Idea I had


Advocate for Cloth-Backed Diapers
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  1. Diaper Lover
  2. Little
  3. Incontinent
So my idea was: a rash guard, but with snaps at the crotch, like a onesie. Preferably with shorts-style legs to conceal the swim diaper! 😉
One could go swimming with this rash guard and a: discreetly swim in little gear and b: possibly conceal a swim diaper if needed!
Basically this, but with rash guard/swimsuit material so one could swim wearing it!
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That’s a great idea!
I've been working on a onesie a little like the one you linked, with shorter legs (think boxer shorts length) but with a kimono bodysuit style opening like this but with legs and short arms.

Wouldn't be hard to make something like you describe though, would just need to figure out which materials would be best.
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Not to rain on your parade, but wouldn't the snaps be uncomfortable when swimming? Not to mention kinda visible? Since a rash guard should be tight fitting, I would worry that the fabric will pull and you'll have gaps between the snaps? I think there was a thread where someone was looking for an adult sized rash guard but with a zipper at the neckline, like little kids have. I think that would be more realistic and much more subtle.