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Adult Toddler / Diaper Enthusiast
Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
Hey everyone, nice to meet you all.

I've been an ABDL just about my whole life and have only recently started accepting myself, allowed myself to enjoy it, and stopped purging. So I'm joining here as a little further way of dipping my toes in the water.

As for interests... I like to read. My favorite authors recently have been Cormac McCarthy, Vladimir Nabokov, and William Faulkner. I'm Catholic and I also like some of the big 20th century Catholic writers like Evelyn Waugh and Flannery O'Connor. So mostly 20th century American lit. I'm an academic but I don't want to say too much about my specific area because it's niche.

I like video games, though my range is pretty narrow. Lately I've been enjoying Starfield, and in general I like Bethesda games, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3/NV/4. (Really looking forward to Skyblivion and Skywind, large mods that are rebuilding Oblivion and Morrowind in Skyrim's engine, but it looks like it'll be around 2 years at least before they're finished.) I play a bit too much OldSchool RuneScape, which is my main distraction most of the time. I played a lot of Pokemon growing up and every once in a while go back to it, though it's been a long while. So yeah... RPGs command my attention.

I'm a hiker. Been to a few US national parks, most recently the Grand Canyon. Love it, though I don't get much of a chance to hike regularly living in the city.

And I'm a big fan of Texas Hold'em. I don't go to the casino frequently but enjoy a semi-regular small home game with some friends as well as very occasional online play. These days I guess I spend more time following poker vloggers than actually playing, just because it's hard to get a group together.

Anyway, that's what I can think of for now.
Hello and welcome Sealander to the Adisc community forum.☺️
Welcome aboard. I hope you enjoy diving into and explore the wonderful of being a little.
Welcome and enjoy
Thanks everyone
Hey new guy, I'm also a new guy what a coincidence :>
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Delvian said:
Hey new guy, I'm also a new guy what a coincidence :>
Indeed, nice to meet you ;)