Exploring my littlespace

siysiy said:
Have you explored the age range of your inner child? You don't need to wear a diaper to be in Little Space or do any activity that makes you feel unbalanced.

Spending time in Little Space and Regression is more about being in the moment and letting your inner child explore the world around you.
That's a very good point. For me littlespace is a lot more fun when I'm wearing a diaper, but it's not a requirement. There are lots of things you can do to release your inner child.

A few ideas:
  • Go to the park and swing on the swings
  • Visit a science museum
  • Explore part of your city you've never been to
  • Hike a nature trail
  • Get ice cream cone
  • Go to the beach and make a sandcastle
More ideas: https://thoughtcatalog.com/nicole-t...ld-that-are-somewhat-acceptable-in-adulthood/ https://madewithlemons.co/connect-with-your-inner-child/
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