• Note: ADISC does NOT allow personal ads. This includes "looking for ____" or "anyone in ____" type introduction posts. To write a good introduction, focus on explaining who you are, NOT what you are looking for. The goal should be to help other people get to know you a bit.

Hello ADISC!


  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Sissy
  4. Incontinent
I’ve known about this site for years but just got around to making an account. I live in nyc and love computers as well as ABU!
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Reactions: NihilisticPuppet
Welcome to the community.
ertertus said:
I’ve known about this site for years but just got around to making an account. I live in nyc and love computers as well as ABU!
Hi, welcome here
Hello and welcome. Thank you for the introduction. I'm glad you decided to make an account and hope you continue to enjoy your time here.
Hello and Welcome