How "normal" would you be?

i have never been normal, i have definitely always been a "freak" even before i realized i was ABDL LOL!

i'm a nonbinary trans man. i was born with a birth condition that makes me intersex, which means from birth, i have not been able to fit into "male" or "female" birth sexes, i have traits from both. i can't pass for male or female no matter how hard i try. i am simply an androgynous person who prefers to dress and present that way, too, and people can take it or leave it if they like it or not. i'm on the aromantic and asexual spectrums which a lot of people just don't understand. i've been a furry as long as i've been alive (seriously). i have dissociative identity disorder, schizophrenia, and i'm autistic. i sincerely believe that i mentally stopped aging so to speak around the age of 4. i believe i have the mind of a toddler and that's never changed. i carry stuffed animals with me wherever i go, i have them clipped on to my bags and my mobility aids. i use a cane and a wheelchair despite being young because i have hypermobile ehlers-danlos and fibromyalgia. i tried to pass as a "normal" person for a while and i hated it. i hated pretending to be something i wasn't. i'd rather let my freak flag fly than pretend to be someone i'm not. my ABDL side is just one part of my "weirdness" and if you take it away i'm still the same ole me.
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