Describe the Rubber Sheet on Your Bed Growing Up and How Long it Remained on Your Bed


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  1. Diaper Lover
I had an off-white rubber sheet with little air ridges. my mother must’ve either bought inventory or had a source because I had three of them that she used to rotate while laundering one and then she also used to replace one every three or four years. Even as my bed wedding began to diminish as an early teen it remained on my bed “just in case”
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I had a full cover hospital red rubber sheet on my bed. It saved the mattress many times. It had a certain aroma and crinkle that is embedded in my memory. They are very difficult to get hold off now. It stayed on my bed Until I left home "Just in case"
Mine was reddish and had a wonderful odor, sort of a combination of rubber and pee. I stayed on my bed for long after I left home and was on my own. Once in a while I visited mom and stayed over, always slept on my old bed and mom kept my rubber sheet on it.
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I had a flat rubber sheet that covered the whole mattress from as early as I can remember. It went to college with me.

When I bought my first mattress I bought a few PUL covers for it, and still need a cover on it to this day.

That old sheet though... From the 80s, heavyweight rubber. It was pretty solid. Don't miss it. PUL is so much better.

I still occasionally wake up wet.
I have no memory of ever having waterproof sheets on my bed. They were gone before I started kindergarten. I have a couple of remnant memories of my neighbors having them on their beds and their bedrooms smelling like pee, but even those memories are from before I was in first grade and are fragments or memories of memories rather than actual memories.

I would love to get some vintage 90s era waterproof mattress protectors to try and recreate my childhood memories but as a bedwetter. I'm pretty content with my super crinkly modern cheap walmart ones though. Every time I shift in bed I can hear the crinkle. I love that sound so much.
I had a semi-transparent early 2000's crinkly mattress protector that my mum put on my bed, it stayed on probably until I was well into my early teens. As a kid it used to drive me insane, it was noisy as hell. I'd probably think differently now 😅

I only had it on my mattress in the extremely rare event the late 90's/early 2000's Pampers leaked (I don't even recall ever having a leaking nappy). I think I was probably around 12 or so when it got removed and I transitioned into DryNites (UK version of GoodNites) for bedwetting.
Mine was actually plastic, diamond pattern, thicker than the old style fan fold Pampers plastic, but not as thick as Gerber plastic pants of the day. I was about 4-7 when I needed it on my bed. It was very noisy, and unmistakable when you sat. I hated having it on my bed, but it was necessary. I took some teasing from my older sister over this. This was around the late 60’s. Diapers and plastic pants, would have been humiliating, especially with my sister, but I think I would have been better off with them. Mom wouldn’t have that however, she believed I wouldn’t stop wetting with diapers.
I haven't thought about this for many years.

I wish I could remember but I can't remember what was on my bed (other than the normal fitted sheet and covers).
Mine had like an absorbent top and a rubberized plastic bottom. there were a few times i purposely put it to good use. and 1 or 2 times i accidentally put it to good use.

I have never been able to find one like it. It would literally be dry to the touch when my sheets would be wet. I know i didn't imagine this but i was astounded. i still am.
It was a thick green rubber sheet covering all of my mattress the full length from top to bottom. There was a brighter pee stain in the middle (even though I wore diapers and plastic pants for my bedwetting) and had a vague pissy smell. It was to stay in my bed until I had a full month of dry nights. Didn't happen till I was 17 and even then it remained in my bedside cabinet for at least another year.
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I remember having a full-sized rubber-backed mattress pad on my bed. I wasn't a regular bedwetter, but had occasional nighttime accidents so it was mostly there “just in case”. It was quiet so you didn’t know it was there, and also pretty absorbent, so if I did wet, the wetness was contained and didn’t soak the whole bed. The last time I remember wetting my bed I was 9 or 10, but the pad stayed on up until we moved when I had just turned 12. The bed I slept in at my grandparents house, on the other hand, had a very crinkly plastic mattress protector under the sheets that you could hear across the room when you moved in bed. I recall wetting there once and waking up cold and absolutely soaked because the pee just pooled on the plastic cover and spread everywhere.
I think I started with a rubber sheet because it was loud
then later I think it was more a white vinyl thing that also rustled but was quite a bit thinner

now mattress protector sheets are great you don't hear them at all and have a nice outer feeling. Mine has a cooling feature which I love and you'd never know it was a "plastic" cover yet totally water proof
I think we went through a couple, but the one I remember was white and made of this thick vinyl-y material that made a lot of noise when you moved around on it. Was always on my bed, even through high school. Also “just in case” even though I stopped consistently wetting around thirteen and just had a handful of isolated incidents for a few years afterward. A younger neighbor who was always trying to befriend me saw it once. My mom told him it was “for spills” lol
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Still have one
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I had a plastic sheet on my bed as a child as I was an occasional wetter. White PVC, under the sheet extending from about upper chest down to knees when lying in bed. It did crinkle a bit when sat on. Most of my friends had a similar arrangement although one had a red rubber sheet on his bed as he was a nightly bedwetter and also in terry cloth nappies and plastic pants under his pjs.
Brumas94 said:
Most of my friends had a similar arrangement although one had a red rubber sheet on his bed as he was a nightly bedwetter and also in terry cloth nappies and plastic pants under his pjs.
How did you know about the friend with the red rubber sheet. How old were you and the friend at that time?
Industrial waste bags.
iampadded said:
How did you know about the friend with the red rubber sheet. How old were you and the friend at that time?
We were under 10. his plastic pants were on the washing line and never teased him about bedwetting, quite the opposite, so we shared a lot of interest in nappies and plastic pants.
Growing up, I always had the white plastic sheet on my bed. It was super noisy and hot in the summer. Stayed on my bed at home when I came home to visit. My wife didn’t like the noise when we got married and we now use a plastic backed bed pad on our bed.
Don’t remember much of having rubber sheets but I have been on a few during potty training. I remember not really liking it because I thought they were uncomfortable and they would have a hint of smell of baby powder. Now I would feel so baby if I had rubber sheets.