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  • C
    well alot of times its personal conversations and no real plot chance
    i get a little annoyed to >.>
    I wish we could have a paragraph rule, but that wouldnt be fair considering the OP

    wheather you deside to continue or not...i wuv you mommy *hugs*
    *cries* how can you be my mummy if you keep taking hiatuses
    your still needed at the hospital... i dont think any major updates have happened...other than house and wilson
    Yes, that's true. CuteGaachan and curiousitykitten are doing all of it.
    Totally missed your visitor message, sorry. If you're still having the issue, clear your cache and restart your browser. I was aware of the issue while Moo (the big boss here) was working on it.
    I don't really know much about the back end of the site - I don't know much about how the internet works in general. Post in the requests forum with for the webmaster in the title - he'll know better hot to solve it
    its happening to everyone, I dont know whats going on
    what should i do in the hospital rp to make it interesting?
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