My last diaper, and saying goodbye.

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  1. Diaper Lover
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I'm going to be moving over to university soon for my 2nd year of college. I'm transferring from a community college to a university and will be using the last of my diaper stash tonight. I'm moving into the dorms. I can't really think of a good way to continue my diaper life while living with other people. I don't want them to know about it, and honestly I kinda would like to give it up. I have had a lot of fun with this for the past year living at home and having the ability to buy real diapers from ABU. Now it's going to be a lot harder to participate. Maybe soon I'll be able to jump back into this if I find myself in the right situation. For now I'm going to diaper up one last time in my Abu preschool, play some video games, and drink more water then I ever have before. Maybe I'll check back every now and then. But for now I'd like to distance myself to see if this is something I really want or need in my life. Who knows what I'll decided to do in a year or 2. Until then, thanks for all the awesome advice. Stay padded ADISC.
How many roommates will you have? I had one and he would go home on weekends several times a semester. If I knew then what I know now...
Do you have a vehicle? Just keep them in the trunk.
I wore diapers with a roommate last year. I just kept a small stash and wore when he went home every now and then.
I have 3 room mates. We all have our separate rooms. I'd rather wait a little and figure things out before diving into the idea of bring them around.
BabyLink9 said:
I'd rather wait a little and figure things out before diving into the idea of bring them around.

I see no problem with this. Just be aware that for many people, this 'condition' doesn't go away. On the other hand, I don't see a problem in trying to figure out whether you are one of these people or not.

Good luck with University!
Good luck furthering your education, your making the right approach, you have the rest of your life to take advantage of abdl things.
College is THE perfect time for all kinds of experimenting. Just be open and honest you like wearing them, then also offer a diaper to your roommates and see if they want to try one too. Or just stay low key about them, and if anyone asks say you need them for overnight.
You are always welcome here. Have a good year at Uni. :)
Diapered all through college for medical reasons. I would just go about your normal routines forget about what others say. Only a few times I had to set people straight on my issues. There is no reason to "give up " your wearing. Just do not broadcast that you wear them and if you need changing just use a handicapped bathroom or a one stall bathroom somewhere on campus. As June Allyson from Kimberly Clark Depend line would say " You have a lot of living to do and you can do it with Depend."
Crinklebuttt said:
Do you have a vehicle? Just keep them in the trunk.

Yes and most cars have a compact spare but with space for a full size wheel, it makes a great spot to hide diapers! I have done this.
I would follow your instincts. When I was in college, home was about 50 miles away and since I had a weekend job, I'd drive home each weekend where I could indulge in my own room on the weekends. My room was the finished attic of my parents house.

Being attracted to diapers is very difficult to shake, because it runs deep, psychologically. But college is challenging and studying will take most of your time. It's also a place where you will meet a lot of people whom you will have a lot in common, and some will be of the opposite sex, etc. This is the time to experience all the things college students experience. If you don't want some of that time consumed by diapers, go for it. It's your life and you will have many opportunities and with those, choices to make. Enjoy those four years because nothing following those years will be remotely similar.

College/university makes profound changes on our lives. For me, I learned my craft which was music. I performed at Philharmonic Hall, NYC and Carnegie Hall. I had as many downs as ups but I wouldn't trade anything for the experience. Go enjoy college and if you return to us once in awhile, well and good. If not, that's okay too.
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I too am starting my second year at university. Last year, I was in the same situation as you, three roommates, all separate rooms. I decided that this was going to be the perfect way to experiment more with all this stuff, and it really did help. I was finally able to order anything I needed and have it shipped to the university mailroom (student Amazon Prime is a godsend!). It wasn't too difficult to hide my stash, and I soon learned each of my roommates' schedules and worked around that.

It turns out that engineering takes a lot more of your time than you'd think. That along with more socializing than I thought I'd be doing meant that I didn't get to indulge as much as I thought I would. But it was a good and enjoyable experience and fun when I got a chance to work in some "me" time. Now I'm in a house with a private bathroom and it is MUCH easier, but I digress.

So I guess my advice is this: bring a small stash with you. You have your own room and a lock on your door is invaluable. Use it! You will probably find yourself too busy to wear diapers too often, but you will learn to relish those times more. I think it makes it more meaningful overall, and also it's a great way to relieve stress!

Anyways, regardless of what you decide, just know that there isn't really a wrong decision. It's all really down to personal preference. Do whatever you want with your time as long as you don't waste it. Have fun and enjoy getting your education!
Well your already committed however if you had of wanted you could have gotten a suite with another diaper user,just remember "absence makes the heart grow fonder" you will either never touch them again or be ready to kill to get back to them in summer next year, either way lots can happen in a year , enjoy yourself I would have to say most of college is an event that signals the last of the best years of life , from here on its all working to have "your golden years" , to retire and do the things you didn't now , since we never know what life has in store for us , don't play it to safe, you can always be an adult but never will you get your youth back .

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I hate to break it to you, but it's not going away. You can make it less of a priority but it's always gonna be there. Good luck in school.
Take your time and enjoy school, and the experiences that will come your way. You are very lucky to be living on campus, I had to forgo it to afford school. Step back from ABDL, and see what other doors can open, you never know what else you might find that you really enjoy. Even though you may not be padded, it doesn't mean you can't still log onto ADISC to just check in, or say hi. Good luck in school!
Its good to move away from a circle occasionally and reevaluate the situation its easy to get caught up and carried away with things. Your only young with many enjoyments and experiences in front of you so enjoy your youth as it'll be over before you know it. If you can't wear diapers and don't want people to know then don't wear them, don't let diapers complicate your life and distracted you from your studies. If you truly love wearing diapers then you will go back to it when you can if only on the odd occasions and your enjoy them all the more for it. Be Lucky and Good Luck :thumbup4:
I actually used diapers in school, no one noticed even tho I used pretty thick ones. Old Crinklz (Comficare), MyDiaper and the old Tena Slip was my go-to. They helped me get trough the day without a bathroom break ;)
I went to a vocational school so my schoolwork was mostly actual work done while standing, so diapers were a big help. Sitting down in class would've been different.

I wish you the best! Have a blast, learn, educate and most of all - learn more about yourself. Hopefully we see you around from time to time!
When i was in college i had roommates. The first year we were in a dorm, after that we had our own rooms. I had the guts (or maybe the stupidity) to have a small stash in the dorms, but i don't think I'd do that again... too nerve wracking, even though i never got caught. With my own room, i never had a problem, but i also had trustworthy roommates regarding privacy, which isn't always the case. I'd definitely at least get a feel for roommates living habits before thinking about bringing in diapers to the house.

All that being said, if you want to try quitting, no reason not to try, and more power to ya! If you end up wanting them again, it's not like it's hard to get them. But for the love of sanity (and I'm sure you probably wouldn't do this, but i feel the need to say something since its been brought up) don't go around telling people about it, especially your roomies! That's a recipe for an alienated and awkward year! There's nothing wrong with what we do, but most people (99.999%, I'd guess) would prefer not to know about it!
College is a tough time, where you will be tried emotionally enough to want to escape into diapers, but do not have enough privacy to do so without getting caught. My thoughts are, don't take any unnecessary risks at this time. Getting caught or exposed when you're not ready to share your secret can be devastating for anyone, and especially so for a college student who is just trying to fit in. Know that this period of drought where you can't wear diapers freely will pass eventually, and you will be richer for the experience when you can finally wear again. In my opinion ABDL interests are a private matter that shouldn't be shared with anyone except your closest loved ones. The bro who shares a hall in your dorm is not likely to respond to your desires as gently as a parent or long term love interest would be.
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