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I got to get myself to the hospital in the morning, my knees have gotten worse, something cracked inside it and I felt like I was passing out from the pain, I couldn’t make it to the bathroom today so I been through a few nappies. The pain was just evil. I said to my partner that I can’t carry on in this much pain

The nurse a year ago told me to exercise so I did and it made things worse, now I’ve got numbness in my toes and I can barely move my toes 😭 I’m scared and can’t stop crying
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I'm so sorry. I'm on the wrong end of the Atlantic to be any real help, but I wish I could. Is your partner any help?

Hang in there and get the help you need as soon as you can. Hugs and prayers.
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Sorry to hear about the pain you're in . May I make a suggestion if you are in that much pain with your knees think about getting them replaced. I had my left knee replaced back in Wednesday June 30th 2021 and I just had my right knee replaced Wednesday March 6 2024. I could kick myself in the $*# for waiting for so long in between knee replacements. I don't think you can replace both of them at same time I would go with the worst one first
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I am not laughing.
You are hurting for real.
My own joints are coming apart in their own way with my having Cerebral Palsy.
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Hopefully they can help you when you make it to the hospital. It does sound like you're a candidate for knee replacement. My knees are starting to hurt but I'm 76 years old so one expects all the aches and pains. One does not like the aches and pains however.
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Knees are strong, but weak and when shifted out of their range, things quickly move down hill.
Not sure, which exercises you were doing, but someone should have warned you that if it hurts, stop doing it!!

As stated above, they rarely do both at the same time.
Prayers your way!
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EagleBoy said:
Sorry to hear about the pain you're in . May I make a suggestion if you are in that much pain with your knees think about getting them replaced. I had my left knee replaced back in Wednesday June 30th 2021 and I just had my right knee replaced Wednesday March 6 2024. I could kick myself in the $*# for waiting for so long in between knee replacements. I don't think you can replace both of them at same time I would go with the worst one first
Im serious considering doing that, I think the joint is shot
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PadPhilosopher said:
I'm so sorry. I'm on the wrong end of the Atlantic to be any real help, but I wish I could. Is your partner any help?

Hang in there and get the help you need as soon as you can. Hugs and prayers.
Yes my partner has been very supportive and helped me get to sleep
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Edgewater said:
Knees are strong, but weak and when shifted out of their range, things quickly move down hill.
Not sure, which exercises you were doing, but someone should have warned you that if it hurts, stop doing it!!

As stated above, they rarely do both at the same time.
Prayers your way!
I was doing walking but I agree I think they should have told me
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caitianx said:
I am not laughing.
You are hurting for real.
My own joints are coming apart in their own way with my having Cerebral Palsy.
I’m sorry, any kind of joint issue is terrible, I’m waiting to hear from my doctor this morning but not sure what they can do but I think they need some X-rays
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babyraggydolls said:
I’m sorry, any kind of joint issue is terrible, I’m waiting to hear from my doctor this morning but not sure what they can do but I think they need some X-rays
Both my legs as far as the muscles with having Cerebral Palsy are chronically fatigued all the time and weak.
I can stand.
I can walk.
Very slowly.
But physically crouched.
I did take a walk north up NH Route 28 to the Derry Convenience Store for a Diet Pepsi.
I am tired now and back in my wheelchair.
I was thinking that maybe your knees are now grinding bone-on-bone.
The cartilage all worn-down.
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I saw the doctor he said he thinks I torn a ligament, told me to keep using my leg and referring me to see a orthopaedic. I’m exhausted and in a lot of pain
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babyraggydolls said:
I saw the doctor he said he thinks I torn a ligament, told me to keep using my leg and referring me to see a orthopaedic. I’m exhausted and in a lot of pain
I wonder if they'll send you to physical therapy? My neurosurgeon did for my aching neck and it helped quite a bit. I do my neck exercises every day. My neck still hurts but no where near to what it had been. Physical therapy can help but you have to be faithful to it. Hopefully they would exercise your leg in ways that will help and not hurt or do damage.
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dogboy said:
I wonder if they'll send you to physical therapy? My neurosurgeon did for my aching neck and it helped quite a bit. I do my neck exercises every day. My neck still hurts but no where near to what it had been. Physical therapy can help but you have to be faithful to it. Hopefully they would exercise your leg in ways that will help and not hurt or do damage.
I’ve been sent to physio therapy before the nurse was very rude, told me to exercise, lose weight and sent me on my way. I did exactly what she said, I did a lot of exercise, I lost weight, I hurt my legs more doing that and now I can’t stand on them.

I am being referred to the orthopaedic, to find out what’s going on with them but I don’t think any of them have a clue.

I’ve booked myself in for a private consultation to deal with the pain, it’s not going to be cheap but I think it could help my pain more than the NHS can as they can prescribe things that the NHS are not willing to.
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babyraggydolls said:
I’ve been sent to physio therapy before the nurse was very rude, told me to exercise, lose weight and sent me on my way. I did exactly what she said, I did a lot of exercise, I lost weight, I hurt my legs more doing that and now I can’t stand on them.

I am being referred to the orthopaedic, to find out what’s going on with them but I don’t think any of them have a clue.

I’ve booked myself in for a private consultation to deal with the pain, it’s not going to be cheap but I think it could help my pain more than the NHS can as they can prescribe things that the NHS are not willing to.
I'm glad that you're trying. I'm sorry that, so far, it seems to have done more harm than good. My mother has had many challenges over the years which baffled doctors, and it took her a lot of decades to find doctors willing to listen and dig deep to find the issues. She eventually did, and fibromyalgia turned out to be a factor.

I say that to hope that you keep fighting to reclaim as much livability in your life as possible. Keep fighting! You matter!
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Years ago
babyraggydolls said:
I’ve been sent to physio therapy before the nurse was very rude, told me to exercise, lose weight and sent me on my way. I did exactly what she said, I did a lot of exercise, I lost weight, I hurt my legs more doing that and now I can’t stand on them.

I am being referred to the orthopaedic, to find out what’s going on with them but I don’t think any of them have a clue.

I’ve booked myself in for a private consultation to deal with the pain, it’s not going to be cheap but I think it could help my pain more than the NHS can as they can prescribe things that the NHS are not willing to.
I was made to go see a Physical Therapist who had me rolling on one of those great big balls, to stretch out my back and I was BEGGING him to stop as the pain was INDESCRIBABLE! He refused of course and forced my body further. They had to call an ambulance, take me out on a stretcher and I spent the next month+ hospitalized!

I wanted to kick the ever living shit out of that dickhead! Today my back is a literal disaster though I have been able to stand and walk the majority of the time for several years now. My latest MRI has me scared as the words "significant" "substantial" and "severe" make up the descriptions of my L3 through L5/S1 and my entire Coccyx. For the past 16-18 months my right leg "goes out" (no warning, just a "lightning bolt" of pain across my belt-line, which also wakes me up EACH AND EVERY SINGLE NIGHT!) and I FINALLY get to see my Pain Mgmt Dr. regarding the MRI this week as well as have another Radio Frequency Ablation on my Coccyx as this was supposed to have been done on March 1st but because I had a spinal stimulator removed (so I could have an MRI, LONG, miserable story!) they insisted I get written permission from the neurosurgeon who removed the stimulator, but his contract expired and he's no longer in the area!!! AFTER finally seeing a different Neurosurgeon and being told there was no way in hell he'd sign a clearance as he had never seen me before, they're FINALLY doing it, but MAN have I paid dearly for the delay.

Imagine feeling like someone is literally hitting the end of your Coccyx (tailbone) with a 15lb sledge hammer as you sit, get down to sit, get up from a seated position....exactly what I have been forced to deal with for the past 3+ months all because of legal "technicalities"! I told my Pain Dr. I'd VOLUNTARILY sign a waiver to get this done! I simply detest the fact that in today's environment, Dr's HAVE TO protect themselves. I'm the LAST guy who'd go running to a lawyer unless I was outright lied to or there was true neglect on their part. I hate ambulance chasing leeches!

Anyway, hope you're doing better now. How did you ever make out with this?

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I can't imagine going through all that constant pain. In 1986, I had incredible back pain that ran down my left leg. My Osteo Dr. was treating me for a herniated disc and I saw a chiropractor. The chiropractor even had me get x-rays. Because I was working as a full time church music director, I didn't want to consider surgery until June when I didn't have the kids' and high school choirs. All the while, I was slowly losing the ability to run, and then walk. Once June rolled around, I asked my Dr. for a more proactive approach so they did a Milgram. They discovered a benign tumor growing around the nerves in my spine. A brain surgeon performed the surgery, peeling the tumor off the spinal nerves like a grape.

I was told later that several Doctors including my Osteo Dr. observed the surgery. I also was later told that I had a 50% chance of success, which meant being able to walk. The recovery took many weeks before I was able to last long enough to go back to work. I'm sure that much of my back pain I now experience is a result of that surgery, but at least I can walk and do most of the things I enjoy doing.
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I forgot that the other part that affected me was that the only way I could get away from the pain was to stand, so I spent a lot of time standing. I could only lie down for 2 hours or less so I never got more than 2 hours of sleep for 6 months. I'd go to bed, but once the pain hit, I'd get up and go downstairs into the family room. I had a fire going in the woodstove during the winter months and I'd stand in front of the stove to get heat on my back. This was back in the days of the Apple IIe and I had a chess game which I'd play against the computer, standing all night until it was time to take my shower and get ready for work. Sometimes I wonder how I survived it or didn't ask for the milograhm sooner.
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