Messing In Front Of Friends?

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Est. Contributor
  1. Diaper Lover
  2. Little
  3. Incontinent
So I've messed with my friend Dezzi in the room before only because she really doesn't care about stuff like that.

Well now my friend Kristy knows, and I'm pretty open about it to her, problem is I really wanna mess in front of her. She would pull the same as Dezzi and say she doesn't care but what do you guys think, should I go for it?
Are they AB/DL?
If they are ok with it and not just putting up with it I'd say sure, but you need to be really sure
rennecfox said:
If they are ok with it and not just putting up with it I'd say sure, but you need to be really sure

I guess there's really only one way to find out the 'really sure' part hehe
yeah and if they seem seem less then thrilled not repeating XD
There's a difference between people tolerating it and people friendly with it. If people around me only "lets me do it", I don't feel comfortable. Once you get a clear idea of what's okay, then you can go forward.
I will echo what others have stated and say that you should avoid doing what is essentially flaunting a diaper fetish in the presence of a friend that hasn't openly given you a "green light" to do such a thing.
My advice would be just to leave it be. You wouldn´t want to ruin a friendship.
If I could I would avoid that at all costs. It is mortifying for me when that happens. And trust me, no matter how it sounds in your head, it will be for them and you.
Sweatpants said:
So I've messed with my friend Dezzi in the room before only because she really doesn't care about stuff like that.

Well now my friend Kristy knows, and I'm pretty open about it to her, problem is I really wanna mess in front of her. She would pull the same as Dezzi and say she doesn't care but what do you guys think, should I go for it?

I have to understand this, so pardon me a dumb question, but are you talking about messing your diapers in front of someone or taking a regular, un-diapered dump (in a toilet)?

If the first, I'd certainly respect the other person's limits and probably only do it with a fellow-messing-lover (or whatever the term is for that). If the second, I do it all the time - in the toilet, that is - with my significant other. But not as a particular fetishistic act - it's just more practical. He may be showering while I take a dump, we may be in conversation about something, etc.

So limits obviously depend on the nature of the situation, I'd say. You'll have to ask them (you seem pretty open about it) - that would be my suggestion.
Why is it important to you that you do this in front of your friends?
I don't think it's appropriate to be messing yourself in front of your friend's. In fact I'd say it's extremely rude.
MaurepasGnD said:
If I could I would avoid that at all costs. It is mortifying for me when that happens. And trust me, no matter how it sounds in your head, it will be for them and you.

It is mortifying. I had a bowel accident in front of a friend. We have similar issues so he was understanding. Even though most of my friends are aware I wear diapers, that certainly doesn´t give me a free ticket to unload in front of them if I can help it.
I'm ui and bi so it happens. Since I rarely change in public I use Nullo to reduce odor and Desitin (zinc oxide) to prevent rashes. It took a while to get used to having a loaded diaper on but it saves me the nightmare of a public change. I don't advertise the fact that I wear and use diapers but I don't hide. I own it. Don't see how I could live a full life any other way.
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