wearing diapers daily at work and then some

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  1. Diaper Lover
I recently went back to an old job where i sit at a desk in a cubicle on a call center floor and create captions for deaf and hearing impaired individuals phone calls. Obviously a deaf person can't hear their friends or doctors etc so thats where my company comes in. We caption the calls as they are happening in realtime and captions are instantly transmitted to a screen attached to the deaf or hearing impaired persons phone. Job is simple easy but a tad monotonous.

I have to drink a gallon of water a day because i am trying to prevent the agony that is kidney stones. For those that don't know kidney stone is small build up of minerals in kidney that can block you up if too big requiring surgery or if smaller you have to pass on your own imagine peeing out broken glass and before that broken glass working its way through your system it is absolute agony worse than child birth according to women you have had to deal with it. best way and my way of preventing it means drinking more water everyday which is why i have a gallon sized water bottle i travel with.

Drinking a gallon of water means i have to pee a lot and at old job i had no bathroom restrictions could go anytime and as many times as i want now i get a break every two hours. work two hours 15 minute break,work two hours 30 minute lunch work two hours 15 minute break then work two hours and go home. This is general pattern unless you're like me and work overtime which puts you back to 15 minute break every two hours.

Coming from being able to pee whenever i wanted to not being able to a hard transition to make first few days i was about ready to explode by the time i finally got permission to go on break and was in agony holding it. Now i am wearing diapers to work and go when i need to. At first it was hard to pee sitting down with others within a few feet of me in their own cubicle now it much easier. The other day i managed to go while sitting in a chair in a new employee orientation video with just me one other employee and the female floor supervisor.

So far nobody has said anything to me. I keep my locker stocked with extra diapers small trashbags and lysol spray so when i get a break or lunch i can go to locker in break room pull out trashbag put a new diaper in there to conceal it somewhat go to bathroom change myself and put old diaper in trashbag then spray lysol to clean up the smell and take trashbag with dirty diaper to dumpster behind/beside building.

Since i enjoy wearing diapers and this is a tad risky i am usually very horny through my shift. Working to get better diapers that can hold more and not need to be changed as much and will hopefully contain smell better as when i open diaper to change it reeks.

I try to change and be back into normal underwear before end of day as my wife doesn;t know about my diaper interest and i don't think she would approve.

Next month she is going to her parents for 4 weeks as she is having surgery on her fooot/ankle and won't be able to put any weight on foot. this way her mom a former nurse can watch over here and take care of her. I am hoping by that time i will be moved to and allowed to work from home as i will have to take uber/lyft to get to and from work which will be expensive and not always guaranteed as their might not be any drivers available

Also since she will be out of town for 4 weeks and assuming i am working from home by then i can wear diapers 24/7.

i can also give into other desires such as working with a buttplug in etc i am thinking about getting one of those expandable butt plugs that you can pump up with hand ballon like doctors due when checking your blood pressure.
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