How many of you men would actually prefer to have been born female?

SissyJenny2 said:
Hello friends,

I’ve said some of this before but here goes, slightly different take.

I am a man, I live in a male body, I’ve lived a male life, done all the expected male stuff.

I’ve got married, been happy had vanilla sex, many girl friends, had macho moments and so on.

BUT, and it’s a big but (no pun intended), I’m so feminine in my nature.

I love pink, girls clothes, make up (even though I don’t really use it), I’m fascinated by female mannerisms, their ability to manipulate without doing anything.

I love the way they attract attention by a look or movement, they way they walk, smile, blink. I love it all, the way they take extra care to dress, shave, apply lotions and potions. The time they take to look after themselves.

Whilst I like who I am, if I was a test tube baby and faced with the X or Y chromosome question, I would have chosen girl for many, many reasons.

I’d have loved that close relationship with my mummy. First dress, panties, bra, prom dress, boyfriend, kiss, sex and all the other stuff that goes with it.

But that’s different to the question here.

I think I said yes before but in hindsight, no, I know who and what I am but I do enjoy dressing, seeing what it feels like and, thanks to my beautiful wife I’m getting to do some of that.

Jenny xx

Im happy for u jenny xxx
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I'm happy as I am.

Call me a "he" or a "her"; whatever you think is appropriate. I'm not bothered either way.
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SissyJenny2 said:
Hello friends,

I’ve said some of this before but here goes, slightly different take.

I am a man, I live in a male body, I’ve lived a male life, done all the expected male stuff.

I’ve got married, been happy had vanilla sex, many girl friends, had macho moments and so on.

BUT, and it’s a big but (no pun intended), I’m so feminine in my nature.

I love pink, girls clothes, make up (even though I don’t really use it), I’m fascinated by female mannerisms, their ability to manipulate without doing anything.

I love the way they attract attention by a look or movement, they way they walk, smile, blink. I love it all, the way they take extra care to dress, shave, apply lotions and potions. The time they take to look after themselves.

Whilst I like who I am, if I was a test tube baby and faced with the X or Y chromosome question, I would have chosen girl for many, many reasons.

I’d have loved that close relationship with my mummy. First dress, panties, bra, prom dress, boyfriend, kiss, sex and all the other stuff that goes with it.

But that’s different to the question here.

I think I said yes before but in hindsight, no, I know who and what I am but I do enjoy dressing, seeing what it feels like and, thanks to my beautiful wife I’m getting to do some of that.

Jenny xx

Thats wonderful 😍🤩
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diane said:
ive wished my whole life i was born a girl
I have always considered myself a girl from a very early age but could not get my point across to parents or my doctor. Back then Transgender was not something well known with only two notable cases of male to female Transition in the press. I was about 10 0r 12 when I was insisting to my parents I was a girl after them having found my girl clothes. Mom dragged me to church and then talked to our doctor (family friend). I am not sure if she insisted he scare me out of my wits about putting me in an institution and giving me shock therapy to break me of my vile thoughts but that is what happened so I buried my true self away like my girls clothes.
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hu731lk said:
Personally, I would have to say no. For me I love acting 'feminine' like you, but I think if I it was normal - something I have done since I was born - it would take the fun away :p
Aliugh i wish i was born a female i do agree with u it would probably take the fun away with myself being a man and the exciment i get wearing womens clothes but i do want to transition to being a women though and im going to find out and see if i can make it happen xxx
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Angelapinks said:
I have always considered myself a girl from a very early age but could not get my point across to parents or my doctor. Back then Transgender was not something well known with only two notable cases of male to female Transition in the press. I was about 10 0r 12 when I was insisting to my parents I was a girl after them having found my girl clothes. Mom dragged me to church and then talked to our doctor (family friend). I am not sure if she insisted he scare me out of my wits about putting me in an institution and giving me shock therapy to break me of my vile thoughts but that is what happened so I buried my true self away like my girls clothes.
Im really saddened to hear that it must have been hell for you xxx
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babyjoe20 said:
Im really saddened to hear that it must have been hell for you xxx
I did not trust my parents to have my best interests at heart anymore after that. Funny though not long after mum started teaching me to sew, knit, crochet, do laundry and cook. She was already teaching me how to draw as she was an artist. It might have been her way of telling me to wash my own pretty things without dad or family finding out. Worked out good for her as well as I was her caregiver until she was 90.
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Angelapinks said:
I did not trust my parents to have my best interests at heart anymore after that. Funny though not long after mum started teaching me to sew, knit, crochet, do laundry and cook. She was already teaching me how to draw as she was an artist. It might have been her way of telling me to wash my own pretty things without dad or family finding out. Worked out good for her as well as I was her caregiver until she was 90.
I find I feel better about myself when I’m dressed more feminine and my behavior is that of a female sometimes I think maybe that’s why my littleself is a girl and why I tend to sway towards girly things and feel at ease in a dress and makeup
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babyjoe20 said:
babyjoe20 said:
Angelapinks said:
I did not trust my parents to have my best interests at heart anymore after that. Funny though not long after mum started teaching me to sew, knit, crochet, do laundry and cook. She was already teaching me how to draw as she was an artist. It might have been her way of telling me to wash my own pretty things without dad or family finding out. Worked out good for her as well as I was her caregiver until she was 90.

i cant help thinking your mum was teaching you laundry cooking and sewing so u could still do your girly things without the rest of the family knowing and also although it mustve been hell for u in your younger years you mustve had a strong bond to be her caregiver until she was 90 and hats off to you for that my friend as i know how hard it is and i had to be caregiver for my mum when she developed terminal cancer xxx
All dude here and content with the outcome.
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ya'll need to realize getting UTI is much easier as a F :LOL:
also period sucks :)
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SuperMaidRavi said:
ya'll need to realize getting UTI is much easier as a F :LOL:
also period sucks :)
True, yet it pales in comparison to the feeling of wrongness.
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I would just adore having been born a girl.
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I wish I had the ability to shapeshift into a girl when I wish. So if I felt like being a beautiful woman in her 20s, or a little girl I could. I could at will choose to have blonde, brown or ginger hair.

Then when I’m done, I just return to my male self. Also I would use it to shapeshift a bit of fat off of me.
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SamanthaAnne said:
I would just adore having been born a girl.
Me too
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Do you think there is a disproportionate number of AB/DL males who would prefer to be female ? (I do) If so I wonder why?
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Richard101 said:
Do you think there is a disproportionate number of AB/DL males who would prefer to be female ? (I do) If so I wonder why?

In terms of simple crossdressing or full gender identity change(Trans)? I'm a straight guy who does crossdress. I am happy as a guy, but do enjoy dressing up as a female. I guess it is a form of escape, not that my life is bad or anything. Dressing as someoen younger is also a sort of escape, I never experienced what it was like to be a little girl, thus my crossdressing also includes the interest in escaping into being a little girl. But i'm just as interested in crossdressing into an attractive grown woman.
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?, kinda puts a new perspective on it, yet I am just happy to be me.
gender is like women, confusing!
Richard101 said:
Do you think there is a disproportionate number of AB/DL males who would prefer to be female ? (I do) If so I wonder why?
Also ASD , a whopping 30 % of transgender people are on the spectrum. This is a statistics a friend gave me , I haven't checked it out yet.
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