CoreFlow Catheter


Est. Contributor
  1. Incontinent
I have got questions. I will ask my urologist next time, but this is some month to go and i like to understand earlier.

This catheter can be separated, main reason is to mimic a prostate OP. BUT there is also the information to use it with neurogenic bladder, or detrusor bladder dysfunction. And exactly here is my interest, as i do have DSD often and especially after Botox treatment i need to do ISC.

I do not have problems with ISC usually, but i like the idea to be able to pee normal and getting this "stent" for some time instead.

Does anybody tried that already? I am curious about the "management", the placing is not problem as i see it, but i am skeptical about the removing part.
Looking for the correct size would be no problem with my urologist, but i already know i will need the longest version of it, my prostate is a little special in design. ;)

It shall prevent UTI either.

Any experience here?

I just looked the price up, it is about 180 Euro a piece. That is not interesting for my kind of problem, the price to ISC is to close,
additionally i would need to to that properly with my urologist and not by myself, what makes the handling even more complected.
A Foley on the bad days in less than 5 Euro all inclusive.

I do still like the idea, but i fear there is no use for me. I stick to ISC than.
When using that CoreFlow Cathater instead of an UDM, that makes a lot of sense to save time and money.
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Interesting information. I can see how it can be used as a pre-surgery diagnostic tool and as a temporary device for someone waiting for a TURP or similar procedure relating to obstruction. Patients would get a sense any post operative complications, or assurances of not having incontinence.

Thanks for sharing.