Where are they now? Shout out to AB/DLs you miss


A happy, soggy li'l toddle-waddle Pampers girl.
Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
  2. Little
There have been some AB/DLs out there who've gone their ways as I went mine...I miss them all so I wanna send a message-in-a-bottle to 'em on this Cyber Sea...
  • Karrie Falon: you were the first M2F DL I ever met: a fellow gearhead, a wonderful heart...and the only person I ever saw who could not only whip up crepes over a campfire but an actual birthday cake! You are truly amazing...and I miss you. I'm a baby girl now...and have you in-part to thank! Where'd you go?
  • Ellie from Portland, Oregon: I met you a time or two with the Portland Crew...you showed me you were happy living as a big baby girl...plus you showed me your nursery and your crib. You inspired me...and I'm Bobbi Sue Ellen now! With my own nursery, dresses and crib. You even gave me $10 for gas money once. I miss you...where'd you go? I have you to thank, too. You and Karrie can contact me anytime.
  • Bruce & Diane, Portland area: we had some time together, too: I unsuccessfully worked on your 4x4, you even put me up in your camper overnight. I miss you both...where'd you go?
  • Momster & BabyBrat, Portland area: we had fun times, you both took me to an after-hours café once where we watched a guitarist perform. Those were good times...where'd you go? I was told you both moved out of state. I miss you both...
  • Dougie & Friend, Ontario: we met at a Diaper Campout in Alberta. We had a blast together that summer...how are you both? Where'd you go? I miss you both.
  • Dougie with the yellow crotch-rocket, somewhere in Canada: you nomad, you...a free-spirit! Thank you so much for the fun at a certain 2004 Diaper Camp campfire...we all had a great night. Where'd you go to? I miss you...
  • Matty: I don't know who got bare-bottom paddled over Mommy's lap at Diaper Camp more...me or you! Impishly quiet, just as intelligent, you are. Where'd you go? I miss talkin' with ya.
One of the ones I miss most...

  • Joey: we started off on unsure footing at Diaper Camp but we found our friendship. You were amazing: outgoing, generous...and you & Brian buoyed me up in one of the hardest times of my life with phone calls of encouragement. I loved hearing from you...a real-life teddy bear. One day, you called, said you had terminal cancer, which broke my heart. I asked what I could do, you said "Nothing. Don't feel bad. I had a good life and I'm gonna keep living it!" And you did...until Brian told me you'd passed on, which broke my heart more. I miss you...more than can be said. I still chat with Brian, he's okay...and misses ya. And he's still ever the tinkerer & gearhead. You were the first AB/DL I knew who crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Bless you, Joey...and thank you eternally.
I can't ever talk with Joey anymore...but I hope someday I can chat with the others I listed here and see how they're doing in life. I miss 'em all.

One person who I wish I could see & hear from again is my former cousin who was put in diapers for accidents...who I got to see & play with that night we visited and he was in a cloth diaper. I was so envious...I wanted to be put in a diaper, too, and hang out with him. He never knew my desire...and I wonder how he'd take it, not only hearing how I wanted so badly to be put back in diapers, too, but actually see that I made it back in diapers...and as a sweet, happy baby girl, to boot!

Anyone else have any long-lost AB/DL friends they wish they could see or hear from? :unsure: Say it here! 🥰🥳
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