Maybe it shouldn't have been a surprise

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UKbased incon' products enthusiast / Gen'Fl'
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First things first this may get moved to 'Mature topics' but I hope it doesn't as I know MT can be quite avoided on here (I do) and I would like to see a good amount of feedback on this.
So I researched online information about 'losing your virginity' (just those words) and was kinda surprised my by discovery.
Before you read any further I'm neither denying or confirming anything about my virginity, you're welcome to think of me whatever you like ...also due to the fact that (for now) this is the only social media platform where I'm an unknown faceless etc. etc. I'm posting this here.
Typing in 'losing your virginity' only turned up search results for Females (there's a law like Muphys' law that says nearly everything strange in people exists ...not that statement alone but there's also the saying "There's porn of / for that!" needs mention as well ......what I'm getting at is there are people who get surgery so they can end up in their brain-gender pre-losing their virginity ...but I'm my opinion the internet is frustrating because if you ask a non-bulky question you will get a non-bulky answer! All I'm saying is I'm trying to leave no one out BUT also write an okay article) and there were articles about 'does it hurt?' 'how much does it hurt?' 'should I (as a Female) have lost it by now (sometimes insert age (stop it!) here)?' ...and that was it! There were no articles for Males (again the most simple diluted version yada yada) at least not on the first three or four pages.
With feminism being what it is these days I find it amazing that the world still sees Males who aren't disabled or nerdy as blokey laddy utter shaggers! There's even the strand to this that feminism is what it is these days because men are still pigs but that's for another time and I won't author it because at the end of the day we're all too tied up in being terrified of adulthood and pissing and crapping our related-undergarments!
I don't know what's wrong and what's right here ...again read that however you want to but it seems (and NO OFFENSE) like men don't need to read anything or talk with anyone to start being sexually active with other women (and yes other genders but FOR THE THIRD TIME THE INTERNET DOESN'T ACTUALLY HELP MATTERS HERE) whereas before losing her virginity a female (it seems) has to read three books, eight magazine articles (and sometimes those are written by *whispers* society ...ahhhhhh!!!!!!), watch four YouTube videos, talk to her GP, her circle of girly-mates, a magic 8 ball and her Mother that order!!!!!!
Not all men are lucky, okay it's not talked about enough (no really) but first time heterosexual is miles from perfect and many other things.
I did find - after typing in 'losing your virginity as a male' and was directed to an extract from a seemingly 'woe is me' book called Don't Stick your D*ck in a Blender which was written by a male and although I don't know how old the book is in this said extract Females were described as "Fragile" and Females haven't been fragile for the last 40 years ...not really.
(I will admit at this point that for a package of time in my not too recent history my life was ruined by a group of women playing the fragile card with no right ...and it was LEGALLY PROVEN that they had no right to say it ...sorry but I've been majorly stung in the past ...and broadcasting it? I'm happy to does distract from this though!)
Change only happens quickly if it's an emergency (or a dirty nappy ...LoL) but I think things would be better if Males weren't treated like for them sex-lives are so easy to start! Just consider your sexual history and see if anything I've said here rings any bells or triggers anything IN THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE
...if this triggers you badly then let me know, go ahead and don't hold back's called free speech for a reason.
I just didn't like discovering that the world of men and the world of virginity loss hang-ups / worries / etc. are too (IMO) far apart.
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I'm not sure what you are looking for as far as feed back. But what did we do before the Internet? Well for me another boy caught me wearing panties, because I wouldn't have got away with a skirt at school. He wanted to see more got a woody I stroked him. He came back a few more days same thing. One day I ate his cum and then I wanted more so I sucked him. Then. Well we eventually figured out anal (lots of lube) and it happened. On the girl side me and a girl just sort of figured it out.
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