Being allowed to wear diapers as a kid/teen?

I was a bed wetter up until I was around 11-12 so I wore at night then
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I wore goodnites until I was 15 every night and occasionally wore them after that if I wasn't sleeping in my own bed, I probably hadn't actually needed them since around the time I turned 14 I was just so afraid of waking up in a wet bed. My parents were not very supportive of my bedwetting problem but they did keep buying the goodnites so that counts for something.
chuck said:
Wore them to bed every night.
So did I until I was 8 or 9 and then again from being about 15 until I finally stopped wetting my bed in my early 20's
I was born into diapers and by the time I was 6 years old. All my friends were out of diapers and their car seats as well. As for me, my mother has a rule that I must sit in a car seat until I outgrew it. I got to sit in an Overhead shield car seat every time I got into a mini van and my friends always had a huge grin on their faces. When I was 8 years old I asked my HouseKeeper/Nanny if she would treat me like a baby. It took a few days, but I got my wish. I should of just kept my big mouth shut! Being put into a mcdonalds high chair around other ppl wasn't that fun at all or a baby stroller. But I did get treated like a baby for a while, until I outgrew everything..
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Being a bedwetter until 17, I wore diapers every night. I didn't necessarily wear "openly" but there were times that I'd be diapered around family while wearing pants or shorts. As I got older it got less frequent. I also had two friends in middle and high school who knew and I would wear around them as well.
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TexasToast11 said:
I was born into diapers and by the time I was 6 years old. All my friends were out of diapers and their car seats as well. As for me, my mother has a rule that I must sit in a car seat until I outgrew it. I got to sit in an Overhead shield car seat every time I got into a mini van and my friends always had a huge grin on their faces. When I was 8 years old I asked my HouseKeeper/Nanny if she would treat me like a baby. It took a few days, but I got my wish. I should of just kept my big mouth shut! Being put into a mcdonalds high chair around other ppl wasn't that fun at all or a baby stroller. But I did get treated like a baby for a while, until I outgrew everything..
Awww! I wish that I could have been in that kind of situation tho! 🥰 So.. how old were you when you outgrew from those things eventually? (and I am not talking about diapers);)
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I was allowed to wear incontinence nappies every night from age 11 to 17. Not for incontinence reasons but out of choice.

When I was 11 I moved to a new foster family a couple of months before I started a special needs secondary school... At school their was a boy who was incontinent and I would steal his incontinence pads that were placed in a locker in the disabled toilets. I would literally stuff my backpack full of his pads (attends contours) I would take them home and I got caught many times by my foster parents.... They sent me to see a child psychologist, they decided that I could wear but with a good behaviour chart... soon after that my social worker bought me pads from Boots the chemist which were okay but not nappies, just pads, I remember them being purple but they were not molicares. I remember my foster mum sitting down with me with the Tena mail order brochure and we choose what nappies I wanted, We decided on Tena Slip Supers..

I moved out when I was 17 into my own flat, I wore pretty much wore all the time then. I now know the child psychologist probably said I wanted to wear nappies due to attachment disorder. In attachment theory it makes sense as my mother was inconsistent with her care/affection towards me and I took comfort from my nappies, probably the only affection I got were at nappy changers... My earliest memories I have always loved nappies.
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xzigo said:
Hi guys! So, who was actually allowed to openly wear diapers as a kid/teen? Share your stories
i was diapered for bedwetting into high school . and would get diapered couple hrs. prior, and would wear around the house in the summer , watch tv and stuff
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I was a bedwetter till i was about 17 , my mom knows and diapers are pretty much mandatory as i tend to wet at night a lot at the time . I would say i would actually allowed to wear openly but i try not to as it was kinda embarrassing for me to be in just diapers around my mom , it was very rarely that i would do so walking around the house in just diapers and t shirt as i tend to cover up in front of her. When i was younger maybe about 12 i would openly wear just a diaper around her but i started to get more and more embarrassed as i grew up , by age 15 i try to cover my diapers around my mom . She knows im wearing diapers though , it was only after i completely stopped bedwetting at 19 that i had to secretly get diapers and wear them as i got so used to diapers growing up that i just have to wear them .

Although my mom knows i wear diapers she always compared me to my peers saying so and so are already out of diapers and that why im at this age a late teen and still in diapers etc , i was allowed to wear diapers even encouraged to some extent ( for convenience ) but was also humiliated at the same time for still wearing diapers .
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I was never fully potty trained. My parents tried everything, but around age 7 I guess they just gave up, because I’ve been in diapers ever since. Although since then there were some attempts at biofeedback/therapy/etc, but none of it worked
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PrettyLilPrincess said:
I was never fully potty trained. My parents tried everything, but around age 7 I guess they just gave up, because I’ve been in diapers ever since. Although since then there were some attempts at biofeedback/therapy/etc, but none of it worked
I am actually jealous, always wanted to wet the bed and wear diapers from age 4.5 to 5 but never, ever, dared to wet, I was trained at 9 months and I really think that is part of my need to wet and wear and so crave the attention of getting changed!
I was never allowed to wear diapers after age 6
dprlvrkevin said:
i was diapered for bedwetting into high school . and would get diapered couple hrs. prior, and would wear around the house in the summer , watch tv and stuff
My experiences were so similar. Mom diapered me until I was 17 for bedwetting. My younger sisters were also diapered so at least until I was 15 we were all diapered an hour or so before bed and would all hang out and watch tv or play a game in just our diapers and rubber pants. By the way, your avatar looks so much like my own cloth prefolds and blue ducky head diaper pins.
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I think "allowed" is kind of a loose term. In my case because of my bedwetting even as late as high school, I was "encouraged" to wear them. There were a couple of years after my bedwetting started to diminish around the age of 13 or so where I thought I was outgrowing it and would go without diapers and just wet my bed on those nights where I had accidents, but after a couple of years of that I voluntarily went back to sleeping in diapers and rubber pants. It was no secret that I was doing it, but I would not arbitrarily wonder around the house in my night diapers. During the years when I was sleeping without diapers my Mom rotated 3 rubber sheets. There was always one on my bed, one in the wash and one in the closet ready to replace the soiled one when it needed washing.
AvatarCaleb said:
I wet the bed until I was a freshman in high school. I wore them every night and my entire immediate family knew as well as some close friends and my cousin who is my same age. I liked just how normal it was. Everyone expected me to wear them and no one mined if they saw them peaking up over the waistband of my PJ's. Sometimes I wish I could go back to that time. I did not realize how special it was until I was finally bedtime potty-trained. I also think that is why I like cloth-backed diapers. As a baby I used plastic-backed, but all of my pull-ups were cloth-backed and I think that cloth-backed diapers and other adult protective undergarments give me a sense of familiarity.
Ever try to “untrain” at night? For me it isn’t a choice but from those who try say that night is easiest to lose.
Lyric said:
My experiences were so similar. Mom diapered me until I was 17 for bedwetting. My younger sisters were also diapered so at least until I was 15 we were all diapered an hour or so before bed and would all hang out and watch tv or play a game in just our diapers and rubber pants. By the way, your avatar looks so much like my own cloth prefolds and blue ducky head diaper pins.
I would love to hear more about those experiences. I, too was diapered at night. I wet the bed. For a few years between getting dry in the day and going back to diapers I was in pull ups at night. They proved deficient so my parents ultimately went back to diapers. I sucked at taping when I was five or six. So it was just the night time routine. I’d take my shower after homework. My mom would come in and I’d lay down on the towel. She would powder me and put me in a blue luvs or an overnight pampers. Getting diapered stopped temporarily when I was 14-15. At 14 I had outgrown the largest baby diapers. When we started buying attends, my mom decided it was my time to start on my own. Fast forward to a ski accident which brought back, gradually, daytime wetting at which time I was not capable of easily diapering at night (for the following month after the ski accident. Temporary limited mobility and finger numbness due to spinal compression.) initially I was completely incontinent due to the compression, but quickly returned to somewhat my normal with disk decompression. But as the disk healed poorly, the nerve that controls “involuntary” spasms (which everyone has) got pinched and was firing randomly, and became much stronger to the point where my bladder was nearly in constant state of flex (yes, it is as painful as it sounds)
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idk if "allowed" if the correct term in my case - more like necessity.
Nerve damage since birth, so always 24/7 - and LOTS of other issues besides ic - one effecting hands so never able to change my own diaper either. 🙁
Ok so open. Maybe. We would go to my aunts house in tennesse. We would get in the car and drive there. I was an only child and mom made me wear a diaper for the trip till I was 16. I thought it was weird but didn’t mind it.
The car didn’t have air conditioning so I remember during the summer trips that I would take off my shorts and just sit there In a diaper. Maybe the only time I guess I was able to show me wearing a diaper openly.
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I wore them into my late teens for my bedwetting problems
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