Confused bladder after wearing for extended period of time

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  1. Diaper Lover
I try to wear diapers everyday for several hours when I get home and change out of them before bed. I don't usually wear diapers to bed.
Several times a year, I get a chance to wear for all day and night for several days.
Recently, I just finished wearing all day and night for a week. When I changed back to underwear, I noticed that my bladder was confused about what to do when it noticed any urge. On the one hand, it was ready to release the pee. On the other hand, it was holding back because my bladder knew it couldn't because I didn't have a diaper on.
Anybody else share a similar experience??
yeah, both your bladder and your brain are confused. "...hey, brain,do i let go or hold it?" " you are asking me? im as confused as you are, bladder!" lol

yep, you might end up wet at the wrong time. i always wear an extra layer and black pants when going from diapers to not.
Gods, a week! What I'd give for my bladder to give up control- especially in just one week!!!

You are SO lucky!
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