A year ago....

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  1. Adult Baby
When I was hitting bottom on multiple levels; out of nowhere I opened up to my wife. It was the biggest leap of faith I had ever taken in my life. A secret I had held for over 50 years and had kept from her for 30.

This past year has been the best year of my life. I can be me around my wife, she accepts and participates in my little side 100%. I am not embarrassed or ashamed to discuss this side of me or my needs with her. In fact she just stood next to me a few moments ago to order new diaper pins and disposables, she was looking at jammies as well commenting on how cute they were, and that I need to have thicker plastic pants the next time around.

Another thing that has helped me immensely is all of you. Your advice your trial's and tribulations. I can not remember exactly when I found ADISC, I know it took me a few months to get up the courage to join. But, I have felt nothing but welcome here and have learned so much. My wife even reads the threads to learn more about me and being AB. It has been so helpful. This site has been instrumental along with my wife's unconditional acceptance for me to wipe away the shame and guilt that I carried locked away deep within for over 50 years. And even though, I know that this "thing" will probably never be mainstream in my lifetime. At least in my little corner of the world I have found peace and acceptance. Thank you.
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You are very lucky to have such an accepting wife. I'm glad this past year has been going so well for you. We all come to accept this side of ourselves in our own time, some take longer than others, the important thing is that we make peace with this side of ourselves, embrace it, accept ourselves and then if we're lucky and if all goes well, we can even find the courage to tell others and then we may even gain their unconditional love and acceptance as well :)

I'm glad that all of us here at ADISC were able to help you at some point, that's exactly what the community is for, support and discussion. I know I've gotten great advice through members at ADISC as well. I hope you continue to have fun and explore this side of yourself. I hope that everyone on this site, particularly those that are struggling, can learn to accept and embrace this side of themselves fully and it should go without saying, I hope all of us are able to find that special someone who we can share not only this side of ourselves with, but the rest of our lives with as well.

Very nice post :)
Thank you for sharing your powerful story. It really does feel good to be open around our partners, doesn't it?

I was going to try to hide it from my wife, for her benefit, because it's pretty clear she's not into it/borderline repulsed by most of it. I've only been doing this for a few weeks but really like it. She's been about as understanding as one could be starting with those feelings. When I asked her if it's okay with her that I start wearing diapers around her, she said as long as you don't use them. Well, I just kept silent. Yesterday she noticed I'd wet my diaper, commented that I smelled like urine after taking it off. Oops. She seemed to shake it off. This is all so new; hopefully she'll come around. I'm so hopeful that she'll eventually change me etc. but am trying as hard as I can not to be pushy.

I was looking for this!! You have made me feel very good about my own openness with my loved ones that I looked for your story! I am so happy your wife is so supportive and loving!! We are lucky people, and I really hope you enjoy this new way of life with her!

This past year has been like no other. I really was at the end of my ropes. Her acceptance not only saved me but turned our marriage inside out in only the "best way".

Thanx Kik.
littlemoosey said:
This past year has been like no other. I really was at the end of my ropes. Her acceptance not only saved me but turned our marriage inside out in only the "best way".

Thanx Kik.

I can imagine. I was like that too. You can read about my struggles in the post called "Life Screams" in the Mature section. Don't if you don't want tho. Anyway, I know what it feels like to be on rock bottom but rise up thanks by acceptance and love.

Plus, now you can go around in diapers in the house hehe
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