Accepting Girlfriend

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RunningDL said:
I'm in almost exactly the same situation right now. I just started dating my girlfriend and she knew about me being a DL before we started dating. She doesn't see it as weird, she just sees it as something I like. The only problem is that I am ashamed of it. So to make me at least comfortable with her, she's been having me repeat out loud (when it's just her and me) and say that I like to wear diapers. It's actually tough for me to say outloud and before this I thought I accepted my DL life, but I think I accepted it as being something I like and never really accepted it as a part of who I am. Me saying to her and myself that I like to wear diapers, it's definitely helping remove some shame. Her seeing me in one though, will be a whole other obstacle.

My girlfriend does the same thing! She's seen me in one and doesn't think of me any differently.
Eyes Opened, you are a truly unselfish and loving person and that is rare in this world. I am happy that you accept him for who he Is and I am sure he will accept you in the same respect. Here is too the wish a wonderful life for you both. Maybe one day you will try it with him. Not sure if your into the life but might be something you two can come to share together. Best of luck to you both and stay strong together.
Eyes opened is not my girlfriend. Lol.
my boyfriend doesnt mind me wearing diapers ether. there was a time i had to hide them form him but he found them and got really mad but he got over it when i went to work at a summer camp over the summer. luck i guess
I am like you Internet, I am not AB but wear for security / coping / stress relief. As a youth I had accidents and was put in protective undergarments (which was humiliating at the time) but I also was encouraged by my best friend's mother as to the logic of being comfortable and secure at night and no one noticing me wearing a diaper and plastic underpants beneath my pajamas (or rather not paying much attention to it). No problems as a teenager but then in college the nighttime accidents re-occured and a great roomate that understood my need to go back in to snap-on diapers and plastic underpants made it easier to deal with. Having in depth relationships meant explaining to my bed-partners my security garments I had to slip into and though there were a good many turned off by this there were alot that completely understood and were glad I took the precaution instead of possibly having an accident with them in bed.

I rarely have an accident nowadays but my wife understands my security feeling of staying in a cotton trainer underwear with PUL plastic underpants. I do not wear anything over them at night typically; just a tee shirt. I think the big difference is I knew from college I was not looking for the entire world to accept my security needs but only one eventual long time person. We are open about alot of items and sexual areas and only a few times were diapers involved (and it was fun!). But neither one of us dwell all day long on my desire to stay in protection at night. If your fetish / desire is severe enough you cannot get out of the house nor get a job to support your family then I think you need to seek some professional help (IMO) but this does not sound like your situation.

You have the beginnings of a great relationship, support her needs also as best as you can. What you two share / support is all you need, the rest of the world can go about their own business. Sure, others may possibly find out that you wear protective undergarments but it is only your business as to why you do. If they ask, tell them it is for personal reasons and leave it at that. I think these types of undergarments are more common today then 25 years ago and more people could care less about who is wearing what beneath their clothes.
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