Have you ever wondered why?

I have just always loved wearing and wetting diapers. As far as I know my only trigger is simply that the comfort of being diapered and the feeling of warm pee soaking into the padding that to me is simply fantastic. I never was able to stop wetting my bed and honestly I've always enjoyed it. When in my thirties I became completely unable to hold my bladder and needed to wear 24/7 I was actually very pleased. I had been wearing at night for protection and often during the day for enjoyment all my life anyway. I hated when I was supposedly being potty trained, fought against it and in my way I won. Looking back I don't really see any particular trigger I believe I was just born a diaper lover.
Shannara said:
I never graduated from school running away at 15 school ended at JR high so my Grammer sucks but I think you can read this

I told my story here some time ago about my aunt baby sitting me when I was 6. I wet my pants because I was playing and didn't want to waist time running to the toilet. And so I wet my pants. The idea was to humiliate/embarrass me for wetting my pants. Figuring the next time I would got to the toilet. I was a bed wetter all thru my preteens. That first night back in diapers was one of those ah ha moments. The diaper was soaked but the bed wasn't. Never quite understood why after that week of experience of a dry bed they didn't leave me in diapers at night. That was 50 years ago though and we'll diapers for bed Wetters is pretty commen now. Eveey diaper manufacturers makes diapers in sizes for older kids. Over those years of bed wetting I was abused physically also and really never got to be a kid like other kids in school or church. Thing is I always remember how that wet diaper or wet underwear felt. Because of being abused all those years when I ran away at 15 I kept thinking about those days when I wet my bed. I had found a nice place along the river and would wet. Then latter rinse out my cloths in the river. The diapers came off because of the embarrassment of wearing them every day with my friends. As I grew up I wished I could find that genie that could take me back to age 6 and start over this time wearing my diapers till I finnaly grew out of the bed weating which lasted till I was 13. Now I just miss the childhood and still remember how that wet diaper felt. Now I try to return to the childhood I never really got to have. This is how I wish it had been. Looking back on it now I believe putting me in diapers then was a good idea except it was done for the wrong reason. They tried that humiliation thing but I already was embarrassed for wetting my bed every single night. Today I think back to that time in my life I can't return to. Wearing diapers helps me feel and rember that time in my life. Until I find the genie in the bottle and can go back to 1972 ABDL and diapers will do just fine. I would give anything to be 6 again as long as I didn't haft to live with the pain of physical abuse. Wouldn't it be great to find that genie and take those 3 wishes. I love wearing diapers. to me there just disposable underwear. It's just one less thing I need to wash in the truck stops
Beautiful story. Thanks for writing it! I went everywhere with it and felt all the emotions and all the considerations along the way. You write just fine! Cool.
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Garzilla said:
so shaming and other harsh tactics might have been more common.
You hit on something. My mother called me, "Stinky". I later made an (I can't believe I not only recall this but am sharing this with you all, lol) 'imaginary friend' called "Stinky". I'm laughing because what you said hit a point. I used to talk to "Stinky" about the mean things that she was always doing, etc./toward/at me. (She was an abusive mother). I aged, and I learned a lot since. I understand where she was coming from. I wrote a lot about her here. If she were alive still, I sure would benefit from a very mature conversation with that woman. No doubt.

But to be honest, the only "stinky" smells I find awful are dead animals when on a trail, or crawling in some attic and some dead rat or mouse (really gross smell) is around. THAT smell nobody forgets. But diaper smells? Hell no. No biggy. I change anyone and feel no gross or weird anything. Clearly, she was screwing with my head to shame me into not diaper-wearing.
BUT: The "little imaginary friend" I had entered into me is my guess. Interesting. So maybe it has something to do with humiliation and shame????? Wow. (I'm actually laughing now, literally!).

My guess is she failed horribly with her talent for causing shame and whatever with ME. BUT: She would have made an excellent and very rich dominatrix. (Bad to say of the 'departed', but I'm being real and honest here). She made great stuffed cabbage, though.lau.gif
I know being a bed wetter was not what created my fascination and love for diapers. I do know what triggerd it though. This is my earliest memory. For as long as I can remember. It was that single day when I was 6. They put those cloth diapers back on for that week of humiliation. For that week I was not allowed to use the toilet. I was treated as a baby. At the time I was so embarrassed having to wait to be changed. I was 6 and I had to wear a diaper. I remembered how those wet/messy saggy heavy cloth diapers felt. How sitting there in that wet or dare I say messy diaper waiting for mom to wake up and change my diaper. I remember having to pee so bad waiting to be changed. I finnaly gave in and wet them more. After a week they came off. I think mom just got tired of changing my diaper. The longer I went without diapers and had the wet bed the more I'd wished I could have them back. For 6 more years of wet nights I dreamed of wearing diapers again. Thing is after a while it wasnt about the wet bed anymore. It was wanting to feel that wet sagging cloth diaper again. That 6 year old had turned into a diaper lover for life. God if I could have that genie. I would go back to that last diapered day and beg to wear diapers. Atleast in the evenings. That was the trigger. One day I was 17 I decided to walk down that diaper isle and bought my first bag. They weren't cloth but still diapers. I've been wearing diapers every since. Every diaper reminds me of that little boy who had to wear a diaper 50 years ago. Know I'd rather die then give up my diaper. Anyway that was the trigger that 6 year old humiliated little boy. Just wanted to share the trigger. In my first post I never said what triggerd my love for my diaper.
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