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I ate babyfood today

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  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Incontinent
I went to a baby shower for a friend of mine (only my second in my life, the first being my own child's shower) and one of the things they do is play games. One of the games is to be blindfolded while you taste a spoonful of some type of food they hand you. As it turned out all the foods were babyfood. YUCK, GROSS, BLECH!!! I honestly don't know how babies can eat this stuff, Gross! But, I did do it (took one for the team doncha know) and it is my best friend. Being blindfolded really freaks me out so I must really love this couple I'll tell you that. From now on the only babyfood I will EVER indulge in better come straight from a Mommy. :bleh:
I used to love baby showers. I helped host a couple for friends when I was younger. They loved my cooking so I told them I would help out. But what I did not tell them is that while helping host the baby shower I would be wearing only a diaper. It kind of surprised them when they showed up but loved that I was getting in on the party. Had a lot of fund with those baby showers.
I hear ya, Baby Food is dreadful. I think it has something to do with the high-iron content. The only Baby Food's I have actually enjoyed are ones of the fruit variety.

Mommy made me some baby food over the weekend that was actually really good. She basically just made adult meals and pureed them, so there was seasoning and they weren't high in iron.

Yeah, if you are ever gonna eat baby food in the future, try some of the fruity ones or wait for a Mommy to indulge her with some baby food of her own :)
BuffedBaby said:
I went to a baby shower for a friend of mine (only my second in my life, the first being my own child's shower) and one of the things they do is play games. One of the games is to be blindfolded while you taste a spoonful of some type of food they hand you. As it turned out all the foods were babyfood. YUCK, GROSS, BLECH!!! I honestly don't know how babies can eat this stuff, Gross! But, I did do it (took one for the team doncha know) and it is my best friend. Being blindfolded really freaks me out so I must really love this couple I'll tell you that. From now on the only babyfood I will EVER indulge in better come straight from a Mommy. :bleh:

a babies taste buds are greatly different than an adult's. To them it is good, just like how kids hate the taste of vegetables, adults will hate the taste of baby food.
The best baby food I've tried was the "Happy Baby" brand. If I ever have a kid, I'd think I'd feed them this brand as it actually tasted not bad. They use lemon juice as the preservative so it was a bit tart but other than that so far all the ones I've tried from that brand have been ok. I mostly stick to the fruits with oaks as it's tasty and the oats add some texture.
The fruit ones are basically just smoothies, so it makes sense that they are tasty to adults^^

The non-fruit ones typically don't have any seasoning, which makes them taste yucky to us, but it makes sense as they are meant to introduce babys to new flavours in their pure form. I don't mind them that much actually, but then again I'm super sensitive to strong flavours.

To be perfectly honest, though I know it might take away from the baby feeling a bit if you don't have the cute jar to go with it, it's really easy to make your own (fruit) baby food: just stick some fruit in a blender and enjoy.
I've only ever tried the fruit ones, and they're pretty good. I'm curious to try some of the non-fruit ones. Although I expect they will taste bad, at least they'll make me feel extra babyish.
I'm just going to reiterate what other people have said. The fruits are really good but you can make them yourself REALLY easily especially if you have a high powered mini-blender like the magic bullet.
I make my own baby food all the time. Even veggies are good if you just blend up canned veggies because they are seasoned. Sometimes I will buy the Libby's single serving vegetables and throw them in there after removing about 2/3 of the water and then put them back in the little cup to microwave, they are awesome. So are some of the Hormel Completes but the sodium content is atrocious but for something to just open, blend, microwave and serve they work.
Most of the time I will just make a regular dinner and measure out a portion for myself and blend each component, adding broth to thin it out. Juice or milk works if its something sweet.
Also I have been know to blend dry cereal or instant oatmeal to get the baby food consistency. The instant oatmeals still taste exactly the same your just getting a better consistency by breaking it down into a powder.
Just think about what baby food is, just cooked and pureed regular old food. If you like the chunks take one ingredient out and dont blend it like little bits of carrot or just pulse dry rice before you cook it and add that after everything else has been pureed. I have been working these things out for about a year noe and it's really easy to make.
MailCat581 said:
Josh's mom gave me some Nature's Finest Organic Peaches baby food the other day. It tasted really good despite what I was thinking it would taste like. I only like fruit baby foods not the other things.

Hehee :3 Yush! I like to eat fruity babb foods as well :tongueout: My fave local ones haves teddy bear logo on it!
I don't know guys my son's baby food it's pretty tasty. His banana just taste like homemade banana pudding, my wife will actually get mad at me because all eat it myself lol. His meat-based ones are not too bad either, just tastes like very bland soup. He doesn't seem to complain, but he's also 8 months old so what does he know lol.
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