What do you like about messing?

I don’t like messing in my Nappies/Diapers I always prefer to wet my Nappies/Diapers instead
I love getting my diaper dirty and then not changing it for several hours. I like to feel the wetness on my butt, it has a calming effect on me.
I love the feeling of when it’s happening. The part when your diaper has fully expanded and there’s no more room left but it still keeps coming. There’s no better sensation.

The best experience is to make it as natural as possible and it shouldn’t be forced. If you are having to push hard and strain then you won’t enjoy it.
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I think the actual feeling of how heavy it feels the diaper between my legs
Like any toddler, messing in a diaper means I don't have to stop what I'm doing to sit on the 'potty monster'. This can be in my bed or out and about in my house. I tend not to wear diapers out of the house except when walking to get the mail, but since I am retired, I spend most of my time at home.

For me the cleanup is usually pretty easy (solid pooh), and I can defer it to when I'm ready.
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In short everything: the initial pressure in my bowels, relaxing and feeling my diaper fill up with warm poopie,, feeling potty settle in my diaper, walking and then sitting and feeling the warm squish, the emotional and physical catharsis sometimes makes me shudder in pleasure like a dry orgasm. Fortunately, I do not mind cleaning up at all, and have it down to a science that only takes me a few minutes. The poopie diaper that I don't like is a diaper blowout. This morning, my Attends Premier diaper is wet, warm, poopie, squishy, and a little stinky. I also do not mind the odor emanating from my diaper.