Experiences with other ABs

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Would love to know what experiences people have had with other AB’s positive or negative ?

I’ve had a few interactions over the years some ware much like myself just normal people who you could have a conversation openly about similar interests.

On the other hand some ware just weird and made me vary uncomfortable in how they behaved or acted towards me and I’m a guy it’s no wonder why people hit the road running

I had one guy who tried to involve me in his fantasy of diaper changes with him hmmm 🤨 and acted as if he was mentally challenged.

For me as a AB that was distressing I find it hard to believe people now when they tell there stories
There’s a lot of fantasists and creeps out there, unfortunately... you never quite know what people really are.

If you want to meet others, go for a group meet, or if you do want to meet an individual, do so in a public place to start with (once public places are open again!) And try and get to know someone online first. As with anyone you meet from online, particularly regarding an interest some see as sexual, there are risks of uncomfortable situations or worse, all you can do is try to minimise them.
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