• Note: ADISC does NOT allow personal ads. This includes "looking for ____" or "anyone in ____" type introduction posts. To write a good introduction, focus on explaining who you are, NOT what you are looking for. The goal should be to help other people get to know you a bit.

Dannyl Says Hi


  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Little
Hi there. I'm really into language and computers. This AI trend is scary but fascinating. I'd love to get more into that if I could get the skills. I'm studying computer science with that in mind.

Diapers have been an interest of mine for years. I love the way they feel, and all the associations with them, including both the care aspect and the humiliation aspect. I thought I was a DL for years, but I'm starting to lean more into the AB side. I love being called a "little one" or a "good boy".

Fantasy books and media are my jam. My username is a character from the Black Magician trilogy by Trudi Canavan. I chose it because he was the first gay character I read about in a book. And yes, I'm gay. But that's something I really struggle with about myself.

When I was younger I wanted to be a writer. I've tried some writing, but it doesn't really get anywhere. But I'm busy working on a story that might change that.

I joined ADISC to try talk with others like me. But I kinda forgot about it. I also wanted to read the stories - a good diaper story can make me feel so fuzzy.
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Reactions: Magicalgirl101 and mistykitty
Welcome to the site 😎
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Reactions: Dannyl
Thanks. Glad to be here.
I am new here myself, it's very refreshing to hear about others loving Diapers etc. as much as I do. It's wonderful Being Here
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Pampersdamper said:
I am new here myself, it's very refreshing to hear about others loving Diapers etc. as much as I do. It's wonderful Being Here
it's a great community where diapers are not seen as taboo
Another computer nerd on ADISC. Welcome. You will find that we have a fair number of computer people here. I've been fighting with the electronic monsters for over 55 years and still love knowing how to tell them what to do.
Welcome to adisc @Dannyl :) Everyone here is awesome and supportive. Myself and others look forward to speaking with you on the forums.
howiebabe said:
Another computer nerd on ADISC. Welcome. You will find that we have a fair number of computer people here. I've been fighting with the electronic monsters for over 55 years and still love knowing how to tell them what to do.
I love that description: electronic monster. My little side now wants to make scary teeth and eyes for the screen, to make it look like a monster.
mistykitty said:
Welcome to adisc @Dannyl :) Everyone here is awesome and supportive. Myself and others look forward to speaking with you on the forums.
Thank you. I appreciate it. I've been meaning to be more active. This place does seem cool.