diagnosis.
The prevalence rate of DID is about 2.4% in the general population.
Less than 2% of the population are diagnosed with a condition somewhere on the Dissociative Spectrum. But some stats say up to 7% of the general population has enough symptoms to land on the spectrum.
But I've also seen no evidence that there is any increased incidence of AB or DL tendencies in people with DID. You can see from my avatar that I have DID. It's been diagnosed and treated for about two decades now. Not all of my personalities are AB or DL. And right now we're trying to figure out if diapers are something we can live without, or would be better off eliminating. (No pun intended.) Is it really part of who we are, or is it one more symptom of the abuse which needs to be treated so we can move past it? Please understand that my answer doesn't have to be and likely isn't the answer for everyone. I'm looking for answers within, and without.
My therapist said I may have multiple personalities, I told him you have the wrong person 😏
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Really interesting, thank you for sharing. Certainly something I'm wondering myself.