Diaper conveyors

I found this site because I was looking at some old cartoons I remember as a kid from the 80s and 90s on YouTube and Googled the name of the user that had a lot of the videos in their collection.

I'm not an infantilist or a furry, and I'm not into diapers, so I apologize in advance that my post is only semi-topical.

These "conveyor belt" cartoons also had a very profound effect on me at an early age (5 to 8 years old, I would guess) and I believe were the beginning of the "imprint" I now find myself with as a "mechophile."

Innocent enough at that age, (albeit with some mild, vague and confusing embarrassment for the way I felt at the time, not yet knowing that those feelings were sexual, would be sexual or even what "sexual" was) not only did the cartoon elements like conveyor belts, mechanized hands and attachments, unwilling participants, and the ever-present melody from Raymond Scott's "Powerhouse" (God, that song is sexy!) lead to that imprint, other tropes in episodes such as "Early To Bet", "A Fox in A Fix", and "It's Hummer Time" added other facets to the kinks and fantasies that I hide deep in the dark recesses of my brain, until now.

I never realized at age 7 that these things would spark an adult appreciation for the deliciously kinky "evils" found in the creations of artists like Tom of Finland--or blogs like the now-defunct "Milked Men" later in life. (I wonder if W.B. or any other creators of content at that time knew... Conspiracy perhaps? ;))

It's difficult to really know what caused those synapses to line up the way they did--or what caused the initial "spark", so to speak. I agree with the "loss of control" theory from another post on this thread, and I'm glad I'm not the only one in this demographic. It makes the world seem a little smaller in such a crazy, hectic time like 2020.

Thank you for letting me tell my story. I look forward to hearing from some of you on this topic as I find it very interesting that there's a common theme that unites us in this thread, even if it's not totally salient to the conversation of this forum as a whole.

Be safe and happy always,
Some rando corrupted by W.B. ;)
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Some of the other, uhh, "materials" I've read involve automatic machines and loss of control. I'd say it's a kink even outside of diapers (though if I ever find myself rolling down a conveyor belt, there'd better be some four-fingered robotic hands padding my bottom!)

Honestly, old cartoons were weird. A lot of what children were supposed to take as jokes ended up accidentally (?) developing into some weird ideas. Tex Avery was rather famous/infamous cartoonist to my childhood. He was one of the earliest to push crazy animations, and famous for the "slathering wolf in a tuxedo" trope.

I began to grow so uncomfortable with his cartoons that I'd start looking for his name in the pre-show credits. If it was something by him, I'd change the channel.
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NinjaPizza said:
Some of the other, uhh, "materials" I've read involve automatic machines and loss of control. I'd say it's a kink even outside of diapers (though if I ever find myself rolling down a conveyor belt, there'd better be some four-fingered robotic hands padding my bottom!)

Honestly, old cartoons were weird. A lot of what children were supposed to take as jokes ended up accidentally (?) developing into some weird ideas. Tex Avery was rather famous/infamous cartoonist to my childhood. He was one of the earliest to push crazy animations, and famous for the "slathering wolf in a tuxedo" trope.

I began to grow so uncomfortable with his cartoons that I'd start looking for his name in the pre-show credits. If it was something by him, I'd change the channel.
Thanks for responding. They're strange for sure!

To clarify, the cartoons in their literal form aren't kinks for me, but if I had to boil it down to the basic elements, I'd definitely say that some of the tropes definitely led to a case of fantasizing about "safe B&D" (not S&M and certainly not humiliation).

I have a theory--because I have found it difficult to experience pleasure, either due to depression, emotional restraint, or lack of pleasurable activities early on, the thought of being forced to give up control and experience pleasure is a turn on. It's interesting to look back and think about how this particular puzzle was put together.

For me, it's caused a wide range of emotions from embarrassment to enlightenment. Until I was in my late 20s, I didn't even realize that my fantasies were normal and enjoyed by others!

If you don't mind my asking, what do you mean by "other materials" ? Erotic literature/art and adult video, or something else entirely? What makes you uncomfortable about his cartoons in general? I'm not a fan of them, (They're kind of corny) but 20 years on, I can watch them to some degree without experiencing that "Damn. This helped make me freaky?" embarrassment.

Finding this forum post helped me to understand a little bit more about how our minds grab onto things and how they evolve with us, for sure.
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I work partially as a roboticist, and the thought of an automated conveyor-belt robotic system going anywhere near me makes me squirm. Give that technology a few bugs and it would sooner castrate rather than diaper you. Now if we fast forward X years in the future and the thing has artificial intelligence, that is another story perhaps...
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CorruptedByWB said:
Thanks for responding. They're strange for sure!

To clarify, the cartoons in their literal form aren't kinks for me, but if I had to boil it down to the basic elements, I'd definitely say that some of the tropes definitely led to a case of fantasizing about "safe B&D" (not S&M and certainly not humiliation).

I have a theory--because I have found it difficult to experience pleasure, either due to depression, emotional restraint, or lack of pleasurable activities early on, the thought of being forced to give up control and experience pleasure is a turn on. It's interesting to look back and think about how this particular puzzle was put together.

For me, it's caused a wide range of emotions from embarrassment to enlightenment. Until I was in my late 20s, I didn't even realize that my fantasies were normal and enjoyed by others!

If you don't mind my asking, what do you mean by "other materials" ? Erotic literature/art and adult video, or something else entirely? What makes you uncomfortable about his cartoons in general? I'm not a fan of them, (They're kind of corny) but 20 years on, I can watch them to some degree without experiencing that "Damn. This helped make me freaky?" embarrassment.

Finding this forum post helped me to understand a little bit more about how our minds grab onto things and how they evolve with us, for sure.

Erotic literature. I don't peruse very often, and its quality depends heavily (hah!--depends heavily) on the writer, but sometimes this material gets me goin' hotter than anything. Roll a "victim" through the machine and have them come out the other side all wrapped up. It's definitely weird, but its existence proves it's a fantasy for more than just one person.

Avionix said:
I work partially as a roboticist, and the thought of an automated conveyor-belt robotic system going anywhere near me makes me squirm. Give that technology a few bugs and it would sooner castrate rather than diaper you. Now if we fast forward X years in the future and the thing has artificial intelligence, that is another story perhaps...

Yeah, realistically, rolling through some BDSM diaper machine would be a terrible idea. Even if/when AI improves, how many test dummies are you gonna put through that thing before you test it on yourself? You never know which run will be the "wrong run." Just think of how many diapers we collectively purchase with tapes that tear right off!

Anyway, the scene in question that haunted me forever went something like this:

Little Red Riding Hood (I think?) had her legs spread across two tables, so she was doing the splits... over a bed of hot coals. She was also burdened down by a lot of packages or something. As the scene faded out, the implication, of course, was that she'd fall and scorch her privates.

Pardon me, but WHAT. THE. ****? This is a scene that would only function within the realms of animation. Even if you were writing a horror movie, you'd second guess yourself--not because it isn't scary, but because it's just plain wrong. It's the kind of animation that would show up today only in... Happy Tree Friends? or something? I don't even know. It wasn't funny, it wasn't erotic, it was... scarring.

Maybe if I saw the scene today, I'd realize it not as bad as I remembered. In any case, I've had full body bondage/diaper fantasies since I was thirteen years old. Did cartoon violence or "factory scenes" contribute? Not likely in any significant way. And the realities of this type of play must always be considered; consent, safe words, trust. Ensuring you don't lose circulation. I can see why the fantasy of rolling through a machine is enticing. The reality is not likely to be anything anyone will be able to do.
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There's also a scene from Phineas and Ferb, where Agent P (Perry the Platypus) sneaks into Dr. Doofenschmirtz' lab, gets grabbed by Doof's "Nanny-inator", pinned down, Pampered up and set in a playpen with a bottle 🍼 and bear 🧸, to Doof's delight. Nobody rocked a fedora and diaper better than Agent P! 🤭
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NinjaPizza said:
Tex Avery was rather famous/infamous cartoonist to my childhood. He was one of the earliest to push crazy animations, and famous for the "slathering wolf in a tuxedo" trope.

I began to grow so uncomfortable with his cartoons that I'd start looking for his name in the pre-show credits.




No! Bad Tex Avery Wolf! Go to jail!

I love the Termite Terrace era of Looney Tunes when the character design got all bendy and wiggly.

Bob Clampett was another insanely talented animator - his style has such a playful madness to it:

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NinjaPizza said:
Erotic literature. I don't peruse very often, and its quality depends heavily (hah!--depends heavily) on the writer, but sometimes this material gets me goin' hotter than anything. Roll a "victim" through the machine and have them come out the other side all wrapped up. It's definitely weird, but its existence proves it's a fantasy for more than just one person.

Yeah, realistically, rolling through some BDSM diaper machine would be a terrible idea. Even if/when AI improves, how many test dummies are you gonna put through that thing before you test it on yourself? You never know which run will be the "wrong run." Just think of how many diapers we collectively purchase with tapes that tear right off!

Anyway, the scene in question that haunted me forever went something like this:

Little Red Riding Hood (I think?) had her legs spread across two tables, so she was doing the splits... over a bed of hot coals. She was also burdened down by a lot of packages or something. As the scene faded out, the implication, of course, was that she'd fall and scorch her privates.

Pardon me, but WHAT. THE. ****? This is a scene that would only function within the realms of animation. Even if you were writing a horror movie, you'd second guess yourself--not because it isn't scary, but because it's just plain wrong. It's the kind of animation that would show up today only in... Happy Tree Friends? or something? I don't even know. It wasn't funny, it wasn't erotic, it was... scarring.

Maybe if I saw the scene today, I'd realize it not as bad as I remembered. In any case, I've had full body bondage/diaper fantasies since I was thirteen years old. Did cartoon violence or "factory scenes" contribute? Not likely in any significant way. And the realities of this type of play must always be considered; consent, safe words, trust. Ensuring you don't lose circulation. I can see why the fantasy of rolling through a machine is enticing. The reality is not likely to be anything anyone will be able to do.
Ouch! That scene would scar anyone with the ability to think logically! Tex is kind of a sick puppy in that regard. I can see why you were put off!

I'm also in agreement with you and the roboticist--it is a terrible idea and definitely not one that gets my percolator running. I've worked in the printing industry and I've seen workplace accidents that would make your stomach churn, so perhaps I've worded things badly; That "fantasy" died out as soon as I was old enough to realize that pleasant or erotic things didn't and wouldn't happen inside any of those metal death traps. Think more "tame"...

For instance, I have a drawing of this metal box that resembles a foot locker. There's two holes in the top with a man's arms jutting out. In the front, there's two holes where his legs and feet are. You cannot see his head or face, however, his toes are curled tightly. Above that, there's a display and a control panel with a multitude of dials and switches, some of which are labeled "Train", "Punish", "Torture", etc. Tubes run out of the box into nowhere in particular. The reason this drawing is so erotic (to me, at least) is that even though we can probably figure out what's occurring inside, the method by which it is happening is left completely to the imagination! ;)

As far as literature is concerned, there's a story where a guy who is going to a date is picked up by the woman's father in a limousine. When the father discovers that the man is a complete horn-dog, it is revealed that his limo is equipped with a device capable of "discharging" any threat to his daughter's virtue. Without going into detail, this occurs several times to the dismay of the suitor who is left sore, yet pleasurably exhausted.

Hopefully that is a better description of this particular evolution, (that there's no hay bailer or smelting cauldron fetishists here!) and I wholeheartedly agree with being safe and consensual during actual activity in the real world.

(Also, IIRC, there's a "rule" on the Internet, I think it's called "Rule 23" that reads, "If it exists, there's porn of it.")

Hope you're all having a great day!
- Corrupted
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