first colonoscopy done


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  1. Diaper Lover
  2. Diaperfur
  3. Incontinent
so today I had my first colonoscopy you might’ve seen some of my posts asking about dealing with the prep earlier. Well, I did go through a lot of Diapers that day and I learned that. Yes I definitely need them but having complete accidents in them is not really the way to go. So needless to say, I learned this the hard way or very soft way, he he he. I went through a lot of diapers and I’m not gonna make that same mistake the next time around. The procedure itself went well. I completely understand why they suggest you wear a diaper to the appointment and after her also. because I had an accident 10 minutes before my procedure, but since I didn’t need a diaper for that, I just got out of it, cleaned myself up as good as I could, and then went and I have the procedure done. Man, the drugs they give you, holy shit , I don’t remember a thing, I don’t remember the last thing I said, or getting turned on my side or anything like that, I just remember waking up, not realizing who was in the room, and also within five seconds, having a minor accident with no diaper on which is kind of sucked but there’s nothing I could do. I was all sorts of fucked up . But you know they’re fine with that. They see that stuff all the time. After about a half hour, and having some Gingerale and saltine crackers, I got into my new diaper and clothes and left. They cut some polyps out and said to come back in three years. so now I have a better understanding of what to expect and how to deal with the prep next time around. The other interesting thing that happened to me today is I think my mom finally understands that I actually need diapers because I have bladder issues from the meds I take. What I didn’t realize and that she told me is that the medication I take for my glaucoma also causes bladder issues which I didn’t realize, and now she’s a bit more understanding of the fact that I actually need diapers. So that’s fine and I’m happy with that because it felt like it took so long for her to actually understand that. I am sure that I will be a bit poopy for the next couple days given what I just went through and also taking the diabetes meds that contribute more to that as well. Also, on another good note, I lost a bunch of weight due to one of the drugs I take, I am now down to 205 pounds. So a bunch of interesting things happened to me today.
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Congratulations on getting through it! The first one is truly the hardest.