Could ABDL desires be caused by too much attention & love from parents and minders when one was a baby?

Given that regressive indulgence and fetishization of sexuality are universal human proclivities evident in all areas of individual, social, and economic activity, it might be worth noticing that these desires are suppressed and obstructed when they are expressed directly as primary impulses toward immediate objectives, but are encouraged and rewarded after they become re-directed (perverted) as modified (mutilated) impulses toward secondary objects removed from immediacy. You can't have what you want when you need it--but you'll be able to buy something else that you don't need in the future. You can't wear diapers as a self-reassuring gesture--but your frustration can find a substitute satisfaction in self-destructive or socially-destructive behavior directed by or toward others. The question should not be, "How did this abnormal desire arise?" but, "How did this normal desire survive?"
Gaga94 said:
Could ABDL desires be caused by too much attention & love from parents and minders when one was a baby?
I dunno 4sure, buth this correlation fit's my life.
Got much attention and (too much) love as a child from my parents.
Edgelyn said:
"How did this normal desire survive?"
It would seem to have evolutionary benefits.
Not my parents my real mom was a socialite my father was a real real mean man . He followed the old Doctor Spock from the 60s which stated in his book never hug or show affection to your children raise them to be tough adults .....well that failed big time on his part . My nanny that really raised me carried me on her hip until I was 7 years old . I was a very small child my mom said they thought I would die because I did not eat much . I was 4’ 9” in 10th grade weighed 67 pounds . My brother was 6’2” in the 10th grade he took care of me all the time . Girls in school both jr high and high school dragged me all over the place like a puppy because I was so small . All the while my mom was either out on the town or drunk . I hardly ever saw my dad but when I did he was the punisher . My father would hit me so hard after 7 hospital emergency room visits the DHS investigated him . But men that are wealthy get away with a lot . I’d say no coddling was not in my childhood at all . I’m autistic but back then they just wrote us off as retards 😭 There was no autism that was diagnosed when I was 20 years old . I wore diapers until I was 19 due to stress from abusive parents but at night only . When I turned 16 a fried mom recognized I was special needs she took care of me way better than my own parents she was a RN . She would help me put on my night time diapers and I stayed at their house most of the time . My parents did not carethey just wanted to know where I was . Her som my only male friend treated me like I was just another family member we both slept in the same bed . He would even wake me up when I was wet and him mom would help me Chang into a dry diaper . ❤️
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BL75 said:
My mother was a narcissistic explosion and a borderline whirlwind. I never knew if I was about to get hugged or hit. She didn't trust me to do basic things, never showed me how, and would then resent me for not doing them. I didn't dress myself, do my own laundry, cook for myself etc. until pretty late in childhood because I was not allowed to. I was conditioned to be dependant so that I could be admonished for my dependency. My father was emotionally and otherwise unavailable/ inaccessible.
My favorite example of how useless and awful they were...they never even taught me how to tie my shoes, yet pissed when my shoes were always coming untied. No one ever showed me and by the time I should have known, I was afraid to ask anyone. I still make bunny ear loops today. This was the course of most things and I am mostly an autodidact. I cannot functionally learn most things unless I teach myself in some roundabout mixed up , unconventional manner.

Did all this influence my ABDL and other proclivities ? Probably, it influenced a lot, but none of it came from a place of over nurturing or loving attention.
I just posted below your childhood was very similar to mine . Read my post below ...and yes learning was horrible I repeated 1st grade and 6th grade they just passed me on knowing by then I was a special needs child . I did not graduate high school per say they gave me a certificate of attendance . Pretty much a certificate saying I was there but can’t learn beyond a 8th grade mental bases . Yes only later was I finally diagnosed with autism 🌈
I think ABDL has many reasons why someone would be it. But if you look at the whole population you would not be able to determine factors that would make someone a abdl. There are many reasons people are some people say they've always had accidents so it progressed into adult baby or diaper lover. Only the individual can actually figure out why and that might be hard for many people because it takes a deep look at oneself.