Adult baby stealth

Beckybear said:
From friends and family and job???
Someone's opinion would ruin you?
All of that
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Beckybear said:
Why is it I never see other adult baby's I'm public.
I never see you in your push chairs or being cared for.
I never see adult baby dressed cute and cuddly.
I don't see adult baby clubs or pubs.
Where are you ?
I'm not a baby, but a little. I'm always my little self ^^ I dress in kids' clothes and carry a plushie, nobody cares. I leave my paci and sippy in my bag, even though I think it wouldn't be a really big problem. Nappies are invisible so that's not a problem. Some of my friends are really scary to show their littleness outdoors. It's understandable because it's vulnerable and people are judgemental. It's everyone's own choice. 99% of the time people don't even really look around them though, they're too busy with themselves.

I try not to regress in public, or at least try to behave 'adult' like people expect from me. It frustrates me, but I guess I have to play their game to get what I want in the most efficient way. I would regress more easily outside with a caregiver though, but I'd still try not to be a bother to anyone. Or my caregiver would make sure ^^

Late at night or in a scary big city I try to be more stealthy, because there's also big bad meanies out there...