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DianaDiagonal said:
So the doc refered me to a psyc who will evaluate me. There is approx 12 month waitinglist, but at least it's free. Might be faster if someone cancell.

Rolling thoughs around in my head for a loonger period of time is "how I roll" 😛 My bladder dosent feel like it's manageing to establishing a "3 way TCP handshake connection" with my brain as my brain settings keeps resetting to a default UDP broadcast (so to speak). If youre not a computernerd it means that my bladder feels like its not getting any feedback from my brain, as it's to busy broadcasting other thoughts. Is this something anyone can relate to?

If anyone has any cents or bitcoins to share, please feel free to do so. Im happy to read any currency you have to offer 🙂
Ahh I just had a memory moment of having to terminal into a floor standing nexus router
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