I almost made it

  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Babyfur
  4. Little
Hello! It's been a long long time. It has been a while since I've been able to visit this website. Not that I say much to begin with. I just like reading and I reply when I can. A lot of trouble had been going on in my life. My family hasn't treated me very well and it's made it incredibly hard to be able to survive mentally in the house due to a messy lifestyle that I've been subjected to. However, a lot of good has happened since then.
Thanks to my friends I was able to move out and I am now living with them for a while. Or at least until I can get my own car and have my own apartment space. it feels nice to be able to not have to worry about accidentally make anyone angry or listen to constant tv noises or be forced to do things that i don't want to. it's a long journey ahead for recovery and the people i live with dont know of my abdl side, but at least i can be little in peace some times once i'm home alone. i dunno what i can go from here but, for now I wish you all fare well.
Congrats on escaping. As soon as I graduated from college I got a job and moved out. I had great parents but everyone wants their own place and their own space. Even now since my wife died, I have no desire to share my life or my space with someone else.