Does anyone want to pee the second they get a clean diaper?

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SecretBabyBoy said:
Always this way for me! As soon as the tapes are done. 🙈
It's like my brain has been trained. My body just knows I can go....I enjoy wetting.
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Yeah. I soaked mine as soon as i got it on. I had to go badly and when i got it on i just started going.
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Mathew said:
I enjoy wearing a soaked diaper
In the morning, I'll drink several large glasses of water, which eliminates getting thirsty during the day. When my diaper gets saturated, off course it begins leaking, To continue sitting in my soaked diaper, I'll put a towel on my chair. When the towel gets soaked, I'll simply put down another towel so the urine doesn't drip down my legs or otherwise land on the floor.
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Admittedly, a lot of the time I put one on precisely because I need to go and end up using them within a minute or so of being taped on. The only exception is when I'm getting dressed up for a full day/evening of age regression, then I can put one on and wear it until I naturally need to go.

I don't think I've ever noticed any kind of Pavlovian bladder response whenever I happen to put one on, though.
SecretBabyBoy said:
Always this way for me! As soon as the tapes are done. 🙈
I did it again today. I put it on and I wet it. It's almost impulsive. A diaper is meant to be used, so I use it as soon as I can- which is usually immediately. :)
SeniorMan said:
In the morning, I'll drink several large glasses of water, which eliminates getting thirsty during the day. When my diaper gets saturated, off course it begins leaking, To continue sitting in my soaked diaper, I'll put a towel on my chair. When the towel gets soaked, I'll simply put down another towel so the urine doesn't drip down my legs or otherwise land on the floor.
I've done the towel routine before. I love wetting a full diaper...I like the feel of it.
for me it seems to be the opposite - if I have a minor urge and change, it goes away.... maybe my body is deciding to save up for a flood?
It takes me a little bit of time but once I get a few short bursts I’m in my happy place!
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I wear at night and always like to go to bed in a dry diaper. Of course that goes away over night as I will wake to wet once or twice. I absolutely love waking to a wet diaper.
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Funny enough yes. I have a very shy bladder in general, but any time I put on a clean diaper, I always have the urge to pee within like the first 30 mins. It doesn’t even have to be a lot. Like a timer, diaper goes on, body tells me it has to pee. It’s kinda amusing actually😅
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ThePhotographer said:
Funny enough yes. I have a very shy bladder in general, but any time I put on a clean diaper, I always have the urge to pee within like the first 30 mins. It doesn’t even have to be a lot. Like a timer, diaper goes on, body tells me it has to pee. It’s kinda amusing actually😅
That's me ...almost exactly. I have somehow trained my body to recognize a diaper. My brain just seems to know it's time to pee in my "pants" and the urge to do so is often immediate.
Yup, as soon as I get my diaper on I like to pee in it. I like the feeling being wet and prefer not to be dry.
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Almost always after I change into a fresh diaper do I get the urge to pee
I like to change into a fresh diaper after my bladder has been voided (either in the previous diaper or elsewhere...)

This way I can appreciate it for some time while it’s dry and can wet it little by little.
I can wear a nappy without peeing and enjoy it. What bugs me is peeing yourself while trying to open the front door! Salvation is just too far away, even on just short walks catch me out. Fortunately I am happy to embrace the DL side of me.
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Almost every time and I love it.
Well picture this, Long day at work and you just get home late at night Really have to pee but you're an ABDL do you just go to the bathroom or do you go "I need a diaper on Right now" Well that's me, I get padded up, Absolutely flood then lay down and go to bed lol
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Occasionally yes I do, but there’s also a part of me that likes to put one one and wait for it to build up, that way I’ll go while in the middle of something else. Makes me feel little that way 🙂
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Wetting Happens within minutes every time I put on a fresh one.
It happens. Sometimes so fast that I was not even able to throw my used diaper away in the trash, the fresh one I'm wearing is already wet somewhat. :unsure:
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