Use Neuralink to create controllable incontinence and allow others to control it

Would you be interested in using Neuralink to create controllable incontinence & controll bladder?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 37.5%
  • No

    Votes: 16 40.0%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 9 22.5%

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Little otter pup | Usually eepy
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  2. Diaper Lover
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  5. Little
Earlier today, me and my friend were talking and the discussion of hypothetically being able to control one's continence and bladder via neuralink came up. It could be controlled via a smart phone app or some means.

If continence were switched "off", then it would "link" one's external urethral sphincter to their internal urethral sphincter so it would open and close whenever the internal urethral sphincter opened and closed. It could also reduce or completely remove the ability to tell how full the bladder is.

On top of that, there could be a way to cause both the external and internal urethral sphincters to open simultaneously making you uncontrollably wet yourself.

That way you or someone else could have complete control of your continence and bladder.

If this were done in a way where it were somehow guaranteed to be 100% safe and secure, I would love to be able to do something like this. Being able to give someone else this sort of control as well as being able to control it myself sounds like it could be loads of fun. In the poll question I was going to add "assuming it were 100% safe" to the poll question, but couldn't fit all the characters.

Of course in reality there's probably no way to guarantee anything 100% and we probably won't see neuralink developed out to achieve anything like this in our lifetimes and it may never be able to do something like this. But it was a fun and entertaining hypothetical discussion with my fellow friend that I found interesting.

While I'll admit I've thought and fantasized about being incontinent, I don't actually want to be and I'm glad that I'm not and feel bad for those that are. It sounds stressful and like it would be a pain to always have to deal with.
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The next questions would be how much would the system cost and if it would require long-term maintenance to stay efficient.
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Fiammaverde said:
The next questions would be how much would the system cost and if it would require long-term maintenance to stay efficient.
Definitely a good questions that we were (purposefully) ignoring and and not accounting for in our hypothetical conversation. I really have no idea, but I think it's safe to say that it'll probably be not cheap and most likely require at least some type of maintenance, especially at first before the tech is developed out.
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I'm not very friend of this.
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If we're stipulating that it's 100% safe and secure, then for sure.

I probably wouldn't give the control to someone else. That's not really a big deal for me. But temporary IC sounds lovely.
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OK, I'll take the bait and comment on this. In theory, it could be amusing to have someone trusted, like a spouse, be able to release your bladder as a prank or whatever. I guess some might use it in a Dom/sub situation. If that were available as a side effect of a NeuraLink I already had, and I had a spouse who wanted that control, I'd give it to her. If I had a wife who loved me, there's not a whole lot I wouldn't give her.

But I see no real value in this, and the implantation process sounds very risky, besides which my understanding is that the purpose of this device is to allow the brain to control things outside of itself, not to allow outside things to control the brain. I wouldn't dream of undergoing the risk and cost of installing one of these for an elaborate prank, or to otherwise manipulate my body. I only get one brain and one body. It also is deeply concerning to potentially allow outsiders, from medicine, government, or hackers, to potentially be able to access run level coding on my body.

I see scenarios where this device would have tremendous potential value, but they are outliers. Making your bladder release simply isn't one of them.
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PadPhilosopher said:
I wouldn't dream of undergoing the risk and cost of installing one of these for an elaborate prank, or to otherwise manipulate my body. I only get one brain and one body. It also is deeply concerning to potentially allow outsiders, from medicine, government, or hackers, to potentially be able to access run level coding on my body.
This reminds me of how BMW considered locking features like heated seats behind a subscription. I'm imagining a dystopian future in which you have to pay a monthly fee to have your continence.
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Ya, in an ideal perfect universe, where it didn't cost an arm and a leg and carried virtually 0 risk to have it implanted, then I'd go for it. I'm picturing augmentation developed to something like from the Ghost in the Shell, Mass Effect, or Deus Ex series (and even in some of those series there were still some potential issues with it).

@PadPhilosopher This would offer 100% no actual benefit being used this way lol, just a fun silly mental exercise more than anything. To me, using it in a sub/dom and/or a little/big cg dynamic is exactly what I was thinking for giving control to others. Plus every now and then turning my continence off while I'm diapered during the day and when I went to bed would be interesting to experience.
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There are bladder "pacemaker", these devices can make your bladder go again, when "out of order" or can calm an overactive bladder down, The programming is of course to get rid of incontinence, not provide it. Never thought about the possibility "misusing" that.
The problem is, that these electrodes need to be implanted.
I got a TENS device for several month to calm my bladder down, that used sticky pads. But it did not work for me.

There is for sure a medical interest in a control device as you see and there is perhaps even an interest in simulating incontinence:
I know a special catheter, which is used like a stent that takes your control as a male away for the outer sphincter to simulate a TERP operation.

But as you see, the problem is very complex and it is already worked on this.
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Current Switzerland Technology, in testing, is based on an implant, which allows the signals from one's Brain to stream around the spinal cord nerve mass at S1/L5. This region commonly affects communication with one's Kidneys and Bladder, plus other critical activities like walking.

In conjunction with Pino statement above, there is extensive work aimed at providing continence, which elevates the question: "with so much work to limit incontinence, why would one want it?"

I understand that some want to wet and/or soil themselves without control, but maybe that kink is a want that should be a discussion point with one's Therapist. Understanding, there is a growing number of individuals that have become kind-of-IC and once so afflicted, wants to regain what they had rejected. Take Great Care of What One Wishes for as it just May Come True!!
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Sealander said:
If we're stipulating that it's 100% safe and secure, then for sure.

I probably wouldn't give the control to someone else. That's not really a big deal for me. But temporary IC sounds lovely.
these were my exact thoughts
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Sealander said:
If we're stipulating that it's 100% safe and secure, then for sure.

I probably wouldn't give the control to someone else. That's not really a big deal for me. But temporary IC sounds lovely.
There are ways to arrange temporary incontinence that don't involve mucking with your entire neurosystem. @Pino mentioned this. In spite of the risks, propping the sphincters is a lot safer than neurohacking of any sort, if incontinence is the goal.
CutestPaddedFemboy said:
Putting something inside the sphincter to keep it from closing/sealing. That's all I'll say here. I'm already risking mod wrath to say what I have.
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I wouldn't ever give the control of this to someone else but if it could be done in a safe manner I'd consider giving it a shot.
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Edgewater said:
...I understand that some want to wet and/or soil themselves without control, but maybe that kink is a want that should be a discussion point with one's Therapist. Understanding, there is a growing number of individuals that have become kind-of-IC and once so afflicted, wants to regain what they had rejected. Take Great Care of What One Wishes for as it just May Come True!!
I could've and was considering not including the term "incontinence" in the poll and opening thread post and instead just refer to it as something more simple and generic such as just "remote bladder control" or something like that which would maybe actually be more accurate. In this hypothetical scenario you wouldn't really be wetting and/or soiling yourself without control, at least not exactly, it would kinda be "controllable uncontrol" if that makes sense? Which I wonder if that would technically make it not count as incontinence.

Edgewater said:
...which elevates the question: "with so much work to limit incontinence, why would one want it?"
I don't know if I can fully explain why or understand myself tbh, but it's just an experience I'd enjoy and I'll try my best to formulate my thoughts on maybe why. One of the reasons I'm ABDL is that it reminds me of a time when I had less responsibility and stress and was overall happier. I associate being little with these feelings and little things, like pacies, plushies, and diapers really help induce and complement these feelings. Legitimatley needing diapers is another thing that I associate with being little and as such also induces and complements these feelings. Giving up control and creating a dependence on something (such as a diaper) is a way of offloading a responsibility which I like. Granted relying on a diaper is a very specific example, but the idea of giving up control and offloading and reducing responsibilities is something I really like and find really appealing. This also explains why the idea of being submissive is so appealing to me as well. While I do enjoy the benefits of being more independent and being able to make my own decisions, some days I wish I could just have someone to think and make decisions for me and tell what to do. I honestly don't know if my decisions are always the right or best ones, especially when it comes to achieving long term goals, having someone I can just trust and make those decisions and all I have to do is simply do what I'm told sounds like it'd be really nice.

Just to reiterate, I'm glad and don't want to be truly IC, but I've done things before to similuate it and enjoyed it and maybe the above reasoning could at least partially be why. They way I simulated it though was not very conveninet and carried risks and as such I don't do it too often, but If I had the ability to safely and conveniently do it then I definitely would.

Tbh, when I posted this thread I was a little worried that it'd possibly upset and offend some people. So far though, I'm relieved that this community has surprised and impressed me with its maturity and responses as per usual heheh
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NabePup said:
I could've and was considering not including the term "incontinence" in the poll and opening thread post and instead just refer to it as something more simple and generic such as just "remote bladder control" or something...
Seriously, when somebody could give me "remote bladder control" i would appreciate it, i will take that on the spot, because i do have problems with letting go without wanting, and keeping it, when wanting to let got. It would be THE device i am looking for. No Botox, not catheters, nice.

When some one is using that for other reasons (kink, or whatsoever), who cares? It would help a lot of people with real problems.
Go for it!
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20 years ago i built a little device for my self-fun .... it was an electric valve connected to a random-time-generator wich did switch on 9V electricity randomly. This connected to the valve wich i fixed on the end of a catheter ... wenn the generator went on, the valve opened and the catheter was open to let fluid out and shut itself when the generator switches to "off"
This was quite fun but a lot of hardware to carry around ;-)

An easyer way but only for single use ... close the tube of a catheter with a gummibear and set the catheter in. The gummibear will melt in between minutes to hours and once melted the catheter is open and you can't help but let your diaper do its work ;-)

Have fun but be careful with all this kind of play - there are risks for your health.

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allesindie said:
20 years ago i built a little device for my self-fun .... it was an electric valve connected to a random-time-generator wich did switch on 9V electricity randomly. This connected to the valve wich i fixed on the end of a catheter ... wenn the generator went on, the valve opened and the catheter was open to let fluid out and shut itself when the generator switches to "off"
This was quite fun but a lot of hardware to carry around ;-)

An easyer way but only for single use ... close the tube of a catheter with a gummibear and set the catheter in. The gummibear will melt in between minutes to hours and once melted the catheter is open and you can't help but let your diaper do its work ;-)

Have fun but be careful with all this kind of play - there are risks for your health.

Wow, that's elaborate but interesting. I would be concerned about corrosion and short circuits, but I'm sure you thought about this.
PadPhilosopher said:
Wow, that's elaborate but interesting. I would be concerned about corrosion and short circuits, but I'm sure you thought about this.
Gummibears do not corrode ;-) But yes, i thought of a that and get all devices in my diaper well isolated...
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