Diaper Alternatives

Now with 47 years of diaper wearing and over those years having tried different versions of catheters even the condom type, I remain a user of diapers. The occasional connection failure is a major-pain when it happens. The greatest issue I have faced is the UTI's and the skin breakdown with the condom style. I am happy for those that are successful in their use. Hey, you do you!

There is no question that Summer's heat is a common reality, but it is more an inconvenience then a nightmare. I learned long ago that one change more often and extend one's skin try-out period. Now-a-days, I wear Cloth Diapers during the day and NS MegaMax at night.

Each individual has to sort-out what works for them as Incontinence is different for everyone and so are one's solutions!
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Pino said:
I have got some at home from Coloplast, for special occasions. I really tried to use them instead of diapers in the beginning but it did not work out for me. For the night it could work better though. My main problem is that i was radically circumcised when the incontinence started, the condom catheter is not staying in place as soon as some back pressure is there, like a problem with the hose, it will come up and be a big mess.
Getting the catheter back off is some kind of problem as well, it just hurts the glans.
Third problem, sounds strange perhaps, i will nearly always get an erection placing it, which causes problems later.
This maybe very personal, i think i am conditioned to "a condom means action" somehow, using normal condoms for 30 years as the #1 prevention for pregnancy as my wife does (could) not take the pill.

What about that system i heard about some weeks ago in this forum? I can not remember the name? That one "sucking" on you?
With the pubic pressure urinal your penis dangles into the rubber cone with the rubber groin and waist straps keeping a seal onto your body. Nothing is gripping your penis and if you are lucky enough to still get an erection it is not an issue as the cone will easily accommodate it. It is primarily for us guys with a short or retracted penis but there is no reason that anyone with a normal size penis could not wear it.
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I had a NIGHTM ARISH incident due to a condom catheter, I was hospitalized in Jefferson Headache Center and Dr Wm. Young (among the greatest Dr.s to ever treat me, and I have bee treated by maybe 150-200. For a test he was doing (often was running multiple tests at once despite me being hospitalized there for a total of 40+ days over 3 stays which could had been longer but the insurance company demanded I be released the last 2 times after 2 weeks.

Anyway, for 48 hours, he needed to collet all of my urine. Being I was already continually wetting the bed as well as 90% of the time I dozed off and often enough while awake as I'd feel the need, try to get up and it was too late. Well, I was only able to sleep 2 hours at a clip as my headache was a good 9/10 and had been for well over a week. I agreed to suffer without opiates hoping he'd find the answer to one of my nightmares.

Out of the blue, it starts "raining" on me! I woke up and couldn't restrain a yell! The nurses came running in to see piss dripping down on everything from the the bar running the length of the bed and me DRENCED! Sure enough, due to my tossing and turning (can't do that any longer!) I put a "kink" in the catheter tube and my condom cath turned into a water balloon UNTIL....... It did not break, but was stretched out. I pai twice for that as the glue used to hold it on took some skin with it when the pressure exceeded what the glue can hold.

No thank you. Once was enough. I've heard the Slayer song "Reigning Blood" (ONE OF my favorite songs) but never "Raining PISS!". Guess I ought to write that and get right on it LOL.

To those I have never told I began writing "fucked up" songs in 3rd grade (one friend calls the "Zappa-Esque" as I use a lot of sarcasm and such and my writing style is quite hilarious. I've written over 200 songs, most would never make the radio due to implied or lyrical reasons but i never wrote to be famous. I did front a metal/punk band for 3 years but once we attracted Neo-Nazi's & skinheads as our fans (we'd play private parties for maybe $500 which you'd think was a lot of money for 4 guys and someone to play rhythm guitar, but we never made a dime but did buy some nice gear) but when I saw 200-250 skinheads & Nazi's giving ME the Hitler salute yelling Zig Hiel, I was DONE! Don't regret it either despite the fact we had a record company who wanted us to play for them. Not worth the aggravation plus i did NOT believe in what I was writing at all so I'm able to live with myself...but would LOVE to do a "Zappa 'Type" band. That or Motorhead cover band as my singing voice is almost a direct match of the former late great "Lemmy"! Low & "growly with lots of gravel in it.

Anyone in NE want to do a hard rock band? I can write though i am musically illiterate. I used to be musically literate a lifetime ago as I played the sax, but i doubt I could even hold on properly now. What my strength is is knowing how to communicate what I believe a song needs as well as making the lyrics fit the music and tempo. We NEVER spent more than a couple of hours on any one song and the majority were literally "roughed in" inside of 5-20 minutes!!!

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Constantlydamp said:
I wear a pubic pressure urinal which is a rubber cone which is held tight against my body with rubber waist and groin straps enabling my penis to hang in the cone (see my avatar). It is connected to the urine collection leg bag and enables me to be out of nappies for a good portion of the day. Best used while walking, shopping, gardening etc it looks gruesome but it works. It is prescribed for me by the Continence Advisory Service in the NHS.
I’m not sure they have these in America. Don’t seem to be readily available on the internet anyways
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iatec779 said:
I’m not sure they have these in America. Don’t seem to be readily available on the internet anyways
I'd imagine they're supposed to require a prescription. Everything does in the land of the fee.....
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iatec779 said:
I’m not sure they have these in America. Don’t seem to be readily available on the internet anyways
A company called Jade Euro-Med supply mine via the NHS and I do know they will export to the USA as a friend in the States ordered from them and all the kit was delivered. I hope this helps but feel free to PM me.
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BigAl2 said:
I think all incontinent folks can use a break from diapers. I sit on a bed pad sometimes. To get a break. In addition to my air out time.
Being profoundly incontinent (F-IC), I've never really considered any alternatives for a diaper. Even though most of my BM's happen during sleep or the morning, I also tend to flood (flash flood) during the day. Never considered a cath (for me - uncomfortable ). I do air out my skin daily. I simply sit on a bed pad for my chair after showering in the morning. I rarely wet my pad when airing out. Bed pads are the best alternative for diapers.
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PadPhilosopher said:
I'd imagine they're supposed to require a prescription. Everything does in the land of the fee.....
It is worth looking on the Jade Euro-Med website at their range of body worn urinals. They give you an idea of what is available and I do not believe they need a prescription. Hope this helps 😀.
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greatlake5 said:
Being profoundly incontinent (F-IC), I've never really considered any alternatives for a diaper. Even though most of my BM's happen during sleep or the morning, I also tend to flood (flash flood) during the day. Never considered a cath (for me - uncomfortable ). I do air out my skin daily. I simply sit on a bed pad for my chair after showering in the morning. I rarely wet my pad when airing out. Bed pads are the best alternative for diapers.
Agreed. I have been using reusable bedpads for 20+ years now. Actually if any near me needs any, I have several boxes that have never been opened as they KEEP SENDING ME MORE despite the fact the stack of the ones I have is more than 2' high! When I am airing out I am either sitting on or lying on a bedpad. Gives me the ability to take care of any issues before they turn PAINFUL (and ugly, medically speaking)....... As soon as I feel a slight itch, I dry out for as long as I can, generally 6-12 hours/week.

Forgot to add to those who may not be familiar with this. RESINOL ointment. WORKS MIRACLES on "sensitive" areas, especially if you start to notice any inflamed skin or even slight cracks (scrotum skin) and though it is not a barrier, you allow this to sit on your skin for an hour and your skin seemingly absorbs the majority of it. I then add a barrier cream (Been using A&D lately and having great results, but Triple Paste has worked in the past as well) and you're ready to rock!

NOTE: IF I have any sensitive areas, I apply Resinol (minuscule amounts go a LONG way and that tiny little tub last months!) continually, at every change until it is 10-0% cleared up. Seems to take care of every issue within 48-72 hours but immediately eliminates the "itch" which is a good thing, as I tend to scratch WAY TOO HARD, and after literally "shredding skin" off of my Scrotum, I NEVER want to experience anything like that again. I also have an antifungal cream over-abundance, thanks to the VA, but with itches without red or cracking skin, I use that and "Itch be Gone! LOL!!!!

Again, anyone near NE Pa who NEEDS any of this stuff, send me a message!

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Now I did talked my MD into teachimg me.how to use a Foley at night, with the over night bag
It.worked great , I just remove it.in the morning, throw put the catheter, clean out the bag and go on with the day, I get all my cath supplies from carewell . They're great to work with. Just make sure you clean real good before you insert, and throw used stuff away. You don't want.an infection. I found hot.water and mild soap works.on external parts. I do cut the tubing down and.i wear.the.bag ony leg
Took sometime to.get.uae.to.and be able to sleep. Youll.be surprised in how mush you body produces over night. Well good.luck be safe
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CptKirk said:
Agreed. I have been using reusable bedpads for 20+ years now. Actually if any near me needs any, I have several boxes that have never been opened as they KEEP SENDING ME MORE despite the fact the stack of the ones I have is more than 2' high! When I am airing out I am either sitting on or lying on a bedpad. Gives me the ability to take care of any issues before they turn PAINFUL (and ugly, medically speaking)....... As soon as I feel a slight itch, I dry out for as long as I can, generally 6-12 hours/week.

Forgot to add to those who may not be familiar with this. RESINOL ointment. WORKS MIRACLES on "sensitive" areas, especially if you start to notice any inflamed skin or even slight cracks (scrotum skin) and though it is not a barrier, you allow this to sit on your skin for an hour and your skin seemingly absorbs the majority of it. I then add a barrier cream (Been using A&D lately and having great results, but Triple Paste has worked in the past as well) and you're ready to rock!

NOTE: IF I have any sensitive areas, I apply Resinol (minuscule amounts go a LONG way and that tiny little tub last months!) continually, at every change until it is 10-0% cleared up. Seems to take care of every issue within 48-72 hours but immediately eliminates the "itch" which is a good thing, as I tend to scratch WAY TOO HARD, and after literally "shredding skin" off of my Scrotum, I NEVER want to experience anything like that again. I also have an antifungal cream over-abundance, thanks to the VA, but with itches without red or cracking skin, I use that and "Itch be Gone! LOL!!!!

Again, anyone near NE Pa who NEEDS any of this stuff, send me a message!

Great advice thank you I’m gonna try. RESINOL ointment hopefully I can get it in the uk
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CptKirk said:
Agreed. I have been using reusable bedpads for 20+ years now. Actually if any near me needs any, I have several boxes that have never been opened as they KEEP SENDING ME MORE despite the fact the stack of the ones I have is more than 2' high! When I am airing out I am either sitting on or lying on a bedpad. Gives me the ability to take care of any issues before they turn PAINFUL (and ugly, medically speaking)....... As soon as I feel a slight itch, I dry out for as long as I can, generally 6-12 hours/week.

Forgot to add to those who may not be familiar with this. RESINOL ointment. WORKS MIRACLES on "sensitive" areas, especially if you start to notice any inflamed skin or even slight cracks (scrotum skin) and though it is not a barrier, you allow this to sit on your skin for an hour and your skin seemingly absorbs the majority of it. I then add a barrier cream (Been using A&D lately and having great results, but Triple Paste has worked in the past as well) and you're ready to rock!

NOTE: IF I have any sensitive areas, I apply Resinol (minuscule amounts go a LONG way and that tiny little tub last months!) continually, at every change until it is 10-0% cleared up. Seems to take care of every issue within 48-72 hours but immediately eliminates the "itch" which is a good thing, as I tend to scratch WAY TOO HARD, and after literally "shredding skin" off of my Scrotum, I NEVER want to experience anything like that again. I also have an antifungal cream over-abundance, thanks to the VA, but with itches without red or cracking skin, I use that and "Itch be Gone! LOL!!!!

Again, anyone near NE Pa who NEEDS any of this stuff, send me a message!

You in nepa? I'm on lake.wallempaupak
Diaperedff1 said:
Now I did talked my MD into teachimg me.how to use a Foley at night, with the over night bag
It.worked great , I just remove it.in the morning, throw put the catheter, clean out the bag and go on with the day, I get all my cath supplies from carewell . They're great to work with. Just make sure you clean real good before you insert, and throw used stuff away. You don't want.an infection. I found hot.water and mild soap works.on external parts. I do cut the tubing down and.i wear.the.bag ony leg
Took sometime to.get.uae.to.and be able to sleep. Youll.be surprised in how mush you body produces over night. Well good.luck be safe
Carwell medical had never asked for a prescription.
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iatec779 said:
I’m not sure they have these in America. Don’t seem to be readily available on the internet anyways
I have seen the pubic pressure urinal with straps on Amazon .or could just look up McGuire urinal equivalent.and also condom catheters here in USA don't require prescription.only ones needed are Foley or any that is inserted to penis .
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Diaperedff1 said:
You in nepa? I'm on lake.wallempaupak

Carwell medical had never asked for a prescription.
I'm like 1.5 miles from the Pittston Area High School, 2 miles east of Pittston.
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When I thought I had to get out of diapers, I tried Men's Liberty.

They worked better than condom caths for me in that they did not leak at all for 24 hours. They are supposed to be better for UTIs as well since the urine does not remain in contact with your penis. I used them for about 3 months and after the first 2 days (adjustment time to applying the device) I never had a single leak. I had only three complaints 1) they are expensive (though insurance might cover them) 2) You can't use the toilet at all. 3) I did end up getting a UTI (it took longer than with condom caths but still happened)
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