Diaper Rotation !!

keepitonDL said:
I really need tot try better dry, they seem really inexpensive, how are they in quality ? Are they comparable to another diapy?
They are a solid diaper and relatively inexpensive. One of my favorite diapers. I’ve been a huge fan of the ConfiDry but, they have recently went out of business. Looks like I’ll be going back to the BetterDry.
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Canadianfalls said:
Is there a reason you're not using the Tena stretch? I've been thinking about buying but the design has been discouraging me, with the single tape and all.

they just don't fit me well or stay secure and no leak guards mostly
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Antientmariner said:
I've ordered Molicare and Seni from XP Medical in the past but never went straight to their website. If one day I'm super desperate, I'll take you up on those freebies. Really, sounds enticing. I'll pass on the other brands except Tranquility though. I thought in the past that Tranquility was a top tier diaper. The way they had their diaper displayed all over the internet looking all thick and thirsty made me think they were top quality. Sad how untrue that is. I can't remember how or where, but I picked some up, and they weren't all that good:(
I'll tell you what though, you can put any low tier diaper to good use like I am right now by using them as stuffers! Just cut the wings and leak guards off so it's nothing but a large pad. Perfection.
I have done stuffers like that for many of years. Not like I use to because the Diapers I use now amazing how they are but back in my days if you ripped a tape off of a diaper or just got a good deal on cheap ones I would double up.

Let me Know what you think of Mega Max. They are such a great company too. Their products are a bit more than some others and you have to buy i bulk to get free shipping and take advantage of their free shipping and even auto ship but they are all about customer service that no other diaper company has.

InContol has some pretty good diapers too. But no free samples.
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Diaperman95 said:
I have done stuffers like that for many of years. Not like I use to because the Diapers I use now amazing how they are but back in my days if you ripped a tape off of a diaper or just got a good deal on cheap ones I would double up.

Let me Know what you think of Mega Max. They are such a great company too. Their products are a bit more than some others and you have to buy i bulk to get free shipping and take advantage of their free shipping and even auto ship but they are all about customer service that no other diaper company has.

InContol has some pretty good diapers too. But no free samples.
I've ordered packs of Megamax in the past, and love them, so I don't think they'll send me a free sample as I've ordered from them many times. I just finished my last one last week from my most recent pack, and have one more that came in it's own sample bag. Funny how they'll send me a free sample of the same diapers I just ordered:ROFLMAO: The batch was in large, but I'm a medium sized waist, but I wanted to try them in large this time because I ordered a few large sized diapers in the past from wearingclouds.com and they fit just as fine as mediums. Even the Mega Safaris I ordered were in large. They're perfect for stuffing other, lesser diapers in there. Right now, I have 3 Prevail diapers in my Safari, and the extra bulk feels so amazing! This is one of the thickest diapers I've had in a long time, and I have a whole pack of these Prevails dedicated as stuffers.
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Diaperman95 said:
Wow all diapers are not even close to the same. Go to NorthShore right now and click free samples and have them send a couple of Mega Max. They will send them without charging a cent. But get ready because you are going to have your mind blown. Lots of medical diaper companies do free samples.
Long story but right now I'm kind of helping my dad out and renting a room in a house he owns with 2 roommates. I'd die of embarrassment if they ended up opening a box of diapers by accident. Hopefully this house will be torn down in a year or so and I can get my own place again. My roommates are really great guys but I definitely miss having more privacy for these interests and because it's far less stressful not having roommates.

Thanks for the tip about free samples... I'll definitely be taking advantage of that eventually lol
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Antientmariner said:
I've ordered packs of Megamax in the past, and love them, so I don't think they'll send me a free sample as I've ordered from them many times. I just finished my last one last week from my most recent pack, and have one more that came in it's own sample bag. Funny how they'll send me a free sample of the same diapers I just ordered:ROFLMAO: The batch was in large, but I'm a medium sized waist, but I wanted to try them in large this time because I ordered a few large sized diapers in the past from wearingclouds.com and they fit just as fine as mediums. Even the Mega Safaris I ordered were in large. They're perfect for stuffing other, lesser diapers in there. Right now, I have 3 Prevail diapers in my Safari, and the extra bulk feels so amazing! This is one of the thickest diapers I've had in a long time, and I have a whole pack of these Prevails dedicated as stuffers.
Oh wow I am not into stuffing them to a point I waddle. I normally by quality ones so I don't have to stuff. But I am wearing out of need not desire so I tri to make my diaper supplies last. But I do sometimes use a booster when I am sick or wanting to sleep in the next day and I found seni has a very affordable large booster if you have not tried I will leave a link for a 30 count bag. I have not found more bang for the buck in a booster. Only thing is they do not have a adhesive strip but I don't find that much a problem either.

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Fattrick said:
Long story but right now I'm kind of helping my dad out and renting a room in a house he owns with 2 roommates. I'd die of embarrassment if they ended up opening a box of diapers by accident. Hopefully this house will be torn down in a year or so and I can get my own place again. My roommates are really great guys but I definitely miss having more privacy for these interests and because it's far less stressful not having roommates.

Thanks for the tip about free samples... I'll definitely be taking advantage of that eventually lol
Hey no worries I understand some people just can be dumb about the diaper stigma even to people that really need them like me. I don't like to let it be known to people around me that I am in a diaper either.
I don't know where you are from but many places now you can have items shipped to a fedex facility and pick them up at your own convenience. If you look at Northshore during check out it gives a option to ship to your home or pick up at a local fedex or Walgreens. Amazon also allows this option too and when ordering diapers and Walmart online even has some good extended wear diapers that they do not carry in the store that you can have shipped to your local store for pick up. But no matter what diaper you want to try the best deals are online and the best products in most cases can not be purchased in a local store.
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keepitonDL said:
I really need tot try better dry, they seem really inexpensive, how are they in quality ? Are they comparable to another diapy?

Since the place I order my diapers don't carry Better Drys any more !
I pretty much use MagaMax or Crinklz now !
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Tena proskin pullups and Seni brand any type are my favorites right now. Still trying out different brands.
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keepitonDL said:
Okay folks ! What are some of your favourite diapers you have on rotation !

I have the tena pro skin pull ups ! For wearing literally anywhere
I just ordered In control elite hybrids
AND the confidrys 24/7 so I’m gonna be good all month

Also I’m gonna start taking pic and rating diapy :D
I usually have a few NS mega max pinks, Critter Caboose, and Rearz Princes pinks. I just ordered more Bunny Hops and AbU Little Kings. I get Goodnites pull-ups and other supplies locally, and when home, I have cloth diapers and covers.
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Rita said:
Since the place I order my diapers don't carry Better Drys any more !
I pretty much use MagaMax or Crinklz now !
I’ve wanted to try Crinklz.. are they worth the cost?
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DBabygirl2 said:
I’ve wanted to try Crinklz.. are they worth the cost?

I like the Crinklz Fairy Tail ones the best other prints are OK also , Ya there pretty good I think ! ;)
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Ceary said:
Tena proskin pullups and Seni brand any type are my favorites right now. Still trying out different brands.
Those seni pull ups are the bet pull up I have ever used, for a pullup anyway. I can get by using a pull up in the day but I have to have a fitted tab diaper at night. I hope you are feeling a bit better today.
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Diaperman95 said:
Those seni pull ups are the bet pull up I have ever used, for a pullup anyway. I can get by using a pull up in the day but I have to have a fitted tab diaper at night. I hope you are feeling a bit better today.
Oh that's good. I'll have to order more Seni next month. Thank you. I'm feeling a bit better today
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Just got my first box of Tykables subscription. 1 bag Animoos, two bags Camelots, 1 bag Rascals. All great diapers.
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