Do you think all security guards wear diapers?


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  1. Diaper Lover
I was stuck inside the back of an Amazon for about 3 hours because of an error last week and all the security guard had was his little square guard shack. And during this time, I really had to go, and I wasn't padded, so I had no choice but to relieve myself... the truckers way, because there was no outhouse or bathroom anywhere outside. There was a way inside the warehouse, but that would've dictated the guard to leave his security shack, and I don't think they get breaks, do they? It's not like they get breaks so they can sit down right? So I was thinking to myself, he has to have a diaper on. It's not like he could go the whole day/ night without drinking a drop of water, or eating any food, right? What if it's an emergency call of nature? He just can't abandon his post. He was the only one there. And he had to manually open the gate to let the truckers in and out.

I think any time you include the qualifier “all” it’s going to be a rarity that it bares true. There are probably many security guards who do wear diapers because of the lack of facilities available to them but I’m sure there are many who would still resist the idea due to societal attitudes towards diapers.
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