When Did Become unacceptable To Wear Diappers

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Some people think any kind of physical disability is related to a mental disability. As for wanting to wear not have a reason it is weird as soicety popularly prefers toilets for these kinds of wastes, the idea of having something that disgusting snug to your waist is kind of disgusting.
LittleICme said:
When did it become unacceptable to wear diapers?

After age 4.
And before age 70.
Medical exempt.

In 1954...

Meowstic said:
As someone into diapers, I can say that it is weird. It's not bad or anything, and I'm not hurting anyone, but I feel it's something quite personal I don't particularly want to share with people who know me IRL, like my friends or my family.
I'm fairly sure the majority of people don't even know what DLs are. It's honestly not quite surprising that the vast majority of people find it weird to wear diapers, and especially use them. If you crap yourself next to a random stranger and they notice, odds are, they'll be... Bothered, at the least. And even if you're a grown adult with full continence and people see your clean diapers, it could bring that connotation with it.
I don't think most strangers would really care about diapers though, they might figure that you need them for medical purposes. I think there's quite little people who really give a damn that people are into this, and actively spout their hate for DLs. These people shouldn't even be bothered with, because they're just ignorant and have nothing better to do, probably under the misconceptions that we're pedophiles. Or the fact that some (me included) actually purposefully partake in voiding their bodily wastes on themselves could gross them out, which I completely understand.
Again, as long as it doesn't affect others, I see nothing wrong with it. But from the standpoint of someone who isn't into this stuff, this is weird. Not worth trying to demerit, and to me, not worth everyone knowing this part of me.

OK, honestly, I've thought about this a lot. From that perspective, my thoughts are that MOST people assume (wrongly) that baby diapers, used by babies/toddlers, are nearly always used for #2, but they're probably used 5 times as much for just pee. Toddlers get bowel control between 2-3, and can still wet/bedwet for a couple of years more. BUT, mention a diaper, and most people immediately think of the terribly stinky ones, so, if you mention an adult in diapers, that same association is USUALLY (erroneously) inferred. Sad as that is, you can't change human nature, and that's why this fetish will ALWAYS be viewed in the extreme, even though we all know a little peepants fun can be a great equalizer, taking us back to the toddler days, when pee was almost still expected, but poo was frowned upon, if for nothing more than the obvious smells & cleanup. My thoughts on the subject...
When did diapers become unacceptable to wear is based on why they are thought unacceptable to wear. From the age of, lets say three, every child hears what a good big girl or boy you are when they use the potty. Big girls and boys get to do more things than babies. A five year old going out in diapers will be ridiculed by their peers and called a big stupid baby. Of course nothing could be further from the truth. Age has nothing to do with stupidity and babies are far from stupid. They learn an incredible amount in just a few years. Still the feeling persists that anyone who chooses to wear diapers like a baby must have missed the boat of normal development.
Parents shouldn't ridicule children that pooping their pants is a terrible taboo and the Lord will condemn him and so on while pee is ok, both are completely natural and if God didn't want poop, he wouldn't of made us poop. No parent should scold their kid for having an accident or even a baby for pooping his diaper, the kids can't help it for Peres sake! I am pretty sure if they could help it, they would!
dlissexy said:
The way I see it, its a sickness, I am sick. Its not a sickness that affects me in any the way, but it sure is a sickness to be a DL, especially one who has sexualised feelings associated with the object in question. I can try and glorify it, see it as a sign of independence and free thought, or dress it up anyway I want.Its still a sickness and an abnormal psychological / physiological thing to have. Glorifying my dis-ease doesnt make the disease go away or be any better. or more normal.
In that case, anything that makes you "different" is a sickness... welcome to 50 years ago!
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