Connecting with Local ABDLs?

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  1. Diaper Lover
I'm kind of on the fence if I should connect with ABDLs in my area

On the one hand it would be nice to have people in person to connect with that share my ABDL interests

On the other hand, in real life I am not quite as social as I am online, and I tend to overthink things and think about all the ways things can go wrong

I dont even know if I could go forward even if I attempt to connect to someone in my area

And then theres the problem of even if I could, I dont drive and public transportation is very hit and miss
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I'm in a similar position. I'm not a social guy and although I do drive, I'm not sure I would ever actually make the connection to attend a local ABDL event.
I just want to say thanks fellas I know what it's like. I have been to many meets of diaper lovers and such, but I am a diaper lover not adult baby and I do say it is much harder to meet people that are really into diaper sex and things of that nature. I do drive and have met people in other states and counties, but it's still not the same as meeting a neighbor or someone close by that I can chat with or really get close to. It is a very rough life to lead and friends are far and few. I do wish to get closer to many of you and get to know how you feel and react to my messages. I say thanks to all those that have welcomed me and hope to be a proud diaper lover.
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I am the same way...I have seen a few others in my area, and while the thought of having someone to hang with while enjoying diapers sounds amazing, it also sounds absolutely terrifying!
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BabyTyrant said:
I'm kind of on the fence if I should connect with ABDLs in my area

On the one hand it would be nice to have people in person to connect with that share my ABDL interests

On the other hand, in real life I am not quite as social as I am online, and I tend to overthink things and think about all the ways things can go wrong

I dont even know if I could go forward even if I attempt to connect to someone in my area

And then theres the problem of even if I could, I dont drive and public transportation is very hit and miss
i'm new hear too. i'v also got a lot of angsiaty socially so i get you there. hope to talk more
Isanythingreal33 said:
I am the same way...I have seen a few others in my area, and while the thought of having someone to hang with while enjoying diapers sounds amazing, it also sounds absolutely terrifying!
I can't really say terrifying sweetie, I would say I am more of an action seeker. Tobe honest I welcome the unknown.
philmydiaper said:
I just want to say thanks fellas I know what it's like. I have been to many meets of diaper lovers and such, but I am a diaper lover not adult baby and I do say it is much harder to meet people that are really into diaper sex and things of that nature. I do drive and have met people in other states and counties, but it's still not the same as meeting a neighbor or someone close by that I can chat with or really get close to. It is a very rough life to lead and friends are far and few. I do wish to get closer to many of you and get to know how you feel and react to my messages. I say thanks to all those that have welcomed me and hope to be a proud diaper lover.
I'd love to explore diaper sex and things like that, it's a shame I'm in the UK. There needs to be more of those videos online in my opinion, it's great stuff
Frankly, the easiest way to meet others is to simply either attend or host an event. It is simple to setup a munch or meet... so everybody likes to eat. You find a place that generally is acceptable to all tastes, places like pizza or Golden Corral work great. Pick a date and time and advertise it. If people show up, eat dinner and converse. If nobody shows, eat and talk to yourself :D

You are only a stranger once. You can choose to hide at home and be lonely wondering if there are others in your area, or you can go out and meet others. You don’t have to all become best friends.... just be social with each other.
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my issue is i cant accomodate i like funsponge am in the uk but my ab side isnt sexual its a coping thing
It's mostly a Nonsexual thing for me too, sometimes it gets sexual, but that's only a sometimes thing, by and large most of the time it's simply for comfort and stress relief
i suppose all abs and dls are different
diapernh said:
If people show up, eat dinner and converse. If nobody shows, eat and talk to yourself :D
There was a time I organized a meet-up at my local buffet: several people in the immediate area expressed this was a great idea, they were tired of being lonely, etc. and well over a dozen RSVPed. Wouldn't you know it? Nobody showed. Thankfully, this isn't always the case and, for the better part, a few do show most of the time. AB/DL tends to have a lot of reclusive, asocial folk.
I have also contemplated going to local events but never bothered. Think I’m too scared.
Ive been thinking of starting an ABDL munch where I live. Anybody in East Alabama/West Georgia interested?
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So Aussie road trip it is.... ???? What????
Something I wrote on another site... but totally still applies. We have abdl friends in real life and getting out there is the best thing we ever did.

A case for attending events - Loving RVA

Note: This is done on a smart phone featuring autokerrkt, there very well may be typos you would not find in my graduate thesis or white papers.

One of the most endearing aspects of the Richmond area is the warm, friendly people in the ab/dl community here and from the surrounding areas. I've been a "Daddy" for decades and it can be a lonely existence even when you have a little under your care.


Because, nobody I've ever met wants to play alone. Sometimes, interacting with others enhances your play in ways you would never imagine. Making friends who "get you" and are thrilled to hang out and do fun things.

RVA is truly a wonderful spot for Ageplay. My baby girl attended her first munch and after party event about two months ago. She was filled with fear and dread. The demons "Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt" thought they had a strong grip on my little. They whispered things like "Nobody will like you!", "This going to be a Jerry Springer Episode on steroids!", "There will be creepy people there!", and the most terrifying "What if someone I know or work with is there?"

Baby Rox was very brave and clutched my hand so tight at the Legends Brewing munch that it took time to get the feeling back. Her apprehension quickly dissipated as she saw the host's warm smiling face. Surprise of surprises! He wasn't an Ogre or mean. He WAS dressed incognito to the untrained eye, very friendly and a consummate ringmaster as others arrived - making introductions and keeping everyone included.
We ate great food, talked to interesting people, and even learned of another Ageplay group called the Little Scouts. Rox's eyes widened as a gentleman discussed spanking techniques for discipline. A young lady discussed her relationship dynamic. Rox listened intently.

On the ride home, she was far more excited than I had seen her in recent memory. Questions about "spankings" and comments about how nice and sweet everyone was... and of course her biggest relevation "Daddy, they are people like you and me!"

I felt truly blessed because when someone has a bad experience, many times that is it. The "one and done!" mentality takes over. In our case, she had a wonderous time.

The events that are planned are done with great care. From a day trip to Pony Pasture Park (thank you RVA Little Scouts Troop 804), to the "after party's" filled with childish fun, and the lunch/munches at spaces with something for everyone. Nothing warmed my heart more than watching my kiddo do Mario Kart racing with another little girl as the daddy's cheered them onward. She gushed about what an absolute cutie one of the little boys was (in a non-sexual way of course). After protesting about daddy buying $20 worth of tokens, she relented when she had played them all. Watching her play pinball with her tongue curled under her lip with intense concentration was so adorable.

It was also a thrill to have a little ask me to play a shooter game with him. As a daddy, I enjoy being around all littles regardless of their gender (actual/perceived/chosen identity). I've met people who have many similar life experiences - which is a factor that simply can't be explained. It gives you a warm fuzzy feeling. It also made me wonder if there was a specific set of experiences that people in Ageplay were more likely to possess?

With each event, I watched my little girl slowly emerge from her shell. She is still a bit timid. With time, I see her growing bolder and more out going. The key take away is she is "growing".

Our play time has been enriched. Last night I was informed that she wanted... no NEEDED a purple and gold glitter sparkle tutu (LSU). She wants me to take her to one of the CONS... Teddy or CAP, as time and finances permit. She never would have considered going until recently.

Because of that first venturing out, we have found a wonderful community, and my little plans things around Ageplay events (hair/nail appointments get rescheduled now whenever possible). We have started some great friendships and know that we will become fast friends with everyone in our local area group. And who knows, maybe we will do some traveling to other munches/events outside our local area.

To those of you out there that are afraid to get out there, I want to encourage you to find the courage to go. Our lives have been immeasurably enhanced by getting to know others in person. You might just find yourself wondering why on Earth you didn't do it sooner.
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BobbiSueEllen said:
There was a time I organized a meet-up at my local buffet: several people in the immediate area expressed this was a great idea, they were tired of being lonely, etc. and well over a dozen RSVPed. Wouldn't you know it? Nobody showed. Thankfully, this isn't always the case and, for the better part, a few do show most of the time. AB/DL tends to have a lot of reclusive, asocial folk.

I was going to say that it works better if the people already know each other. There are so many local events advertised on FL. Granted they might not have anything in your immediate area, but it is totally worth it going.

I know that the first few events I threw had low attendance. However, they have grown to a decent showing of around a dozen or so people. It takes time and networking. Sometimes we don't realize there is already a nearby group. It's almost always worth it to join a local or nearby group versus trying to start your own.
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BobbiSueEllen said:
There was a time I organized a meet-up at my local buffet: several people in the immediate area expressed this was a great idea, they were tired of being lonely, etc. and well over a dozen RSVPed. Wouldn't you know it? Nobody showed. Thankfully, this isn't always the case and, for the better part, a few do show most of the time. AB/DL tends to have a lot of reclusive, asocial folk.
I had nearly the same problem when I once hosted a meet up. Had over a dozen rsvp, yet only 4-5 showed up. And each one said they could only stay for a few minutes. Within about 30 minutes I was alone and looking at a bunch off uneaten food on the table.

Why rsvp if you have no intention of showing up?
daddyconnor said:
I was going to say that it works better if the people already know each other...It's almost always worth it to join a local or nearby group versus trying to start your own.
Aye, there was the rub. There were no AB/DL groups existing in my locale at the time way back in 1999-2000. 😢
Slomo said:
I had nearly the same problem when I once hosted a meet up. Had over a dozen rsvp, yet only 4-5 showed up. And each one said they could only stay for a few minutes. Within about 30 minutes I was alone and looking at a bunch off uneaten food on the table.

Why rsvp if you have no intention of showing up?
Some show up looking for a female... when the see it's all guys or the female is with their CG/SigOther they will bail. Some are hoping a daddy will show up.

It has happened to me before. I didn't let it bother me. Planning fun events helps too. I like to do more than meet at an eatery. Children's museums or something along that route.
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