I have diaper rash and it sucks: any advice?


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  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Little
It has been quite some time and it really needs doing something about it. Two reddish, swollen, and sometimes itchy lines where the diaper touches my skin. It gets better after some time not padded and thorough cleaning between changes but it’s not enough. Can I use baby products available in supermarkets or am I forced to ask a pharmacist or, worse, tell my doctor? I don’t think I’m able to stop wearing for a few months to allow my skin to heal naturally.
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Anti fungal cream should help. You can buy it at a pharmacist. And once it’s cleared up you should wear some powder or barrier cream to protect your skin from future rashes.

If the pharmacist asks what it’s for tell them it’s for jock itch. A very common thing so don’t feel embarrassed to ask.
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Change quicker, always clean thoroughly after changes, give your skin a bit of time to air out
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Seems like it could be mycosis, had that recently. Try some cream with clotrimazole, worked fine for me.
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So it seems to be worse than expected. I’m going to buy some cream tomorrow. I searched the web for these mycosis related to diaper usage and there can a link. They say it can cause incontinence though, but it appears to be benign.

If that’s a mycosis, how long the cream would take to heal my skin?

If that’s something else, will the cream be safe?
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Good old fashion baby 'diaper rash' cream will get it handled and is available near everywhere. No one will give it a second thought as they are so common for so many applications. I have been using Walgreens' diaper rash cream found in the baby area. purple colored box.

Apply to effected area, a little goes a very long way. Cleaning your hands with any of the COVID hand sanitizers, they all works great.

May as well baby-up with diaper rash cream and baby power as there are long standing reasons why they are an important part of being diapered.
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I suggest airing out with the usual diaper rash cream. If it doesn't heal it might be a yeast infection (diapers are often wet and warm). Sometimes over-the-counter anti-yeast ointments don't work. At that point it's time to see your doctor. I'm IC not ABDL. And I'm always diapered. But I air-out daily.
Occasionally I get a yeast infection. They are difficult to heal. My personal doctor (who obviously know I'm diaper dependent) diagnosed a yeast infection. He gave me nystatin & triamcinolone acetonide cream. It's magic. You might not like seeing a doctor for a diaper rash. But sometimes you just have to go. Like I said, air out daily is the easiest way to avoid diaper rash.
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My advice would be to try and avoid it if possible.

Once you’ve got a rash giving your skin some air time to breath helps as does cleaning your diaper area with soap and water at a minimum of daily while avoiding alcohol wipes which can damage the skin. A good zinc oxide ointment helps, the higher the ZnO the better, to recover from diaper rash and a skin cream for use when rash isn’t present will help keep your skin healthy. It seems like if I get a rash wearing disposables switching to cloth helps and if I get the rash while wearing cloth switching to disposables helps, but this hasn’t been proven beyond my supposition.
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Use A&D oinment, works wonderful on rashes.
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I like caldescene powder
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I've had pretty good luck with athletes foot/jock itch cream for the most part. If it's a yeast type rash then vagisil works amazingly well... yes I know it's intended for lady bits but it works for guys too and a little but goes a long way.

The best thing I've found that works for me personally in preventing rash is not wearing the same brand diaper back to back. For instance I'm currently wearing a better dry and it will be another 24-48 hours before I use another better dry. I keep a rotation of several brands so I'm not wearing the same diaper over and over again. Since I figured out this little trick I have not had diaper rash in about 4 years... pretty good considering I wear 24-7 due to urinary incontinence.
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Diapers rash cream is my go to. No need to go to the doctor unless it spreads or gets worse. You may want to air out between changes and wear loose clothing.
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I use supreme at every change. I get nappy rash from time to time being incontinent and dependant on nappies all the time
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Don't forget to go to the doctor if thou gettest very worried about it as time passes by.

Infections are serious.
I understand your nervousness about telling your doctor, but really, a doctor shouldn't judge you... they're there to heal/help you!

but, if you still feel apprehensive about seeing your primary, you can see if you have access to a teledoc! that's just a random doctor so if you tell them, who cares, you'll never see them again!
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Aloe Vera, I use it all the time. it's good for your skin and very easy to grow
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My Doctor told me to use some Lamisil Athlete Foot Cream that you can get over the counter !
And just it does work great and been using it for years !! As long its not an overly bad case of it ,then you better see you doctor ASP !!
Trying Not to be preaching here but have to be much more careful .
Like they say Cleanses is next to godliness !!

(( Do hope you recover from it very soon Hakanlaiom !!! ))
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I use J&J baby vaseline to prevent diaper rash.
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So I bought a clotrimazole based cream today. I told the pharmacist that I had mycosis on the groin so she could give me the right product. It was quite embarrassing. Thankfully the pharmacy was empty. It’s the same fungi that gives athletes foot so it should be fine. It should disappear in a week. If not, I’ll try diaper rash specific products. Only if that’s also a dead end I will go to my doctor.

I won’t be able to wear diapers this weekend. :(
I was just thinking in regards to your post when have I had diaper rash and it not sucked. Well there have been times during some stage of rash affecting my skin when it itched so badly, and felt SOOOO GOOOOD when I scratched it, that it was almost worth having the rash. You’ve got to be careful how you scratch it to make sure that you don’t destroy the skin, but it’s almost as good as sex when you satisfy the itch (at least from what I remember of sex, it’s been many years!). It helped me to know what my dog was feeling when you scratch her in just the right spot and her leg just starts thumping the floor and she gets that look of absolute ecstasy on her face. I’ll have to check the mirror to see what my face looks like the next time I get to scratching one of those highly gratifying itches!