DAE have an aversion to finances?


Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
  2. Little
I don't look at my payslips. I don't look at my bank statement. I don't know how much my rent is, or any of my bills really.
Someone recently asked me what my budget was for some trip and I looked at them blankly.

People either think I'm loaded, or that I'm totally broke. Sometimes they think I'm rich because they see me buying things without checking how much they cost and realise I don't think about money. Although because I am so oblivious to financial matters I also let people buy me things without the kind of polite protest expected from adults. I also don't always reciprocate. I'm trying to work on that but it seems so transactional. And I never expect anything back when I get someone something. Although this also has lead to me being taken advantage of.

Thankfully my partner takes care of these details. Even though I earn more than him I always have to ask him if I can have something (although I sometimes secretly order things online 🤫). I prefer it this way. I think for the same reason I like people to buy me things, it's not about the money, if someone buys me something it creates a kind of power dynamic, I feel taken care of but also helpless and childlike.

Like many here I like to feel like a child, and a big part of that is not understanding finances and thinking they're silly grown up things. People are weird about that stuff and so I'm really grateful I can opt out. I realise this isn't practical for most, but this is probably the biggest part of my lifestyle that's little. But even if I wanted to I just don't think I could do financial management. It's so weird and iky for me!

So I guess I'm wondering if anyone else lives this way, or wishes they could. Does anyone else feel they just aren't capable of being grown-ups about finances? Does anyone else let someone control their finances as a kind of power exchange thing?

I wonder if you could get a sort of kinky account to spank you for spending too much video games.... just a thought.
Part of being an ABDL is being able to function in an adult world. We cannot shut ourselves away completely. I am a DL but since my wife was run down by a car I have to handle all the financial stuff, but I’m not bad at it and we worked hard when we were young so we have a pension big enough not to have to worry about the finances, we just worry about health issues.
Teddy02 said:
Part of being an ABDL is being able to function in an adult world. We cannot shut ourselves away completely. I am a DL but since my wife was run down by a car I have to handle all the financial stuff, but I’m not bad at it and we worked hard when we were young so we have a pension big enough not to have to worry about the finances, we just worry about health issues.
Yeh I completely agree. However I am lucky that I am able to split the responsibilities with my partner so we both do the things we feel best suited to.
I guess I'm just curious if others here feel the same or relate to this.

Sorry about your wife. That's awful.
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I'm married and I would say that I'm more financially aware then my wife, we always talk about our purchases and plans for the future, I try to save and not spend / financially plan, she's more of the live in the moment or not afraid to pull the trigger on things, but we work together and we both respect each others spending habits so to speak.